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How to Hack Wi-Fi: Automating Wi-Fi Hacking with Besside-ng

Besside-ng is the hidden gem of the Aircrack-ng suite of Wi-Fi hacking tools. When run with a wireless network adapter capable of packet injection, Besside-ng can harvest WPA handshakes from any network with an active user — and crack WEP passwords outright. Unlike many tools, it requires no special dependencies and can be run via SSH, making it easy to deploy remotely.

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...

HowTo: Build a Papercraft NSX Super GT Race Car

Is your love of race cars exceeded only by your love of elaborate papercraft? Do you have easy access to industrial-size printers and a surfeit of clean cardboard? If you answered yes to all of the above, odds are you're the Seiko Epson printer corporation, who recently set about assembling an impressive 1:1-scale 3D cardboard replica of a Honda/Acura NSX Super GT race car for the 2010 Tokyo Auto Salon:

News: Working Bugatti Veyron Built with 10,000 Empty Cigarette Packs

Cobbled together from thousands of empty cigarette packs, this electric-powered vehicle puts the "car" in carcinogen. Looking suspiciously like something the China National Tobacco Corporation would commission as part of an advertising campaign, the Bugatti Veyron-style auto is actually meant to discourage smoking. The English-language version of the People's Daily offers the following explanation:

How To: Survive a silver back gorilla encounter

Gorillas are 400 lbs and 6 feet tall. They are the largest primates and the silver back, the dominant male is known to become aggressive if confronted. It begins with chest thumping and then a charge. If it charges you should crouch down. Don't run or chest thump.Your body language communicates that you are not aggressing the animal. Survive a silver back gorilla encounter.

Deal Alert: Get a Free Wireless Charger from Samsung

Samsung is running a promotion to get people interested in using Samsung Pay, and if you sign up now you can get one of their wireless charging pads for free. The promo is only available to new users, but signing up is easy, and you don't even need to make a purchase to receive the charging pad—you just have to add an eligible card to Samsung Pay.

Coming Soon: Charge Your Cell Phone by Screaming at It

The Telegraph reports that a team of researchers lead by Dr. Sang-Woo Kim of the Institute of Nanotechnology at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul have developed a method for converting the energy from sound into electricity. They've applied the research to the charging of mobile phones, and while you don't have to yell with all the emotion and fear exhibited above by Drew Barrymore in Scream, it sounds like the more energy the better. Dr. Sang-Woo Kim says:

How To: Use Your "Dead" Car Battery to Power Emergency Fans, Lighting, and More!

A common misconception is that all car batteries die. This, in fact, isn't true—the majority of "dead" car batteries just don't contain enough juice to power a car, but they can still provide enough watts to keep emergency fans and lighting running, which is great when a power outage occurs. So, instead of lugging the battery to the nearest drop-off center or just letting it collect dust in the garage, you can put that car battery to good use.

How To: Jump Start a Car

We've all been there before: We're in a hurry to get somewhere (often in bad weather), so we get in the car, turn the key in the ignition and.....WHUH! WHUH! WHUH! The darned battery is dead! After a stream of choice expletives (that is, if you're anything like me....;o)), we open the trunk and take out the jumper cables - but what if we don't know how to use them? Even if we do, we can often forget such things in crisis situations when we're pressed for time.