Dengan Server Search Results

How To: Use the Enchantment Table in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. For about the past month, the folks at Mojang have been leaking pre-releases of Minecraft 1.9 and they've added many exciting things. Additions to the game include: potions, new mobs, a new biome, new realms, and something called an enchanting table. I went over how potions work in one of my previous articles and, while they are fun to play with, boy are they confusing!

League of Legends: Dominion Coming Soon

If you’re unfamiliar with League of Legends, you’re either not into PC gaming or you haven’t spent much time on the internet. Riot Games officially released League almost two years ago, and since then it’s become a huge hit. In fact, the Santa Monica based company recently announced that the DOTA inspired game has 15 million registered users, 4 million unique logins each month, and 500,000 people playing the game at any given moment.

How To: Use Cygwin to Run Linux Apps on Windows

You'll see a lot of Linux action going down here at Null Byte. We use Linux for hacking-related stuff because it provides a more relaxed programming environment, making it easy to write exploits and tools. Linux has many features Windows is lacking, such as full control over the OS right down to the Kernel and massive availability of mature, open source (read: free & tweakable) tools & projects.

News: Indie and Mainstream Online Games Shut Down by LulzSec

Anybody who spends most of their day on the internet should know all about lulz. Lulz are most often jokes made at the expense of web users, as popularized on 4Chan. Today, a consortium of hackers called LulzSec is attempting (and in some cases succeeding) in efforts to shut down some of the games that offer web users a giant share of their online fun. World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EVE Online, and Bethesda Softworks have all been targeted by LulzSec's hacking efforts in the last week,...

How To: Share Your Favorite Mobile Apps with Your Friends

There are over 425,000 apps in the iTunes App Store and the Android Market has over 300,000 available, which makes it really hard to tell which ones you want and which ones you don't. One of the best ways to find new mobile apps is from your family, friends and colleagues—those who have similar tastes in games and productivity. And it goes both ways, which means you need to share your favorite picks with those around you. But what's the easiest way to do that?

Minecraft: I'm Going Home

Back in the Super Nintendo days, playing one RPG after the other, memorizing maps and mazes became second nature if you didn't want to look at the mini map or get lost often. I would make it a point to memorize corners and the overall structure of the dungeon or location, so that graphically I would know where I am at all times. It's not like today, where major games come out with 200+ page guides detailing every last inch or going online where you can download a map or look at Youtubes for h...

Dumpster Drive: Exchange Your Digital Trash with Strangers

Do you ever wonder if the files you're trashing on your Mac are actually trash? Let's say there are 80 million computer owners running Mac OS. If each user trashes at least 10 files each day, that's 800 million deleted files that cease to exist every 24 hours. If that doesn't sound like a lot to you, a month would equal 24 billion junked files, a year—nearly 1 trillion.

News: Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Microsoft SharePoint is a business management system introduced by MICROSOFT. It has many build in functions to work in web based environment easily. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 is released on April 17, 2010. It is introduced with the promise of better performance than its predecessor version for both developers and IT professionals. It is entitled as “Business Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise and The Web”.

How To: Start Developing Websites

How To Start To start developing website is a hard way to tell people depending on what they are best at. I'd like to describe a few of 'em. I will call them a few names depending on what effect comes out of 'em. And I will describe what developing languages there are out there and are most widely used. Let's start with that for now.

How To: Get the StarCraft II "Training Day" Achievement

This will show you how to earn the Training Day achievement in StarCraft II on the newest patch, 1.1.2. It's slightly different than before, whereas the Terran Barracks now requires a Supply Depot before it can be built. You can most likely do this faster, as there are a couple of errors here and there, but I scraped in producing the tenth Marine at 4 minutes and 15 seconds - five seconds inside the time limit of 320 seconds (5 minutes 20 seconds) - so it can be done! Races: Terran v Protoss ...

Hack Logs and Linux Commands: What's Going On Here?

This morning, I received a message from a friend who was reading a hack log, and she had some questions about the commands used. This got me thinking, as Linux has a ton of commands and some can be archaic, yet useful. We are going to go over everything you need to know to read a hack log and hopefully implant the steps in your head for future use.

Uncrackable: Secure Your Secrets with 4096-Bit Encryption

As you progress in the world of information security, you'll find yourself in situations where data protection is paramount. No doubt you will have files to hide and secrets to share, so I'm going to show you how to use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG for short) to encrypt and decrypt as you need. GPG is a great open-source version of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), a similar application used for encryption, but licensing and patent problems led to the development of GPG in its wake.

How To: Create an Automatic Animal Harvester in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Harvesting items from animals no longer requires wasting precious time chasing after them. During last Saturday's Weekly Workshop, we built a few different kinds of animal harvesters that worked in different ways, but for this guide we will be building the most compact and easy to use harvesters we made over the weekend.

How To: Create a Redstone Clock in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Real time redstone clocks are a marvel of redstone technology. Not only can they keep track of time, they are capable of powering other more complicated redstone machines. Regardless of whether a redstone clock runs a ten second or twenty-four hour time span, they operate on the same principles, which can be easy and straightforward to understand.

News: Welcome to Edit on a Dime

Video Introduction to Edit on a Dime. Hey there, Interwebs and welcome to Edit on a Dime, your community for reviews, tutorials and news in the world of free and low cost creative tools. The purpose of this World is to make your video, audio and images look professional without costing you professional money.