Cubicle Search Results

How To: Decorate your cubicle at work

Go ahead and celebrate your individuality—just don't announce to the office that you're a lazy nut-job. You will need: awareness, self restraint, plants, clock, a bowl of candy and personal momentos. Keep politics and religion out of the decor. Keep collectables at home. Interesting not: Plants indicate you are dedicated to your job.

How To: Make a flying helicopter out of office supplies

Bored in your cubicle all day? It's time for helicopter wars! This video shows you how to make a fun and simple helicopter out of some basic office supplies. The materials you will need are: a big paper clip, a smaller paper clip, a large aluminum can (such as from Rockstar or Monster energy drinks), a ruler, Scotch tape, a rubber band, a pair of pliers (if you have a Leatherman multitool, those will work just fine), a pen you can take apart for the long tube, a pair of scissors, and some pla...

How To: how to make a catapult out of office supplies

Bored at work or school? In the middle of waging a cubicle war, and need to up your arsenal? Just like making catapults? This video shows you how you can make a basic catapult out of an assortment of office supplies. To make your catapult, you will need a ball point pen, a large binder clip, a few rubber bands... and, of course the ammo! Crumpled up pieces of paper or Post It notes work very well as ammo.

How To: Do abdominal crunches on an exercise ball for a great abs workout

Exercise is a very important for everyone on a daily basis. Our society has evolved into a life of work, work and work. The majority of these jobs are sitting at a desk in some sort of cubicle. Humans are not built for this purpose; we are made to be active every single day. Thus, we must incorporate exercise in one way or another during our 14-16 hours of wake time. And this instructional video will show you a great exercise— how to do an abs crunch on an exercise ball.

How To: Drop off the grid

Got a case of the Mondays? Why not blow off the cubicle life and try dropping out of society? Try living in nature, giving up worldly possessions, squatting, and rambling. Watch this video motivation tutorial and learn how to drop off the grid.

How To: Make a catapult out of office supplies

Looking for something fun to do with all those office supplies you've been stealing from work? Or maybe you just want to goof around in your cubicle? It's possible that you are an honest, dedicated, hard worker, but whatever the case may be- no judgement, just a video guide to making an office supply catapult.

How To: Prank a dorm friend with door knock drench

Door bell drench from Prank University. One of many pranks you can torture your college roommates with! This is a simple trick from the Cubicle Warfare book that shows you how to soak the floor of a friend by filling a small garbage can with water and leaning it on their door. When you knock, they answer and dump the water on their feet. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Take a nap at work

Can you barely keep your eyes open at work? So bored you could sleep through the entire day? Seinfeld's George Costanza built a bed under his desk, but we'll tell you how to be a bit more subtle. Here's some tips on how to get a some quick shut-eye at work.

How To: Clear up office clutter

It's easy to find yourself drowning in a pile of papers and nick-nacks if you're not armed with a good organization system. By taking the time to set up a system where everything is condensed and has a place you'll find it much easier to keep it that way.

Sponsored Content: How to Add Some Fun to Your Daily Commute

Sure, "normal" is cozy and safe, like a glass of warm milk before bed. It gets the job done, but there's no pizzazz, no flair. We wake up, slug back some okay coffee (not good, certainly not great, but just okay), and we're shunted off to a gray cubicle in a gray building. Sure, we can't all be stuntmen and rock stars, but there is a way to inject a little zip into your day.

News: Mimesys Combines Mixed & Virtual Reality Holoportation Capabilities into One Solution

Mimesys, whose core focus has always been about creating holographic representations of humans for virtual and augmented reality, has released a video showing off their holographic communication platform in action. This new communication tool uses a combination of virtual reality, with the HTC Vive and a Kinect, and mixed reality, with the HoloLens, to allow the users to have virtual meetings from anywhere in the world as though they are in the same room.

How To: Get Along with Coworkers Without Saying a Word

Sooner or later, you're going to come across a person at work that you don't like—or someone that doesn't like you. This can result in uncomfortable tension, insulting gossip, and a disrespectful attitude, to name just a few of the negatives. But it doesn't have to be that way. The next time you're having a workplace conflict with a particularly challenging coworker, the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut, and here's how to do it.

How To: Play the aluminum foil prank on a coworker

Giving your colleague’s office or cubicle a makeover is a nifty practical joke. You will need aluminum foil and a camera. Cover up the entire surface of the office with foil, wrapping down everything down to pens. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to play an aluminum foil practical joke. Play the aluminum foil prank on a coworker.

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