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News: Uber Fires Driverless Engineer at Center of Waymo Dispute

It wasn't too long ago that Uber threatened to fire star engineer Anthony Levandowski. Eleven days to be exact. If Levandowski didn't turn over the documentation he allegedly stole from Google's autonomous car division, Uber informed Levandowski that they would take "adverse employment action." Today, The New York Times reported the ride-sharing firm has delivered on that threat. In a memo sent to employees Tuesday morning, Uber announced Lewandowski's official departure from the company "eff...

News: Google & Samsung Sign Patent Agreement

According to the electronics giant, Samsung and Google have signed a global patent license agreement that, according to Samsung's official blog, "covers the two companies’ existing patents as well as those filed over the next 10 years." The patent war in the smart device realm has been raging for years; whether it's Apple and Samsung at each other's throats or one half of the tech sector suing the other, litigation has been the main weapon in a conflict that used to be won with innovation.

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