Customers Crowded Search Results

How To: Find Cheap Airfare

How to Find Cheap Airfare In a world with a troubled economy and where travel costs climb daily, getting the cheapest ticket for your flight home can be a scary task. Before you buy, check out this guide to help you find the best deal.

News: Redneck Restaurant "Beverly Hillbillies"

The whole crew goes to a fancy Beverly Hills Restaurant dressed as a group of "Beverly Hillbillies" and cause a scene in front of all the customers. They should put the reservation under Hill Williams aka "Hill Billies". they need to be extremely loud and obnoxious and ask to order ridiculous redneck foods like squirel on a stick or roadkill special. Someone should bring a chicken with them and tell the waiter to tell the chef to kill and cook this one.

News: Dirty Diaper Double Cross

For this prank you need one of those creepy realistic trainer babies, an mp3 player or phone that can play a baby crying on loop, a crowd (like at a park, mall, or bus stop), a diaper and a few snacks. You have one of the guys approach the crowded area looking disheveled and acting like an ass or a drunk. After he's in place you have a woman come in with the realistic baby, the baby crying noise playing on loop, and a diaper full of chocolate pudding cups, candy corn, peanuts (whatever looks ...

News: worlds worst salesman

An "employee" is helping a customer who has a few questions. Not only does the fake employee know absolutely nothing about what is being asked, but the "employee" then "accidentally" breaks an item in the store while trying to demonstrate to the customer. Then a "manager" walks by, and the employee blames the broken item on the customer. The results are endless. People might react in all sorts of entertaining ways. The prank really depends on the fake employee's ability to keep cool while lyi...

News: It wasn't me.

Have a guy go into an enclosed area with a bunch of people such as an elevator or a public bus/taxi. Once in, secretly take out a bottle of 'Liquid Ass' and either spray a bunch or if it's a liquid spill some drops on the floor. Once the smell gets really bad and people are gagging or about to throw up...basically look around saying it wasn't you and blaming other people (such as the women).

News: Fireworks Show

For this prank it will be required to take place within a crowded area, where there are porto potty's frequently used by the public. Under the toilet seat where the you open the lid different types of fireworks need to be placed at the bottom to go off at different times, (When different people come in to use the loo.) You also need to have smoke canisters at the top of the roof of the porto potty to go off to dazzle and confuse the unsuspecting victim and then light one batch of the (non let...

News: Flaw in Wal-Mart Returns System Allows Major Thefts to Go Unnoticed

We love tearing apart security here at Null Byte. Several years back, upon returning items to Wal-Mart due to a malfunction, I noticed something very peculiar about the way their overall procedure goes. I brought the item up to the desk, and the woman asked if it didn't work, which I responded affirmatively. Without a moment's notice, she takes it right off to the defective items area and asks if I would like cash or store credit.

News: Richard Stallman's Rider

Best quotes: "A supply of tea with milk and sugar would be nice. If it is tea I really like, I like it without milk and sugar. With milk and sugar, any kind of tea is fine. I always bring tea bags with me, so if we use my tea bags, I will certainly like that tea without milk or sugar.

News: Google+ to Support Pseudonyms, Google Apps & More

Since its inception, Google+ users have been a loud, vocal bunch, and they've made their displeasure known about many issues, especially on the lack of support for pseudonyms, Google Apps, and brand pages. It's been especially galling for many Google loyalists, who found their Google+ profiles suspended, when they ended up violating the Google+ "common name" policy.

How To: Get Free Wi-Fi from Hotels & More

Often times when staying at a hotel or anywhere for that matter, you'll whip out your laptop and check the local area for Wi-Fi. I know you've all been in my shoes when you find an unsecured network that appears to be public Wi-Fi belonging to the hotel or airport, and you connect to it. You connect fast and perfectly, only to find that when you open your browser, it says you don't have an account, and are filtered from accessing the web. This is because the owners of the network want to keep...

News: Resurrecting the Video Game Magazine: PC Gamer Digital

PC Gamer represents all that was awesome about games journalism in the '90s, now sadly diminished. Brilliant, funny, full of integrity, and solid print sales were always present, and with the tragic exception of the latter, still are. Video game magazines were hit harder than nearly any other magazine vertical when the internet began its uncoordinated, but inevitable assault on print media. Magazines are now struggling to find their place in a world filled with more competitors than paying cu...

