Deadly Attack Search Results

How To: Use UFONet

With the release of the Mirai source code, botnets are back in a big way. In the early days of botnets, zombies (infected hosts) would report to IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channels for CNC (command and control) instructions. Modern botnets have evolved, but they continue to use the same concepts as their predecessors.

How To: Become a better boffer fighter with a foam sword

Becoming better at boffer combat is not a matter of mastering fancy sword moves, it's about being able to force an opening in your opponent's defenses and taking advantage of it without leaving yourself open for a counter-attack. This tutorial shows you precisely how to create these situations and take the most advantage of them.

How To: Play lacrosse for beginners

Whether you're interested in trying out for the lacrosse team for your school or would like to brush up on basic positions and responsibilities, this video offers a great run through of the most basic elements of lacrosse. The four lacrosse positions will be covered: Midfielders, attack men, goalies, and defensemen.

How To: Beat the bodyguard boss in co-op multiplayer mode in Shank on the Xbox 360

Working with friends is always fun in Shank, but if one person doesn't really know the strategy that you need to employ to wine a boss battle, well, you can just forget it every going any better than bad. But don't worry, in this video, you and your friends can work to succeed against the Bouncer boss in Co-Op mode! You will just need to employ a simple tactic of waiting for him to use his stomp attack, and then lining up a timed trigger pull from both of you to start a double attack against ...

How To: Use a CPR Ezy in case of a heart attack

The aim of CPR is to preserve life by maintaining an adequate supply of oxygen to the heart and brain. Effective CPR prolongs a person's chance of survival until either a defibrillator arrives and can be used to shock the heart back into its normal rhythm or advanced professional life support is available. This how-to video shows you how to use a portable CPR Ezy when someone you know is suffering from a heart attack. This medical device helps you perform CPR on a victim in a constant rhythm.

How To: The Beginner's Guide to Defending Against Wi-Fi Hacking

Hacking Wi-Fi is a lot easier than most people think, but the ways of doing so are clustered around a few common techniques most hackers use. With a few simple actions, the average user can go a long way toward defending against the five most common methods of Wi-Fi hacking, which include password cracking, social engineering, WPS attacks, remote access, and rogue access points.

How To: Protect Yourself from the KRACK Attacks WPA2 Wi-Fi Vulnerability

In October of 2017, Mathy Vanhoef released "Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2." This paper demonstrates a way to decrypt traffic on practically any WPA2 network, the most commonly used form of wireless security (seeing as all other forms of Wi-Fi encryption have already been broken). Practically all of the network-connected devices we use will need to be updated in some way in order to protect against this vulnerability, each of them in a different way.

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 4]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Prologue to Exploitation Chronicles, GDB on the Battlefield.

Hi everyone! Last time we finished analyzing the assembly representation of our vulnerable piece of code (have I ever told you it is vulnerable?). This time we are going to introduce some fundaments about exploitation by demonstrating how to crash a program's execution. If that sounds lame, next time we will see how this crash can in fact be useful to control the program's execution, achieving remote code execution!

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 2]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Ebp, Esp, RET and Stack Frames.

Hi everyone! After messing around a little bit with IDA and Hopper disassemblers and briefly introducing you to memory, registers and Assembly, we are going to understand what happens when a process is running, which variables join the play and especially what happens when a function is called and why is this procedure-logic so interesting and useful along with the concept of stack.

Cyberwar: Hacker vs. Hacker

From time immemorial, human beings seem to be at odds with one another. When these differences become so heated and unresolvable, it eventually erodes into physical violence. This violence has manifested into some of the most horrific exercises in human history, things which every school child is aware of and none of which we have to recount here. Although humans have been cruel and violent for a very long time, the 20th century may have epitomized that behavior. With two World Wars and many,...

How To: Use Traffic Analysis to Defeat TOR

As was mentioned by the great OTW last week, TOR, aka The Onion Router, has had its integrity attacked by the NSA. In an attempt to reduce the anonymity granted by the service, the NSA has opened a great many nodes of their own. The purpose is presumably to trace the origin of a communication by compromising some entrance and exit nodes. Once both are compromised, it is much easier to correlate traffic with a particular individual.

How To: Protect your site from hacker attacks with Google

They are after you from all over the globe. Looking for ways to exploit you. Ways to hurt you. Not political terrorists, but rather "info terrorists." Each month thousands of websites get hacked into and have hidden links inserted into the pages by people wanting their spam sites to rank highly in the search engines.