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The Passport: BlackBerry's Last Stand

BlackBerry was one of the first companies to put anything that resembles a modern-day smartphone on the market, but now, seeing one out in the wild is like stumbling upon a fossil. Now that they've announced the BlackBerry Passport, it seems as if this is their last-ditch effort at remaining relevant.

How To: Use PHP to design and make cool websites

PHP is a scripting language that since 1995 has allowed web developers all over the world to create more dynamic websites. This video series will show you how to use it from start to finish, covering the very basics and very advanced techniques. If you want to move you web design skills beyond XHTML, watch this video.

How To: Make quarters shiver in dry ice

When a quarter in pushed into dry ice, a strange thing happens. The quarter starts to quiver. It is a normal room temperature quarter. I did nothing to the quarter. This is not a trick but really happens. The evaporating CO2 creates a small air current causing the quarters to vibrate.

News: Coming Soon to a Smartphone Near You: 3D Navigation for Buildings!

Now that everyone has an Android or iPhone in their pocket, there's no excuse for being late to an appointment or job interview. Thanks to that GPS receiver in your smartphone, navigating your way through city streets and highways is a cinch, in or outside of your vehicle. But once you get inside a building, that fancy GPS feature doesn't know what to do. Which direction is the elevator? How do you get to room 819? Where's the nearest fire exit? The bathroom?

How To: Use mIQ to backup all the data on your cell phone

mIQ? What is it exactly? It's a handy web service that helps you manage your mobile life, with free and easy online access to all of the content and information stored on your mobile device. How does it work? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to use mIQ to backup all the data on your cell phone, including messages, photos and contacts.

How To: Your iPhone's Using More Data Than It Needs, but This Could Stop It

While mobile data caps are larger than they used to be, many of us still have limits to contend with. If you find yourself up against that ceiling month after month, your iPhone itself might be to blame. Luckily, there's an easy fix to stop your iOS device from burning through data in the background.

How To: View Your Stadia Gaming Sessions from Your Google Account History

Since Stadia is an early access game streaming platform, Google is still working on bringing big things to the table. You can expect wireless Stadia controller support for many more devices, high-quality 4K gaming on all Chrome web browsers, and more Google Assistant features. They also managed to silently sneak in a way to keep track of your Stadia gaming sessions too, which is pretty handy.