News: Has Chain World's Journey from Game to Religious Icon Ended?

At GDC 2011 this past March, three of the world's best game designers participated in a contest called Game Design Challenge. Each presented their vision for a game that fit the prompt "Bigger than Jesus: games as religion" before an audience, with applause to determine the winner. Jenova Chen, John Romero, and Jason Rohrer all spoke, and Rohrer won in a landslide with his revolutionary game called Chain World.

News: 10 Chrome Extensions to Jumpstart Your Google+ Wishlist

Are you finding that the Google+ features you've been waiting for are still not rolling out quickly enough for you? Although we've provided many solutions to Google+ issues with different Chrome extensions, it still seems like it's not enough. Now that we've been using Google+ for almost two months, our priorities have changed, and we're finding that we want and need different extensions to make Google+ work better. From filtering to circles, these Google+ Chrome extensions will solve many of...

Dead Island: Almost Dead on Arrival

Dead Island (PC, PS3, 360) had the worst launch of any game in recent memory. The wrong version of the game was released on PC, matchmaking was down for three days on PC, saves were deleted without notice making people start from scratch, and the Feminist Whore (a file found describing one of the character's skills) fiasco. The game just wasn't ready for release.

News: Unity3D Could Change the Gaming World Now That It Has Flash

Big news from the world of game development engines. For several years, Unity3D has been the free 3D game development engine of choice for aspiring and indie game designers around the world. While it isn't as powerful as Unreal Engine 3 or CryEngine, it's free and much easier to use. Now, according to an announcement made by Unity yesterday, Unity 3D is about to unleash a huge weapon that neither of those other engines can claim: Flash compatibility.

How To: Get Refunds for Mobiles Apps from Android, Apple and Amazon

Nowadays, there's a mobile app for just about everything—but that doesn't mean it should be on your smartphone. Not diggin' what SPB Shell 3D did to your home screen? Accidentally purchased Angry Sperms instead of Angry Birds? Want to try out the upcoming Smuggle Truck without committing? You may have to fork out the funds for those paid apps, but by no means should you be willing to just throw your money away. This guide will tell you how to get it back.

News: The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

As a California resident, I'm all too familiar with the delicious western fast food chain In-N-Out. The food is great: the fries, the shakes, the fresh ingredients, the secret sauce. And of course, the secret menu. There are only 4 items posted on the in-store menu, but for customers in the know, there are more "secret" items available:

News: References As A Marketing Tool

One of the most important marketing tools we should always be developing to help reinforce our brand is our references. Just like many companies use their client list and client references to build credibility and confidence for their products and services, we should also leverage our references to build credibility and confidence in our capabilities and brand. Sometimes reference checks are just a formality, but in most cases potential employers (i.e., potential clients) use reference checks...

News: Bare essentials for poor-ish filmmakers

Equipment list for the low budget crowd Let's assume you have a script (not just an idea) and have gotten your pre production out of the way. These are both incredibly important and should not be taken lightly, especially when you have no budget. So you have an awesome film and all of your ducks are in a row, what do you bring with you to the shoot... or what is really necessary?

Build a Home Arcade Machine: Part 1

Remember the arcades? Were you saddened when they closed up one by one, leaving no outlet to actually go out and socialize while you played video games? With all the home consoles and internet connectivity, gaming has evolved, but the social factor has been eliminated. Sure we can play against others, but they may be miles and miles away. Remember back in the day when you could go down to the corner store to play your favorite game and show off your skills in front of a crowd? Well, all is no...

How To: Do Well on Your First Job Interview (For Students)

I know there are many students going for their first job that are new to the whole interview process. This is why I’m writing this article—to provide some tips on making your first interview experience simpler and hopefully successful. I’m currently in a university, but I had my first job when I was in ninth grade. I’ve held a few jobs and have undergone interviews many times. Sometimes they didn’t go so well, but I did learn from my mistakes. As I learned, I became better at interviews and s...

News: nasty shake

make a shake with whatever's in the frig and give it to the unsuspecting customer. just get whatever is in the frig, mustard, ketchup, syrup, jelly, mayo..etc...It's the most disgusting thing you will ever drink and will want to throw up right after. You have to make it look like a convincing shake, so put like ice cream milk and whipped cream and a cherry on top.