Criminal Law Search Results

News: Police Use iPhones to ID Suspects via Face, Iris and Fingerprint Scans

Some cops already have the ability to extract data from your cell phone using handheld forensic devices, but soon police officers will have a new mobile data collection toy to play with—an Apple iPhone. Actually, it's an iPhone-based device that connects directly to the back of an iPhone, which is designed to give law enforcement an accurate and immediate identification of a suspect based on their facial features, fingerprints and even their eyes.

How To: Get the 'Master Criminal' Achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This was one of the most difficult achievements for me to get in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Mostly because I was never able to do something horrible enough to warrant a 1000 gold bounty. However, pms00 has a great video tutorial showing the easiest way to get the 'Master Criminal' achievement, which requires you to hold a bounty of at least 1000 gold in all nine cities in Skyrim.

News: Creepy Talking-Piano Hack

Austrian composer Peter Ablinger has created a "speaking" piano. Ablinger digitized a child's voice reciting the Proclamation of the European Environmental Criminal Court to "play" on the piano via MIDI sequencer.  Apparently, the computer is connected to the piano, which analyzes the human speech, and then converts it to key-tapping.

News: News Clips - June 8

California grad student on no-fly list gets home after stranding An American student who discovered he was included on the government’s no-fly list and was barred from a U.S.-bound flight from Costa Rica was reunited with family and friends after he flew to Mexico and then walked across the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday evening.

News: TSA Brags About Confiscating Can Of Chicken Soup

Anyone who follows the TSA blog, run by “Bob”, will know that from time to time the agency attempts to offset the ballooning negative public opinion directed towards it, and the openly criminal behaviour of its employees, by bragging about “dangerous” items that it has discovered and confiscated from the luggage and persons of those traveling through the nation’s airports.

HowTo: Blood Slide Candy (à la Dexter)

Season 5 of Dexter is set to premiere on September 26th, and it's looking bloody as ever. The trailer for the highly anticipated season debuted at this year's Comic-Con. Things aren't looking so good for Dex... Not a fan (yet)? Instructables user Forkable offers a brief synopsis, and more importantly, an edible party favor for your upcoming premiere party.

News: 4 year old plays Grand Theft Auto

Are you a horrible parent if you let your 4 year old play Grand Theft Auto, a pretty vulgar and violently explicit video game? Nah. Also, your 4 year old won't play like your average 13 year old or even 17 year old. This kid, instead of beating up hookers and going on murderous rampages, drops people off at the hospital, puts out fires, and arrests criminals. Who knew?

Know Your Rights: How to Escape Unlawful Stops and Police Searches with Social Engineering

Law enforcement can make a lot of folks cringe. Too often do we hear on the news, and even experience in our own lives, the unjust way that an unacceptable portion of law enforcement treat the very citizens they are supposed to protect. People's rights are violate each and every day by law enforcement, simply because they are timid and uneducated with the laws of society. This dirty trickery shouldn't be played on harmless citizens under any circumstances.

News: Kaplan University–Carol Baldwin-Moody of Wilmington Trust Discusses Issues Fac

Carol Baldwin-Moody of Wilmington Trust describes the challenges that are present in her line of work as senior vice president and chief risk officer. There is a strong legal backing to every major issue in today’s society. Baldwin-Moody has come across several scenarios that aren’t covered by the dated constitutional law in effect today. In past years, a risk officer was thought to be a management concept that would be useful, but not worth the investment. Lately, a risk officer career has b...

How To: Help kids understand civil rights and racism

Having universal rights for all genders and colors. Segregation was wide spread. In 1954 the law said that it was unconstitutional for schools be divided because of color. It took some time for these laws to be enforced. 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech. Help kids understand civil rights and racism.

News: Supreme Court Deems Violent Video Games Protected Under Freedom of Speech

Video games are the newest major expressive media. As such, their role in society is still being defined continuously. A monumentally important example of this took place yesterday at the US Supreme Court. After a long deliberation, the highest court in the land handed down a decision invalidating a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors on the grounds that video games are protected speech under the First Amendment, like movies and books.

News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23

Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...

News: Branches of Government-Judicial

The link to this site takes you to the official website of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is a useful source for information about Supreme Court cases, journals, and orders of the court. The US government is separated by three branches of government one of them being the judicial branch. The power of the Supreme Court is to uphold the law and they make final decisions. To be part of the Supreme Court the qualifications are: if the president likes you, needs to have a law degree, a...

Prop 23: Yes or no on the state's global warming law

From "AB 32 mandates that California must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. But California's crazy government-by-initiative system means that just because a law has been passed by the California House and Senate and signed by the governor doesn't make it secure. On the ballot this November, voters will get their own chance to weigh in on AB 32 by deciding whether or not to pass Proposition 23, the misleadingly named "California Jobs Initiative."

How To: Interview And Choose A Nanny

Choosing a nanny or au pair for your children is a process that should be organized and performed carefully, to ensure you find someone who can be trusted, will contribute significantly to the development of your child and integrate well into your family.

News: Credit for coming up with it

In case you haven't figured out already, our government is always on the move to figure out new ways to extend their control. The CISPA, for one, is one of the best examples, along with "re-education" programs, and racial divide (Trayvon). What I've noticed in the past few months is that their new "ideas" are coming out at an increasingly alarming rate.

Congress: The Law Makers

The Website above is about congress. It has the recent activities of Congress. It also allows you to contact them to stop any law which you might disagree with. This is a great way to help make a decision that might effect others.

News: Mugshots of the World's Best Scrabble Players

Mugshots aren't just for criminals anymore. In the world of competitive Scrabble, no one's safe from the lens of photojournalist Roger Cullman. For the last couple years, Cullman has been hitting up the Scrabble circuit with hopes of immortalizing some of the world's best Scrabble players in headshot pictures of them holding racks with their surnames spelled out in Scrabble tiles.