Corporate Event Search Results

News: Your iPhone Will Someday Be as Sensitive as You Are

Tuesday gave us what I am dubbing a "patent dump." Can you blame me? The U.S. Patent Office released 56 patents from Apple. 56! Among them, there are patents confirming Apple is working on embedded Touch ID, edge-to-edge displays, and a 3D camera system (surprise, surprise). Some of those things we've heard rumors on for some time, but what is new is one of the patents hidden amongst the bunch, describing an Apple-made avatar system. One whose end-goal is to reflect your current emotional sta...

How To: Block Apps from Logging Your Data on Android

With root access, you're granted greater control over your device, allowing you to do things that your Android system wouldn't allow otherwise. Things like installing Xposed mods are made possible with root, but other advantages address performance and security, like stopping your Android logging, which is exactly what we'll be going over today.

How To: Turn Your Nexus 7 into a Personal Mixologist to Class Up Your Home Bar

You have an abundance (or scarcity) of alcohol, liqueurs, and chasers, but don't know how to combine or mix them together to produce some kind of enjoyable concoction for friends. What do you do? Mix things you think will taste good together? They probably won't. There's rules about clear alcohol vs. dark alcohol and how they pair with juices and sodas, so what's the best way to know what goes well with what?

How To: Create a small editor with wxPython

Kyran Dale shows how wxPython provides an easy way to bind user-generated events, such as choosing a menu option, to methods provided to handle them. The procedure shown is typical of all wxPython event handling so with little effort can be extended to far more complicated projects.

How To: Navigate Gmail like a pro

There are many tips and tricks on the best way to use your Gmail. In order to use the tips provided you will need to have the newest version of Firefox or Google Chrome for them to work. There are three tips that can help you maximize your Gmail funtionalities and help you save time.

How To: Prepare for a hurricane or typhoon

This video on typhoon preparedness comes from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, where typhoons are common. The key to surviving a typhoon or other disaster is preparation. Stock up on enough food and supplies to last your family for about a week. Routinely check expiration dates on food, water and batteries and rotate your stock. Be sure window screens are in place and in good condition in the event the power is off for several days.

How To: Use ActionScript 2.0 and Flash 8 Professional

Shown here is another video tutorial made possible through TutVid. In this video, you are learning the basics of Action Scripting in Flash. This lesson is titled "Action Scripting:101." Action scripting is one of the coolest thing about flash. The thing that makes flash special is the ability to make simple actions interactive. Flash possibilities are endless!

How To: Make a masquerade mask

Ever desired your very own masquerade mask? ThreadBanger takes us through the fun, multiple steps to acquire your very own custom-fit plaster mask! Materials needed include plaster wrap cloth, water, scissors, petroleum jelly, spray paint (in your color choice), sand paper, paint sealer spray, and decorative additions to personalize your mask! This project will need to dry overnight, so be sure to leave enough time before your party or event.

How To: Ask a girl out with success

Vanae goes over some tips on how to successfully ask a girl out in this video tutorial. The first tip offered in this tutorial is building a connection between yourself and the girl. This means talking and getting to know the girl before asking her out. The next tip is figuring out what she likes as far as restaurants and movies. The third step is to decide where you want to take her. For example, if there is a new restaurant that just opened up, Vanae suggests asking the girl if she wants to...

How To: Make a towel cake for a bridal shower or event

Learn how to make a towel cake for a bridal shower with this video! To make a towel cake start by folding a towel into a flat square. Then take a second towel and fold it in half. Lay the half folded towel on the table. Lay the towel that is folded into a square on the middle of the towel folded in half. Fold one end of the half folded towel over the folded towel and tuck it under. Then take the other side of the towel and fold it over and tuck it under making a larger folded towel square. Ta...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C5, The Parish - Park

Check out this L4D2 walkthrough for some tips on Campaign 5: The Parish - Park. Stock up on items and exit via the door right next to the one you entered. Clear out any zombies and work your way up the large staircase into the park. Be prepared to deal with a likely Crescendo event in the plaza here. Pick a one of the staircases to climb up and enter the park. The restrooms near the entrance of the park usually contain a throwable item or two. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.