Deadly High Explosive Search Results

How To: Acquire the Cram Opener rare weapon in Fallout New Vegas

In Fallout New Vegas, Obsidian decided to spread and equal amount of unique weapons all across the Mojave wasteland! Ranging from deadly axes, rifles, pistols, submachine guns and more! In this video you'll learn the three ways of acquiring the Cram Opener weapon, a unique version of the Bladed Gauntlet, from Little Buster!

How To: Use parent forms in Microsoft Visual Studio

When programming in Visual Studio, you may find yourself creating any number of all-but-identical windows. This can be tedious and time consuming. This tutorial discusses the deadly and dangerous task of using a form as a parent for the development of other forms in Visual Studio, using C# in this particular example. For more information on designating a form as a parent, take a look.

How To: 3D model a mushroom cloud in 3D Studio MAX

The mushroom cloud is one of the iconic images of the 20th century, calling to mind destruction, progress, and arguably the single most important event of the century. This video will show you how to create a 3D model of one using 3D Studio MAX 4 or higher. This can then be used in all kinds of video games and movies that you might be making.

How To: Make un-deadly "zombie" drinks with juice, rum, apricot brandy and BRAINS

Make your Halloween party the best ever with this "zombie" drink sure to keep the living dead coming back for more! This zombie-style drink is complete with brains, but more importantly, it packs a wallop with three different kinds of rum (!!!) and apricot brandy. This mixed punch also has orange, pineapple and lime juice. Don't forget to make your citrus ice the night before, either in brain molds or a nice big block. Party on!

How To: Scorpion kick someone in the face with Chloe Bruce

You may have come across Chloe Bruce in the past, but we're betting it was on the web, because if it were in person, you probably wouldn't be reading this right now. Because in a blink of an eye, she'd have her foot smashed against your face using her world famous Scorpion Kick, a difficult move for any martial artist to perform.

How To: Create a 3D Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon in modo

Breast cancer is one of the most deadly and tragic diseases afflicting women today. If you are interested in spreading breast cancer awareness and also in 3D modeling, then this video is a must-watch. It will teach you how to create a 3D model of the pink ribbon synonymous with breast cancer awareness, which you can then use on your website or in any other digital locale you wish.

How To: Make a candle wax explosion

In this video, you'll see how and why wax can be a deadly. This is how it works,When the test tube is submerged in cold water, the glass forms tiny cracks. The Water enters gets into the tube and vaporizes causing a micro explosion. The hot wax is then ejected from the tube quickly as oxygen is displaced from the tube itself. Be careful, and make sure to be as safe as possible when trying this experiment at home.

How To: Make an origami ninja star (shuriken) out of paper

Shuriken are the ancient Japanese weapons you've seen ninja warriors use in the movies. Their name literally translates as "sword hidden in the hand". In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a shuriken out of paper in a few fairly simple steps. But while this throwing star isn't as deadly as a metal version, it has sharp edges and it is potentially dangerous. Be very careful about where you throw it, and never throw it at people or animals!

How To: Make a move on a girl successfully

Aproaching a cute girl in any sort of setting is intimidating. If she's with her friends, then you're probably nervous about making a good impression in front of all of them and probably freaked about how they'll judge you as a potential suitor, and if she's alone it's a deadly one-on-one confrontation.

How To: Make a sniper rifle for a Lego minifigure

Has your Lego arsenal grown stagnant relying on the supply of weapons offered it by the Lego corporation? Take matters into your own hands. This video features detailed instructions for building a sniper rifle out of Lego blocks that one of your Lego minifigures can hold. This will make this piece a deadly force on the Lego battlefield.

How To: Make wheat paste for explosives

Wheat is not just for eating, it is a great substance to make glue to paste different types of shells. These shells by the way are not seashells. In a pan and in a bowl put an equal amount of water in each. For example, if you have 1 1/2 cups of water in the pan; put 1 1/2 cups of water in the bowl. You are going to bring the water in the pan to a boiling temperature and you are going to add flour to the water in the bowl and dissolve it. The consistency of the flour and water should be that ...

News: Olafur in the Sky with Diamonds

Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson totally inspires us here at Wonderhowto. His waterfall installations on the Hudson River. His incredible sun exhibit at the Tate in London. His concepts and execution are dazzling. Plus he has Taschen book that weighs a frickin ton. (Yes. The tonnage does translate to respect.)