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How To: Apple's iOS 17.5 Gives Your iPhone 32 New Features and Changes — Here's Everything You Need to Know About

Apple's latest iPhone software update — iOS 17.5 — is finally ready for prime time. Released on May 13, it includes at least 32 new features and changes you need to know about, from a new game and offline news access to new wallpapers and anti-stalking capabilities.

How To: Facebook Pulls Switcheroo on Your Email Address to—Here's How to Fix It

First off, Facebook rolled out email addresses for everyone nearly two years ago, so that's nothing new. But what is new is that they've recently defaulted everybody's visible email address that's seen on their Facebook Timelines. So, if you had your Gmail address listed for all to see on your profile's "About" section, it's now been replaced to the default email address.

How To: Reduce the Noise in Your Social Streams

Social network fatigue sets in when it starts to feel impossible to keep up with all that new content from your friends, followers, and acquaintances on a daily basis. You lose track of stuff you wanted to read more about, and you miss important news from your friends, but are bombarded with inconsequential details from people you don't actually care about. What's the solution? Filter your streams so that you only see the content you do care about, and get rid of the rest.

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