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News: Building-Sized Überorgan Emits Heavenly Music and Farts

Tim Hawkinson is an artist who truly inspires. The Los Angeles based artist creates complex, whimsical sculptures with simple mechanics and basic materials. One of his most notable pieces is the art-world-renowned "Uberorgan", a giant football field sized, fully-automated bagpipe, cleverly constructed with plastic sheeting and pieces of electrical hardware.

News: Imma Be-BEP

THIS IS NOT CREATED BY ME CREDIT GOES TO BLACKEYEDPEASVEVO ON YOUTUBE This is a video to watch when in need of a dancing mood! I give it **** <<<< stars

News: All Hail Street Fighter

As a tribute to video game classic, Street Fighter, Hongkiat has compiled a collection of impressively done artwork on the theme. My favorites below; click through for the whole series of 60 (and artist credits).

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

HowTo: Ace a Free Throw

Larry Silverberg and Chau Tran of North Carolina State University tested more than 100,000 3-D simulations of free throws to come up with this HowTo for you. The two engineers have determined the perfect trajectory. Check out their strategy below, via Wired's How-To Wiki.