Demands Patience Search Results

How To: Make a time-consuming, but delicious turkey leg confit

You thought the normal Thanksgiving turkey took forever! Wait until you try out this recipe for turkey leg confit. If you have the patience, you could make this holiday dinner one to remember. Everyone will be more than satisfied. So satisfied, that Thanksgiving will always be at your place (which might not be a good thing).

How To: Make Your MW2 Perfect Circle Scratched Disc Playable On Xbox 360

Don't you just hate when you buy a new game and one day you play it, you somehow move your Xbox and it makes some horrible sounds so you hurry to get the disc out and see that it's got perfect circle scratches? That happened to me and I felt so bad about it and tried a lot of things to repair it but nothing helped. Then I got an idea that actually helped me.

How To: Cook a homestyle clam chowder with quahogs or large cherrystones

Sure, you've probably eaten New England clam chowder plenty of times, straight from the can on your local grocery store's shelf. But that's no way to eat a chowder. You have to make it fresh and homemade, right in your own kitchen. The best chowders are made with the freshest ingredients and patience. Jasper White shares his recipe from "The Summer Shack Cookbook", for what is truly a classic homestyle clam chowder. How does he makes it without a thickener? Watch and learn from a master.

How To: Bleach water stains from furniture

When restoring older wood furniture you will probably encounter dark rings and black spots, which are caused by water stains. Oxalic acid is a moderate bleach that will remove these stains even if they have penetrated the wood surface. Oxalic acid will also remove finish stain applied previously and lighten the wood for a fresh new look. Restoring wood furniture takes time and patience, but the results of your labor can be enjoyed for years, even generations. The restoration process usually i...

How To: Use a squirrel call

A whistle is really all you need to scout for for squirrels. Squirrel sure is tasty when you fry them up, or whatever, but hunting those little guys can be kind of tricky. Wade Bourne, host of Wade's World on MyOutdoorTV, shows you how to scout for whitetail deer while squirrel hunting.

How To: Celebrate National Boss's Day to Get What You Want by "Managing Your Boss"

Boss's Day is on October 16th, and this year it falls on a Saturday— what better of a day to celebrate Boss's Day? More than likely, you won't be working in the office this weekend, and if you are, you probably don't feel like celebrating and thanking your boss for being so kind and fair. So, forget the cake and ice cream and instead, take the chance to develop a good relationship with your boss, because hating or kissing up to your boss just isn't the way to go.

News: Danny MacAskill Continues to Amaze in "Industrial Revolutions"

The newest addition to the talented Danny MacAskill's impressive portfolio of stunt videos showcases the cyclist maneuvering through a closed iron works factory. Shot by filmmaker Stu Thomson, the video features MacAskill riding through empty buildings and rusty railroads, as he jumps, flips, and turns new tricks—from simple stunts like jumping from one railroad track to the other, to more complicated feats like riding a rope. What does it take to film an athlete like Danny MacAskill? It's a ...

The Joy of Destruction: Smashing, Guillotining, Igniting & More

Why is it so satisfying to squash, snap, squeeze and splatter? You know, squashing a juicy grape, snapping a twig, squeezing ketchup out of a packet—perhaps with your fist—or splattering mud across a sidewalk. But all of these actions are child's play next to animators Laura Junger and Xaver Xylophon's Joy of Destruction. The real joy of destruction is illustrated below—we're talking sawing ladies in half, exploding corn into popcorn with dynamite, burning cities, and rolling over statues wit...

News: Mitakuye Oyasin

This expression, mitakuye oyasin, comes from the language of the Lakota Sioux, a tribe among the Native Americans. It means "We are all related." It's uttered upon crossing the threshold into the Sweat Lodge, the small, low structure used by the Sioux for their sacred purification ritual, the Sweat. In Seido Karate we have a saying we utter upon entering the dojo and upon greeting others: Osu! Osu is an abbreviation of the expression Oshi shinobu osu, which means "maintain patience."

How To: Make a clay goblet

Clay pottery requires patience and detail with every tool you use to hand craft your piece. Learn about clay forming tips that you will need from a pottery expert to create a goblet in this free video clip. Make a clay goblet - Part 1 of 10.

How To: Make a clay luminary

Clay pottery requires patience and detail with every tool you use to hand craft your piece. Learn about clay forming tips that you will need from a pottery expert to create a luminary in this free video clip. Make a clay luminary - Part 1 of 8.

