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News: Here's Everything You Should Know About Samsung Pay

Mobile payment systems have been around for almost 5 years now, starting with Google Wallet. But when Apple got into the game last year with their new Apple Pay service, things really started to take off. Around this time, Samsung responded by acquiring an up-and-coming mobile payments company that owned the rights to an incredibly innovative technology called Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST).

Real Brain Food: What Geniuses Actually Eat, Part 1

It's common knowledge that certain foods foster brain development, health, and memory. Fish almost always makes the list, as do any foods that are loaded with antioxidants like blueberries, nuts, whole grains, green tea, and dark chocolate. Spices like turmeric are being studied for their ability to prevent Alzheimer's, among other things.

How To: Create a grip with paracord

When is a knot not a knot? When it's a grip. The knot outlined in this video isn't a knot per se but a way to wrap objects to increase their grip and also to store extra paracord. Specifically, this video demonstrates how to County Comm Micro Widgy Bar, which is a miniature pry bar. It’s made from hardened D9 steel and is around 3? in overall length.

How To: Have Strong Healthy Nails

Do you want strong, healthy nails? With just a little time and basic care you will find that you have fingernails that others admire. Growing strong, healthy fingernails can be done with just a little time and care. One of the keys to healthy nails is to make sure you get enough protein in your diet. Take time to think about your nutrition. Are you eating enough protein? Even if you are a vegetarian you can get plenty of protein with beans, nuts and tofu. Also, are you drinking enough water? ...

How To: Change the oil on a riding lawn mower

It is very important to change the oil on your lawn mower just as important as changing the oil in your car. The oil liberates, cools and cleans the engine. It is best to check your manufacturers information to know how often to change the oil. To change the oil you will need the following: a wrench, gloves, a drop cloth, a socket wrench, oil container, a brush, a new oil filter, an oil filter wrench and fresh oil.

How To: Make a light & fluffy omelet

Guys, you no longer have the excuse of not knowing how to cook because the chef from shows you how to make a fantastic light and fluffy omlete. Omletes are fast and easy and full of good ingredients and protein rich eggs,.

How To: Cut a girl’s hair

Learn how to give your daughter a trim and you’ll save big bucks on trips to the hairdresser. Learn how to give a child a haircut, at home. This is a cost effective tip that will help you save money.

How To: Make watercress soup

Watercress is an herb of the mustard family that's often used in salads and garnishes. Did you know that you can also use it in soup? This light, creamy soup is perfect for those who are trying to watch their diets, and perfect for a refreshing starter. Watch this video to learn how to make a delicious watercress soup.

How To: Figure Out Your Total Calorie Burn in Apple's Health App

If you transition to an Apple Watch from another wearable like Fitbit, you might be a bit confused by the new calorie burn counter. Instead of ending your day with thousands of calories burned, your watch says you've burned just hundreds. Could it be you're less active with your Apple Watch? Probably not. It's more likely because of the different way the watch counts your calories.

How To: Customize Your Weekly & Daily Goals in MyFitnessPal

When you set up your MyFitnessPal account for the first time, it asks for a checklist of personal info to create nutrition and fitness goals for you. Whatever you decide then, it's important to know that the goals provided to you are not fixed. If your doctor or nutritionist recommends a new plan, or you simply want to change up your routine, you can customize your weekly and daily goals.

How To: 'Quick Add' Calories for Snacks in MyFitnessPal to Keep Yourself Accountable for Every Tiny Bite

It's only normal to snack on a few french fries every once in a while when you're on a diet, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable, even when you cheat just a little bit. MyFitnessPal, for both Android and iOS devices, has a database of nutritional information to help keep track of the meals you eat, but it also has a way to add calories on the fly without digging for data.

How To: 10 Reasons You Need to Add Cinnamon to Your Coffee

Creamer, milk (whole or skim), sugar, or even butter—you've probably added at least one of these to your coffee to improve its taste at some point. If you're looking for something different, though, try a new twist with a dash of cinnamon. This sweet, sharp spice can do so much more than improve coffee's taste, and I've got 10 examples for you to consider.