Danh Website Search Results

How To: Configure a XAMPP Server

XAMPP servers are a free open source server that makes it cheap and easy for you to test and review your website building as you go. This tutorial covers how to configure your XAMPP server for windows.

How To: Install a XAMPP testing server on a PC

If you have a website or do any type of web development you have probably needed a server at some point. Not everybody has a full blown commercial web server at their disposal for development, experimenting, and testing their site, so try this solution: an XAMPP open source bundled server.

How To: Hack MD5 passwords

This episode of Full Disclosure demonstrates how to hack/crack MD5 password hashes. MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a hash function commonly used by websites to encrypt passwords. MD5 is a one-way hash; therefore, to crack the password you most try every possible dictionary word and if that does not work, every possible letter/number/symbol combination. The programs used to crack the passwords are Cain and MDCrack-NG.

How To: Surf the web secretly

Kipkay details how to surf the web secretly and leave no trace behind on your computer. Many websites collect personal data without you knowing it and you should surf anonymously.

How To: Use an RSS feed

You've probably seen that little bright orange "RSS" or XML square floating around on lots of websites and if you don't know what it is (or you do) and don't know how to use it, check out this video. Jimmy explains what RSS feeds are, how to subscribe to them and then how to read and use them.

How To: Create banners in Photoshop

Banners are beautiful advertising and decor pieces that you can use on your website, blog, or even on printed materials (because those still do exist). Check out this Photoshop tutorial to learn how to create a lovely golden banner that flows back on itself and has believable lighting. Ripples add to the realistic nature of this banner.

How To: Enable the web server for your Mac Mini server

How to Use Your Mac as a Server: Turn your Mac Mini into a server! Yes, that's right, with a little know-how and a little spunk, you can turn an inexpensive Mac Mini computer into a server to provide services over you network. You won't even need the Mac OS X Server, just the Mac OS X Client, so there is no extra software to buy, just the Mac Mini and it's operating system.

How To: Phish Social Media Sites with SocialFish

Phishing is the easiest way to get your password stolen, as it only takes one mistake to log in to the wrong website. A convincing phishing site is key to a successful attempt, and tools to create them have become intuitive and more sophisticated. SocialFish allows a hacker to create a persuasive phishing page for nearly any website, offering a web interface with an Android app for remote control.

How To: Find Vulnerable Webcams Across the Globe Using Shodan

Search engines index websites on the web so you can find them more efficiently, and the same is true for internet-connected devices. Shodan indexes devices like webcams, printers, and even industrial controls into one easy-to-search database, giving hackers access to vulnerable devices online across the globe. And you can search its database via its website or command-line library.

How To: Top 10 Browser Extensions for Hackers & OSINT Researchers

While modern browsers are robust and provide a lot of functionality, they can be unlocked to do some pretty spectacular things with browser extensions. For hackers and OSINT researchers, these tools can be used to defeat online tracking, log in to SSH devices, and search the internet for clues during an investigation. These are a list of my top ten favorite browser extensions for hackers — and how to use them.

How To: Scan for Vulnerabilities on Any Website Using Nikto

Before attacking any website, a hacker or penetration tester will first compile a list of target surfaces. After they've used some good recon and found the right places to point their scope at, they'll use a web server scanning tool such as Nikto for hunting down vulnerabilities that could be potential attack vectors.

How To: Brute-Force Nearly Any Website Login with Hatch

The tactic of brute-forcing a login, i.e., trying many passwords very quickly until the correct one is discovered, can be easy for services like SSH or Telnet. For something like a website login page, we must identify different elements of the page first. Thanks to a Python tool for brute-forcing websites called Hatch, this process has been simplified to the point that even a beginner can try it.