News: The Iridescent Beauty of Bursting Bubbles Captured with High-Speed Photography

Swiss photographer Fabian Oefner wanted to capture the moment right before a bubble bursts, a feat that required surprisingly little equipment, but a lot of time and patience. The result was well worth it though. Here's a quick before and after: The trick to the color, he says, is lighting the bubbles from all angles. He placed illuminated panels all around and used a high-speed flash. The bubbles were blown through a sugar funnel. The trickiest part, not surprisingly, is capturing the exact ...

News: Paper-made Girls

Korean artist Osang Gwon creates more than just alluring paper-made girls. Gwon has moved past traditional papercraft, taking volumes of photographs of his subjects and constructing sculptural forms from the carefully arranged 2D images. Gwon shows in galleries, and has done commissioned projects for both Fendi and Nike.

News: Train a cat like Pavlov's dog

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be really good. Jack Nicholson was appealingly disturbed in As Good as it Gets. I bought a script about an intriguing OCD detective named Monk. His OCD made him magnetic and brilliant. Well, this next tutorial takes the cake. HowTo teach your cat to use a light switch.

Lightning on Demand: Building the World's Largest Tesla Coils

Electrical engineer Greg Leyh and company are currently creating a pair of 118-foot Tesla coils! The largest coil built to date is an 18-story tower constructed back in 1903 by Tesla himself, but Leyh has decided to not only recreate the huge coil, but double it in size. The project goes by the name of "Lightning on Demand" and is currently being constructed on an 81-acre plot in the Nevada desert. Once it's finished, the pair of coils will output 10 million volt acres 100 yards long—the size...

How To: Tips On How To Find The Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

One of the most effective ways to sift out weak programs is to do market research. Take some time to study the market you are interested in by reading reports, reviews, and market studies. This should help you to determine whether or not the particular affiliate products or services you will be campaigning for is actually worth your time. A successful affiliate marketing program will be targeted at a broad population while offering products or services that are highly in demand or exclusive. ...

How To: Make a soft boiled egg

Watch this video demonstration on making a soft-boiled egg. This is incredibly easy and involves a most difficult task of boiling water. You will need a slotted spoon and patience. Make a soft boiled egg.

How To: Conserve water

Water is an essential for human life, but the balance between supply and demand is becoming a crucial issue. The amount of water we use, a waste, in day to day life has a direct impact on the environment. Conserve water.

How To: Take portrait photos

Capturing a portrait of somebody is one of the hardest things to get right, and is therefore the reason why professional photographers are in such demand to shoot good portraits. The trick is to remember that it is as much about recording the subject's personality as it is about simply photographing their face. Here's how to do it well. Take portrait photos.

How To: Make stuffed quahogs (stuffed clams)

Quahogs (or guahaugs) are hard-shelled, edible clams found primarily on the east coast of North America. They're known generally as just clam in the United States. But how do you eat them? And what's the best way to eat them? What do you do with a bucket full of quahogs?

News: Wikipedia - Bioplastic

I feel like it's time to raise awareness about bioplastics and let people know that oil is outdated. I feel like the more we demand this, the more we're gonna see it, and that can actually help us, as a species, head more in the direction we should be. There is nothing more important than the balance between organism and environment.


Khan Academy is the website for the free learning service started by volunteer tutor Sal Khan that grew into 2010 videos on many in demand topics. Check out one of the video lessons. Click ABOUT then Getting started to begin your journey.

News: Don't Be An Idiot! Five Quick Tips to Avoid Looking Like a Fool.

1.) If you do not know something, keep our mouth shut.* No-one, I repeat no-one, is interested in your uneducated guesses about why something is the way it is, or why someone did something a certain way. At best, you will trick them into temporarily thinking you know what you’re talking about. At worst, you will convince them that you are speaking the truth and they will perpetuate your bullsh*t to others. Do not contribute to making the world a more foolish place just because you had to say ...

How to Make a Jacob's Ladder: Chained Lightning

In this article, I'll show you how to create a simple yet accurate demonstration of the "rising ionized gas" principle. In other words, a transformer, two metal prongs and lots of evil laughter. Remember those large "towers" in the background of Frankenstein movies with a "lightning bolt" rising upwards every few seconds? That's called a Jacob's Ladder; one of the coolest awe-inspiring demonstrations of high voltage. Here's a video of the final product: Materials and Tools