Dengan Server Search Results

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Build a Software-Based Wi-Fi Jammer with Airgeddon

Airgeddon is a multi-Bash network auditor capable of Wi-Fi jamming. This capability lets you target and disconnect devices from a wireless network, all without joining it. It runs on Kali, and we'll cover installing, configuring, and using its jamming functionalities on a small, inexpensive Raspberry Pi. When done correctly, it will deny service to a wireless network for up to several blocks.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Automating Wi-Fi Hacking with Besside-ng

Besside-ng is the hidden gem of the Aircrack-ng suite of Wi-Fi hacking tools. When run with a wireless network adapter capable of packet injection, Besside-ng can harvest WPA handshakes from any network with an active user — and crack WEP passwords outright. Unlike many tools, it requires no special dependencies and can be run via SSH, making it easy to deploy remotely.

How To: Connect to an SVN Server in Dreamweaver CS4

This Adobe CS4 tutorial shows you how to use Dreamweaver CS4 to set up a connection to an SVN (Subversion) version control server to control your website directly. This is a new feature of Dreamweaver CS4 so even if you are familiar with CS3, you'll want to learn these new website server controls. Connect to an SVN Server in Dreamweaver CS4.

How To: Use SQL Server Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services allows you to design and deploy nicely formatted and interactive reports representative of your data. Suitable for print or online distribution, these reports and it allows you to get professional results very quickly. This video demonstrates how to set up Reporting Services and the Business Intelligence Development Studio to build reports using the wizards and design. Use SQL Server Reporting Services.

News: The "Old Days"

A long while ago, on a server list far, far away, something beautiful was born. A server called was existent. Not the type of server where you get a plot and just build, a server where you join a community and make friends. I found playing on this server that not only did you build, you shared with other people, and they shared with you! Building contests, beautiful airships by the wonderful pingisspelaren, and community. It was a very enjoyable experience and I was ...

News: I Found a New Server..

So, at first, I miss everyone :( and i missed playing minecraft a bit... sooo i found inspiration and i went on for the search for a server as amazing as wonderhowto... OFCOURSE i did not found one wich was better, or wich could even get close to what he had... But i found one, wich allows you to build, rank and have fun... You get a world ( well, 320x320) and how much you rank, how bigger your "world" gets.. you get 100.000 blocks of WE from the very start and you get voxelsniper... wich is ...

How To: Upload content to a web server with Dreamweaver CS3

This video shows you how to upload files to your Internet service provider (ISP), and reviews the differences between Put and Get operations. You learn about the difference between local and remote files, how to check files in and out in order to edit them, and how to post new information to a remote server. Check out this video by Garrick Chow now! Upload content to a web server with Dreamweaver CS3.

How To: Do different squash forehand return of serve

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates how to Do different squash forehand return of serve options.

News: New Variant of Zeus Trojan Loses Reliance On C&C Server

This week, researchers from Symantec shared information on the recent discovery of a new variant of the Zeus Trojan. This new variant of the popular and ever-changing banking Trojan makes use of P2P communication exclusively, making the botnet have no single point of failure and ensuring it can be kept alive and gathering data that the cybercriminal can profit from. In other words, this new variant requires no central Command-and-Control server to control the bots.