Dangerous Weapons Search Results

How To: Model a biped with a two-handed sword in 3D Studio MAX

If you are making games or hybrid machinima in 3D Studio MAX, the occasion may arise where you want to give one of your characters a massive two-handed weapons like a sword or machine gun. This video's sole intent is to teach you how to do that. It focuses on how to link parts of a biped to an object using an IK (inverse kinematics) object chain. Doing this will make your character move correctly in relation to the weapon, allowing them to do whatever you want them to with their shiny giant s...

How To: Successfully Prestige in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

The new Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is the hottest game on the market right now, and there's no doubt it'll end up being the most unwrapped gaming gift come Christmas morning. The first-person shooter hopes to carry on the tradition of its many predecessors in bringing the most action-packed gaming modes, along with a high-replay value, to its legions of fans.

How To: Make a paper abyssal whip from the game RuneScape

If you enjoy playing the game RuneScape, this tutorial may be of interest to you. In this four part video series, you'll find out how to make a paper abyssal whip that is a powerful melee weapon. This is a common weapon that many people use and can be recreated in the real world. This video will show you how to make a cool looking paper abyssal whip from scratch. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Make hydrogen gas with foil and Liquid Plumr

Learn how to make hydrogen with some household chemicals and items. This experiment is dangerous, so please exercise caution. You will use Liquid Plumr for this science experiment, and be warned, Liquid Plumber and hydrogen are dangerous, maybe not the aluminum foil, but the chemicals, definitely. Fill a balloon with it and watch it explode with a close match.

How To: Throw an Australian boomerang correctly

Boomerangs are traditional Australian throwing sticks. They can be used as weapons or as sport. This video shows you how to throw one properly. These are not the returning boomerangs. These are longer and used as multi purpose tools equivlant to a Swiss army knife. They used em as instruments, utensils, weapons, child obeidience devices. The angle is less severe. They're thrown horizontally and thrown directly into the wind. The returning boomerangs are thrown overhand and at a 45 degree angl...

How To: Handle encounters with poisonous reptiles in the wild

The Bigfoot Field Guide presents an Informational Video about Dangerous Creatures-Snakes, Lizards, Spiders and Scorpions. This video is designed to let people know about what types of creatures out there are poisonous in the event they come across one in the field. Learn how to handle encounters with dangerous snakes, scorpions, lizards, and other poisonous creatures out in the wild by watching this video tutorial.

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C5, The Parish - Bridge

This is the end of L4D2. Your last campaign. Your last chapter. See the best part: Campaign 5: The Parish - Bridge. Stock up on items and heal up. Climb the ladder and you should find some more medkits and weapons to take. Open the door and head outside. Use the radio on the ground to hear your situation explained to you. You will have to lower the drawbridge and get to the rescue chopper on the other end. If you complete the bridge sequence in under 3 minutes, you will unlock the "Bridge Ove...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C5, The Parish - Waterfront

This last campaign is the hardest one. In the first part of campaign five, try not to drown and watch this L4D2 walkthrough for some tips on Campaign 5: The Parish - Waterfront. You are dropped off on the waterfront and told to make your way to the bridge. Pick up weapons and medpacks and head up the staircase. Go through the gate and clear a path to the Waterfront Market directly in front of you. There should be an open door for you to walk into. You may encounter a SWAT zombie at this point...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C4, Hard Rain - Sugar Mill

Learn your way around the saccharine and bloody land of the sugar mill in L4D2. See the whole gameplay for Campaign 4: Hard Rain - Sugarmill. Stock up on weapons and head down the stairs to open the door of the safehouse. Clear out any zombies on the street and go across through the open window into the sugar mill. Once in the building, head to the left. There should be an open door leading back outside. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 58

Cheaters Never Prosper: But they do get quite a reputation. This is a simple mission. You need to just fight off the opponents that come at you using your bare hands. Even though you've no weapon equipped, you can still use the typical counter ability. Though you won't always KO an opponent with the first counter, repeatedly make use of the technique and you'll eventually drop the opponent.