Deal Sample Search Results

News: Sony Develops New HDR Camera Sensors for Self-Driving Cars

In the driverless race, technological advances can sometimes just add more tension to an already heated competition, if Waymo suing Uber over their allegedly stolen LiDAR technology is any indication. Now, Sony is offering a new camera sensor, one that should help self-driving cars "see" the road with much more accuracy than any other camera sensors available for vehicles currently.

How To: Make Your Own Chalk Paint

If you're a big fan of home improvement, then you've you've probably painted a wall or item in your day. Not only can it get expensive, it's also time consuming, and very often just plain boring. Waiting for paint to dry so that you can add another coat is, well…like waiting for paint to dry.

How To: Personalize Sound Quality for Headphones on Your Galaxy S6

Chances are your hearing isn't the same as the person next to you. Personally, I have moderate hearing loss, so I tend to turn the volume nob towards the loud side. For others, it may be that one ear is slightly better or worse than the other, not only in perceiving volume, but tone as well. Considering this, is it possible for smartphone manufacturers to ensure the best sound quality on their devices?

How To: Draw-Fine Details

In this video I go over some of the finer details in drawing. I lost a lot of the footage to this video, so be warned. Easy things to draw are fun to bring small details forward. Part of several Drawing sites. This video is shows my process of dealing with small details. For more information check out my blog at:

How To: Watch Flash video on an Apple iPhone with the Skyfire web browser app

Now available for download in the official App Store, Skyfire is a mobile web browser that converts Flash video to iPhone-friendly HTML5 on the fly. Because Apple has heretofore not supported Flash video, that's kind of a big deal! In this iPhone owner's guide, we learn how to use and navigate the various features of functions of the Skyfire smart browser. For all of the details, and to get started watching Flash video clips on your own iPhone 4, 3G or 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch or other iOS devic...

How To: Fix unplayable disc error on a Hitachi XBox 360 drive

The XBox 360 console, especially the older models of it, is not very well-made. There are all sorts of different design errors that can effectively shut your system. This video will teach you how to deal with just one, the unplayable disc error that plagues the disc drives included in the system. You will learn how to fix this error on the Hitachi DVD drive included in many consoles, saving you money and helping you get back to playing games as quickly as possible.

How To: Use text as a mask in Photoshop CS3

Photoshop is the photo-editing software of choice for just about everyone these days. It is very complex; but you're in luck! We have many videos here on site dealing with how to use Photoshop's many functions. This video will teach you how to display a picture inside of text by using masking. The effect is very cool, and sure to zest up your website or film.

How To: Sync iTunes on your Droid

If you're like most people, the only music program you want to deal with is iTunes. But you can't use your iTunes music unless you have an iPhone, right? Wrong! Don't go around thinking you need an iPhone to use iTunes on your mobile device. You can sync up iTunes with your Motorola Droid too! This video tutorial will show you how to sync iTunes on your Droid.

How To: Save on airfare with 5 very important tips

Do you always go broke when you buy airline tickets? Is it confusing to keep going from website to website to try and find the best deals? Well, if you are having trouble booking cheap flights, have a look at this tutorial. In this video, Rick Seaney, CEO of and ABC News coorespondent, shares with you the top 5 tips for nabbing the best ticket price.