Daily Limit Search Results

News: Get Inspired! 20 New Year's Eve Photos Taken with Cell Phones

For some, the end of the year is an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and create a new beginning. For this week's Phone Snap Challenge, take plenty of photos on your cell phone this New Year's because we want to see how you're going to ring in 2012. Or show us what the start of the new year means for you. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, January 2nd at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a Fotodiox Thermo Lens Mug.

News: Get Inspired! 30 Festive Holiday-Themed Photos Taken with Cell Phones

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas lights are up, stores are crowded, tacky knit sweaters are making an appearance, and there's the constant smell of something delicious baking in the oven. In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, spread some holiday cheer by showing us your holiday-themed cell phone photos. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, December 26th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a set of fun Photobooth Props from Etsy store LittleRetreats just in time for th...

News: Get Inspired! 20 Captivating Double Exposure Photos Taken with Cell Phones

The technique of creating double exposure images allows viewers to peer into a unique world, away from reality. The results of combining multiple images into one can really be quite amazing. In this week’s Phone Snap Challenge, we want to see your own take on the double exposure effect. Create your image with your cell phone and post it to the corkboard by Monday, December 12th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a paper pinhole camera kit.

Juicing For Weight Loss Ideas: Grapple Juice

Sometimes good food and exercise is not enough to lose weight. Maybe you do it all, you drink tons of water, you exercise daily, you eat what you're supposed to and stay away from what is bad for your waist. However, you can't lose the weight you have gained over the past couple of months or even years. What to do now?

How To: Find the Perfect Beer with the BrewGene iPhone App

There are two kinds of beer drinkers—those who just want to drink and those who want to enjoy it. The former usually sticks to the same kind of beer, drinking it habitually, while the latter is always on the lookout for new varieties. They like savoring the taste of a freshly poured dark lager and the roasted aroma of a hearty stout and are always looking for that "Holy Grail" of beer—the perfect combination of hops, malt and yeast. Thankfully, there's a mobile application that gets you once ...

Contest Idea: How to peel an orange in one piece

Over years of almost-daily orange eating, I have developed a 90% effective workflow for removing the peel from an orange in one piece. While this might not seem important, people who see me do it generally ask about it, so I thought it would be cool if you would illustrate the process for the world. Having a nice hand-drawn set of instructions to frame on my wall would save me time explaining it to people as well.

News: Bat Cave in San Francisco

What do you do when you desperately need to put a parking garage into the bottom floor of your Victorian apartment building, but the city's Department of Planning says "No". The simple and expensive answer: Create an elaborate secret garage door. If you own a pretty building, it is well within the jurisdiction of the Landmark Commission to inform you that even though you own the piece of property, you cannot remodel it any way you want. Seems un-American. But in San Francisco, specifically th...

News: Scientists Grow World's First DIY Eyeball

DIY is a far-reaching term—though culturally it tends to refer to hacks, mods, crafts and constructions, its meaning can also extend to the ongoing trials and tribulations of the evolution of mankind: astonishing developments in technology, desperate acts of self-preservation or as in today's topic, discoveries in science that truly move the needle.

News: What if Super Mario Was a First Person Shooter?

The classic Super Mario Bros is perhaps the most beloved video game on Earth. Almost daily, homages to Mario pop up on the web over and over and over again. Everybody loves the charming 2D world of Mario. But what would Mario look like in 3D… and moreover, what would Super Mario feel like as a First Person Shooter game?

News: 3D LEGO LikeLight Shows You Facebook Likes in Real Time

Matt Reed, a web developer at Nashville interactive ad agency Redpepper, built a massive, real life Facebook Like "button" out of Legos, which lights up whenever someone clicks Like on his Facebook page. The programmer loves LEGOs, and draws an affinity between the legendary building blocks and engineering: "[Legos] are great for prototyping physical objects. I don’t manufacture things, but I do click blocks together. Plus, most things I deal with on a daily basis are pixelized. Legos are som...

News: Time-Saving Tricks for Working Smarter and Faster in 3ds Max 8

You may be familiar with the general layout of 3ds Max 8's user interface, but a few of version 8's interface features aren't readily apparent to new users. They are, however, critical if you want to navigate quickly in 3D space. The goal of this chapter isn't to show you the nuts and bolts of the interface, but rather to introduce you to a few of these fundamental features that will enhance your productivity.

News: 10-Year-Old Girl Imitates Banksy

When children's book author Aaron Zenz took his family to see the highly acclaimed Banksy documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, his 10-year-old daughter Gracie was immediately inspired to become a street artist. Aaron quickly explained that "while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn’t a good thing" so the family was challenged to come up with an appropriately stealthy public art project that didn't entail defacing public property. So, what do you get when you cross an in...

News: The Secret Life of a Love Doll

Famed artist and photographer Laurie Simmons boasts an impressive career spanning over three decades. She's shown at some of the world's top art institutions and galleries, and appeared on art world popular PBS television series Art 21. She also happens to be the the proud mother of promising young filmmaker Lena Dunham, the 24-year-old director of last year's indie hit Tiny Furniture.

News: Dead Island Game Resurrected in Gruesome New Trailer

For the longest time, Dead Island seemed to be... well, dead. The intriguing zombie game was first revealed back in 2007 by its developer, Techland, with a subpar teaser trailer that compared it to already shelved games in the Resident Evil series and the upcoming Left 4 Dead. But since then, it's been a ghost, thought to be abandoned—until now.

News: Making Ordinary Objects Extraordinary

Kevin Van Aelst creates witty visual "one-liners" by recontextualizing everyday, ordinary objects. With a few simple tweaks, the viewer recognizes a roll of tape as the ocean or reads gummi worms as chromosomes or understands mitosis through the use of sweet, sugary donuts.

News: It's Hot, It's Creamy. It's Three Course Gum as a Meal

Remember Willy Wonka's magical gum? Wonka promised the flavors of tomato soup, roast beef, baked potato, blueberry pie and ice cream. As the avid gum lover Violet Beauregarde tested it out, she exclaimed: “It’s hot and creamy, I can actually feel? it running down my throat!” Um, yum... I think. Good news. Wonka's three course chewing gum is finally a reality-in-the-works. Scientists at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) have been developing recent advances in nanotechnology, which could pot...