Demands Patience Search Results

How To: Fit a strapless, convertable, and racerback bra

You may have been wearing a bra for ages now, but this how-to video from Macy's covers all the mistakes you may be making. Clothes with unusual necklines might demand a slightly more advanced bra than the one you're wearing day to day. Ladies please, check out this video tutorial on supporting your two best friends and learn how to fit a strapless, racerback, or convertible bra. Fit a strapless, convertable, and racerback bra.

News: Donuts

Go to a place where they sell donuts. Buy a whole bunch of different kinds. Leave the store and come back like 30 minutes later, with all the donuts squooshed. Go to the counter and demand to get your money back because the donuts "didn't work". Tell them you went to the doctors for your hemroids and they said to get donuts and sit on them. ( they meant the pillow thing). lol.

How To: Use the Gen-Ear water leak location system

Can't find a water leak? With the General Pipe Cleaners Gen-Ear water leak location system, you can pinpoint water leaks in residential and commercial water lines. It takes patience and practice to master the art of finding hidden water leaks. Watch this two-part video tutorial carefully to safe time in becoming a water leak location professional. Use the Gen-Ear water leak location system.

News: Maintenance of car sun-roof

These days the trend of luxury cars is increasing in India. People are more concerned nowadays about the comforts and features in their luxury roadsters. Apart from features like ABS, Cruise Control, Parking Sensors, Climate Control, Height adjustable seats, the feature of sun-roof is the most demanding one these days. People purchase cars with sun-roof but lack of proper maintenance makes the sun-roof ugly or hampers it sliding. Here are some easy steps that you can follow to maintain your c...

How To: Create Stop Motion Videos with Your iPhone

This week has been awash with iPhone camera tips: Decim8, the digital glitch art generator; Bakari's 10 Uses for the Front-Facing iPhone Camera; and FiLMiC Pro, a professional app for shooting industry standard video. To wrap up our mini survey on iPhone camera apps & tips, one last fun tool: the $0.99 StopMotion Recorder.

News: Superbowl Snackin' with Snoop

For some reason, hip hop x cooking is a familiar equation in the world of HowTo. Today's "tutorial" comes in the form of a blatant Pepsi advert with Snoop Dogg as culinary host. Sure, the Super Bowl is mere hours away, but not to worry, Snoop doesn't demand much artistry or time for whipping up his "oregano" spiked snack of choice. Just dump a bunch of pre-made condiments on a bowl of chips, and voilà, Snoop's (re: Pepsi's) eight-layer dip. Previously, Eeeverybody Love Fried Chicken, So Liste...

News: A Pet Butterfly That Lives Forever

Everybody loves butterflies. What's not to love? They're beautiful. But extremely fragile. Touch a wing, and the butterfly is immediately weakened, if not rendered completely flightless (BTW, if you happen upon this situation, we have just the HowTo for you).

News: Robot Rickshaw Chauffeurs Chinese Peasant

Wu Yulu's life story belongs in a Disney movie. The 46-year-old Chinese farmer has built 26 robots over the past 30 years, with no education beyond high school. He says he loves his robots more dearly than his own sons and rides around his village in a robot powered rickshaw.

How To: Eat Fire (And Look Damn Good Doin' It)

Eating fire is a guaranteed method of not only impressing an entire room, but also instantly settling any questions as to whether or not you're a complete and total stone cold BAD ASS. When you can casually whip this trick out in a bar, you're not only going to get your drinks bought for you for the rest of the night, but at least three phone numbers scrawled on the backs of napkins.

Old Magic: A Rant

Running this World has prompted me to think about MTG on a deeper level than I ever have before. In attempts to contextualize it, explain it, research it, and understand the parts of it that I don't yet understand, I have come to an unexpected conclusion: I'm old.

How To: Track Down an Apple iPad 2 (All Models) in Stores or Online

If you're a diehard Apple fan, chances are the new iPad 2 caught your eye, stole your heart and emptied your wallet. Who couldn't resist the sophisticated slim-body design or its fascinating new Smart Cover? Well—it seems nobody could. And if you were late to jump on the bandwagon, you're still probably cleaning that dust out of your mouth because it took off without you—leaving the latest and greatest Apple gadget out of your reach.

News: Operation Rainfall Fails to Secure Great RPGs for America... For Now

Different genres of social media have changed the world, but they are not omnipotent. In most cases this is a good thing, but not in the case of Operation Rainfall. It has been a purely well meaning social media movement that should have led to a great boon for the North American gamer public, but instead has served as a reminder of how stone aged Nintendo of America's (NOA) corporate thinking remains.

News: US Service Member Kills Atleast 16 Afghan Civilians

Afghan officials and witnesses say a U.S. service member walked off his base and shot and killed at least 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar province Sunday. The shooting is the latest in a string of incidents to further strain Washington and Kabul’s already tense relationship. Afghan President Hamid Karzai called Sunday’s shooting unforgivable. He demanded an explanation from the United States for what he called “intentional killings.” Karzai said in a statement that nine of the victims were ch...

How To: Deal with Waiting for a Google+ Feature

Google+ is the greatest social network to emerge since Facebook annoyed everyone into joining, but that doesn't necessarily mean that our relationship with it is all rosy. Although Google+ has amazing innovations, like hangouts and circles, users are spending a lot of time begging for core features that take what seems to be an eternity to emerge.

The Getty Museum Presents: How to Make Art from Ye Olden Days

Art Babble is a video network for artists and art lovers alike, launched by a group of curators at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The site is divided into channels, series and partners, with a wide variety of top notch videos from institutions far and wide. The Getty Museum has posted some especially fascinating content, most notably their series on modern artisans and craftsmen demonstrating antiquated art techniques.

News: iPlayboy Circumvents Apple's Puritanical App Store Policy

Playboy on iDevice has historically been a big letdown for fans; in order to meet the Apple store "morality" demands, the app offers no nudity, and poorly rated features to boot. But times are changing. Previously stumped on how to circumvent Steve Jobs' puritanism, Heffner and team have now found an alternative to providing loyal Playboy/Apple lovers with a high tech, digital option for browsing.

MANsaver: The Life-Saving App for Lazy and Incompetent Romeos

Are you a conventional male in a conventional relationship with a conventional female? The majority of the population aged 25+ would likely answer "yes". According to stereotype, many males seem to "genetically" struggle with what many females seem to "genetically" value: the acknowledgment and appropriate appreciation of relationship milestones. If you've answered in the affirmative, worry no more, because there's an app-to-the-rescue for the helpless male: If you include yourself among the ...

News: Become Your Own Souvenir

As a kid, my favorite thing to do at the Natural History museum was a midday stop, when my family strolled past an antiquated looking vending machine in the museum's musty basement. The Mold-A-Rama machine was oddly shaped, George Jetson-esque, and spewed out made-to-order, brightly colored plastic dinosaurs. There was such joy in watching the liquid wax pour into the mold, and then eject a warm, custom toy—well worth the dollar or two demanded. A version of this tradition was recently elevat...

Practice Makes Perfect: A Quick Tip for Making Money

Entrepreneur Jason Fried is co-founder of 37signals, a successful Chicago-based software and design firm that has doubled its sales every year for the past decade. Although Fried has a degree in finance, making money isn't a skill he picked up in the classroom or a book. Practice makes perfect, and Fried's experience has taught him that excelling at making money is separate from the product or services provided. Understanding the buyer and experimenting with price models are two of Fried's ke...