Cut Energy Search Results

Ekokook: The Kitchen of the Future

ZERO WASTE. Yes, You read that right. This kitchen of the future aims to have zero waste. Ekokook the kitchen concept out of design company Faltazi gives us hope for a greener future. How is this possible you ask when in most homes 85 or 90 percent of a family's trash is generated in the vicinity of the kitchen? Ekokooks kitchen system is divided up into disposing and storing your waste in three mechanized sectioned systems Solid Waste, Liquid Waste and Organic Waste. Solid Waste- The solid w...

Quick Tip: Fix a Stripped Screw Hole in Five Minutes with Toothpicks

There's nothing that halts progress on a DIY project like a stripped screw. It's incredibly frustrating to get out, and that's just the beginning of your problems. Once it's out, you might also have to fix the hole if you want to use it for anything else. There are tons of ways to do this, but if you're looking for something quick and simple, Chris over on Man Made DIY has you covered.

Contest: Spud Gun

Well here it is, this is an older pic but it still works, the only change from this pic and the current cannon is that I have put some duct tape around the PVC bonds and am planing on spray painting it. The compression chamber is over a foot and a half long at 2" diameter PVC to push the spud or what ever you can out the cannon. The barrel is a little more than a foot long. This was originaly a prototype with all 1" PVC pipe but I cut it all off and attached a few PVC sizers and made the barr...

How To: Make a Super Secret Book Safe

Need to stash a couple small valuables and your super secret Moleskin journal in a place where no one will ever find them? Get yourself some glue, a few cutting tools and a fairly thick book, and you'll have all of the utensils you need to make yourself a nifty book safe that can be discreetly tucked away in your bookshelf when you're finished making it.

How To: Build an Outdoor Brick Fireplace

This is a how-to video on how to build an outdoor brick fireplace. It has 5 parts and is a total of about 45 minutes long. It covers laying brick, acid washing, installing firebrick, installing flue tubes, and installing a stainless steel grill. It also covers brick string guides and cutting bricks.

How To: 7 Methods for Concealing Valuable Items from Thieves

Want to keep your money and valuables safe while traveling abroad? Play it safe and outsmart thieves by placing your money, passport, jewelry and other expensive things in unexpected places. Sew a secret inner pocket in your pants, or if that's too much work, try cutting open a tennis ball, using empty film canisters, or simply placing a small amount of money in a spare wallet while your real wallet is more concealed within your luggage or purse.

Silver & Gold: DIY Modular Origami Christmas Ornaments

After becoming addicted to basic sonobe modular origami, I decided to make ornaments for relatives as Christmas gifts. I tried using fancy paper from stores like Paper Source, and cutting it to proper origami size, but I could never get the tight folds I wanted with non-traditional, non-origami paper. I ended up using this metallic origami paper that folds beautifully, and I'm pretty happy with the tiny models I ended up with. Forgive these pictures (iPhone/Instagram), I don't have my regular...

News: Bird's Eye Maple Veneered Papercraft Dodecahedron

I bought a sheet of ultra thin 1 ply Birdseye Maple veneer the other day and decided that It would look beautiful as a dodecahedron. I used some glue to attach it to cardstock and then cut it out as the net of a dodecahedron. I used a X-acto knife to lightly etch the fold lines on both the cardstock and the veneer so that it would fold crisply. I glued it all together using superglue. This post shows the net and how to fold it.

News: Make your own Handmade Parade with giant puppets

My goal here is to eventually show every single thing that people have come up with using PVC pipe so that we can be truly innovative here. What I'm starting to notice is that the cutting edge is in constant motion. We, as human beings, continue to improve on yesterday's ideas. While this page in particular is not extremely remarkable, it continues to show the versatility of this material. Sooner or later though, this coarkboard should have a nice rundown of everything that people are doing. ...

How To: Carve Fractals and Stars on Pumpkins

Fractals and stars are two of the most beautiful and complicated-looking classes of geometric objects out there. We're going to explore these objects and how to carve them on a pumpkin. Unlike the last one on carving polyhedral pumpkins, where we used the entire pumpkin to carve a 3 dimensional shape, the pumkin carving in this post will involve two-dimensional images on a small part of the pumpkin's surface.

How To: 7 Double-Duty Kitchen Tools

Contrary to what the infomercials may tell you, you don't have to own a gajillion kitchen gadgets and utensils to function properly in the kitchen when you're preparing a meal or dessert at home. To save money and space, get acquainted with the unexpected multiple functions that are possible with your everyday kitchen tools.

How To: 6 Easy Recipes for Removing Nasty Stains

What do you do when you accidentally stain your favorite article of clothing with coffee, red wine, or pasta sauce? If you aren't within immediate reach of laundry detergent or commercial stain removers, you can use many common household staples such as baking soda and white vinegar to remove the offending stains right away—sometimes even better than their commercial counterparts.

News: Battle of the Shaky Cam

Responding to the inexplicably rampant use of faux-documentary techniques in "Battle: Los Angeles", Matt Zoller Seitz of Salon eloquently and hilariously lambastes the "played-out" fad of the shaky cam. Here are just a few nuggets:

Shortcut: Fix a Wiggly Wall Outlet

Normally the idea of messing with an electrical outlet makes me squirm, but Apartment Therapy's quick fix for a loose wall outlet means skipping out on a costly electrician bill. Not only is a wiggly wall outlet unsightly, but it can also be a fire hazard. The solution is simple:

News: Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

If you've yet to stumble across Photojojo, it's an awesomely addictive web newsletter for all photography junkies. I'm especially loving their recent photorealistic gadget pouch project because the finished product looks incredibly pro and as Photojojo keenly comments, "We’ve been seeing these little pouches in hipster gift stores that look like tacos, cassette tapes, pizza, etc. And we thought, 'That’s so easy, we could totally make those ourselves!'” Right on. The project is indeed easy to ...

News: Magic 8-Ball Booby Trapped with Camera Flash

Take $1.35 of thrift store bric-à-brac, toss in a few spare parts from your electronics drawer and mix it all up with an earnest desire to alienate your loved ones forevermore and what do you get? A booby-trapped Magic 8-Ball, that's what! Hacker arfink explains, "My idea was to make a Magic 8-Ball which would blind an unsuspecting victim with the camera flash. I had an old Honeywell thermostat at home which had a mercury tilt switch inside, and after cutting open the 8 ball and removing the ...

News: Burger Cupcakes

These Cupcake burgers are so much fun. You can make them yourself and serve them at the party, or make them a part of the fun. The last 5 pictures are pics of the burger cupcake craft at my daughter 4th of July summer school party. These 4, 5, and 6 year olds did an amazing job. The sloppier the burgers the better! With colored frosting for the ketchup and mustard, chopped up gummy bears for the relish and tomatoes, and coconut for the onions, and died coconut for the lettuce--the burgers wer...

News: Enter the Trippy Vortex of Optical Distortion

New York based studio softlab's latest installation "(n)arcissus" is an eye-bending site specific installation currently on display at the Frankfurter Kunstverein art center in Frankfurt, Germany. The piece, made with over 1,000 mylar and vinyl laser cut panels, hangs in a stairwell, measuring 9 meters tall from the lobby ceiling.