Cvv Dumps Search Results

News: Little Peepers Everywhere

Wiretaps, which have increased almost tenfold since data was first reported in 1969, are only the tip of the surveillance iceberg. In 2011 federal and state courts approved a total of 2,732 wiretaps; but government agencies made over 1.3m requests for data to mobile-phone companies. That figure includes wiretaps and pen/traps, but it also includes requests for stored text messages, device locations and tower dumps, which reveal the presence of everyone—suspects and not—within range of a parti...

News: Jackass Versus The "Volcano"

The Jackass cast are placed in a large plexiglass container. Nudity is optional. They are then filled-up in baking soda to their chest. Then a Big Dump Truck or Tanker truck or at least a whole bunch of dudes with open drum barrels filled with white vinegar are dumped into the baking soda filled big-box. A huge volatile mixture fizz takes place. In the end. it will look like a gigantic ejaculation has taken place!!

How To: Carve Saved Passwords Using Cain

I've previously mentioned how saving browser passwords is a bad idea, but I never went into much detail as to why. Passwords that are saved in your browser can be carved out and stolen very easily. In fact, even passwords you save for instant messaging and Wi-Fi are vulnerable. Windows is very inefficient with the way it stores passwords—it doesn't store them in key-vaults, nor does it encrypt them. You're left with passwords residing in memory and filespace that's unencrypted.

News: More Samsung Galaxy S5 Details Trickle Out

The guys over at @evleaks continue their slow trickle of leaks about Samsung's upcoming flagship device. The first drop is simple enough, a confirmation that Samsung will continue its branding strategy, naming their next device the Samsung Galaxy S5. These next two are a little more interesting, despite their graphical shortcomings—screenshots of two APKs, or application files, from an "official" Galaxy S5 system dump.

News: The Hitchhiker

Set-up Get a bunch of the guys in a decent size van and travel somewhere to go film a stunt or a prank, or so you say. Have one or two guys not know about the actual prank you'll be playing on them during the trip, thus making them the victims. While you're driving, have an actor play a hitchhiker on the side of the road, kind of in the middle of nowhere.

The Sweet Smell of Success: DIY Smoke Mix with Sugar and Potassium Nitrate

I finally got around to trying out another one of Will's mad science experiments and found out that this one was actually more satisfying (and less frustrating) than my slightly uncooperative jar jet. There's something very pleasing about making potassium nitrate at home in the kitchen and then watching the transformation from semitransparent liquid to spiky, frozen crystals. That was the best part for me, second only to igniting it with its sugar companion.

Hack Logs and Linux Commands: What's Going On Here?

This morning, I received a message from a friend who was reading a hack log, and she had some questions about the commands used. This got me thinking, as Linux has a ton of commands and some can be archaic, yet useful. We are going to go over everything you need to know to read a hack log and hopefully implant the steps in your head for future use.

Xbox LIVE Achievement: How to Earn Free Microsoft Points with Social Engineering

Sometimes, paying for the whole Xbox LIVE service might seem like a waste of money. You're constantly experiencing lag, you've got people modding and cheating, kids are being loud and obnoxious over the mic, and your kill-to-death ratio is getting dumped on. Basically, the whole multiplayer experience just isn't cutting it anymore—you want to go back to the classic world of single player. Well, there's always downloadable content—simply known as DLC.

News: Zamboni Drifting

Put a 2 or 3 of the guys in the hull of a Zamboni with a couple cameras and some lights . . . then close the hatch and start drifting on a filthy ice rink. All of the snow and ice and dirt and shit gets blown into the hull . . . so not only are they getting covered in crap they are also being tossed around like a rag doll as the Zamboni does doughnuts and 180s all over the ice. And they will be freezing their asses off. Then at then the end, they get dumped out with all of the snow and ice in...

News: Ultimate prank montage!!!

What we do is have a full day of pranks (24 Hours Mother Fucka!!!) in the time span of a few minutes. We do an assload of pranks. Weeman as an umpa loompa with party boy doing a wake up call for the cast. We dump fake snakes on bam. We do a Hair razor attack on tremaine. Stick Preston in a barrell and push him down a hill. Do a catapult prank on erin. Dump shit on dave england. "Drop" Steve-o from a huge building (give him a bungie or something). Also we have about 40 or more nut shots in suc...

News: Dead Body Cab

Ok this is what you would do: get a big black bag, one big enough to fit a body in, and fill it with rotting meat and fake blood. Hail a cab and bring the bag into the back of the cab with you, you of course would have blood on your clothes to make it look more realistic. Tell the cab driver to take you to like a lake or construction site and offer to pay him 500$ to do it. If they take you then get out and struggle to get the bag out of the cab and tell the driver to help you get it out of t...

News: Sky Dookie

Put the guys about 10 stories up on some kind of swing and then put a giant target on the ground and have the dudes all take dumps to see who gets closest to the bulls eye.

News: The King of Upper decks

For this one we get preston or phil. Its really simple. we put a hidden camera in a hotel's bathroom and then phil or preston will dump in the top part of the toilet to the extent to where it wont work anymore. upon calling housekeeping up they come in to find the most foul and disturbing thing in the toilet. or get the entire group to fill a toilet up with fecees and call up housekeeping

News: Yellow Mustarded

What you do is you pretty much run up to people with a bucket of yellow mustard and dump on them then get the hell out off there. It's gross and you need a couple guys to hold the giant bucket. Dilute mustard to make sure you get the right consistency.

How To: How This Newly Discovered Amazonian Bacteria Is the Secret Key to Biodegrading Plastic

Since the rise of private property and industrial production, modern capitalism has been on a undeniable crash course with Mother Nature. It's no so much that we'll end up murdering the entire planet, but just that the planet will quietly smother us with a pillow of famine, heat, cold and hurricanes. We over-farm land and replace the nutrients in the soil with oil. To package our oil-based produce, we wrap them in synthetic oil-based plastics, soon to be discarded in a trash heap or ocean.

News: Astronomical Observing News (3/28 to 4/3)

Grab your binoculars and telescopes, because there's a lot going on in the night skies this week. The usually dim Little Dipper will appear brighter as it moves to the right of Polaris, creating a cool effect with the Big Dipper. There's also a first-quarter moon and a really good view of Saturn. If you know of something else, share with us in the comments below!

News: Hate Final Cut Pro X? Try Adobe Premiere Pro or Avid Media Composer

It's no secret. Professional video editors everywhere are irate at the newest edition to Apple's popular non-linear video editing software, Final Cut Pro X. As of right now, Final Cut Pro X has 503 five-star ratings in the Mac App Store. Not bad. But it also has 671 one-star ratings and 414 users who aren't sure what they think. It's such a bad update that it even earned itself a skit on Conan.

Dumpster Drive: Exchange Your Digital Trash with Strangers

Do you ever wonder if the files you're trashing on your Mac are actually trash? Let's say there are 80 million computer owners running Mac OS. If each user trashes at least 10 files each day, that's 800 million deleted files that cease to exist every 24 hours. If that doesn't sound like a lot to you, a month would equal 24 billion junked files, a year—nearly 1 trillion.