Deny Sceptics Search Results

Emerald Knights: A Palace of Nerdery

Before last Sunday I hadn't been to a proper game store since I was in middle school. Over ten years ago. If you decide to stop reading right now because I obviously don't care enough about MTG to be writing this thing, I don't blame you. But I tell you, friends, as someone who has denied the utter awesomeness of their hobby for too long, that going to Emerald Knights in Burbank made me feel at home. I want to tell you about it and explain why I will be back many times in the future.

How To: Encrypt files with Windows XP's built-in encryption

If you have files on your PC that you don't want other window's accounts to be able to access, you can encrypt them. Right click the file that you want to encrypt and select properties from the drop down menu. Once the properties page comes up, choose advanced. Now choose Encrypt contents to secure data and click ok. Now you click on apply. Select encrypt the file only and click ok. Hackers and administrators will not get an access denied message when they try to open the file. To make things...

News: Lawyer for Pakistani Drone Victims Denied U.S. Visa

A Pakistani lawyer who represents victims of U.S. drone strikes has been forced to cancel a trip to the United States after the U.S. government failed to grant him a visa. Shahzad Akbar was scheduled to speak later this month at an International Drone Summit in Washington, D.C. Akbar is co-founder of the Pakistani human rights organization, Foundation for Fundamental Rights. He filed the first case in Pakistan on behalf of family members of civilian victims.

News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra

Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...

News: Evan Penny's Real Life Acid Trip

When viewing Toronto based artist Evan Penny's work, Ron Mueck immediately comes to mind. The clear similarities include a representation which is completely photo-realistic, a playfulness with scale, and the mutually shared background in Hollywood SFX.

Palermo: Coming Soon (somewhat) to a theater near you.

If you don't watch Argentine soccer regularly, it's possible that you don't know who Martin Palermo is. He scored Argentina's second goal against Greece yesterday and wrote another page in a story that's bound to be made a movie someday. He's won about 14 titles, scored over 222 goals in Boca Juniors and is their record striker.

News: Hone O Oru

This Japanese expression has two basic meanings. The literal meaning is to break one’s bone(s), as when falling from a height. The figurative meaning is “to try harder.” That is, to try so hard that one’s bones break.

How To: Tune in to Your Favorite Radio Station by Just Asking Siri

As much as streaming services like Apple Music and Spotify have dominated the music industry, radio is still alive and well. And why wouldn't it be? Free music, 24/7? It's a great deal. That's why it's so cool that your iPhone can instantly tune in to your favorite radio station, even one across the country.

KONY 2012: Propaganda At It's Finest?

The most recent viral video on YouTube is just that. A viral video. After seeing all the hype and 'support' that the 'movement' is getting, I want to tell you that this is a misleading video and somewhat of a propaganda campaign. These are strong accusations against such a 'humanitarian' cause, but I'm here to show you why.

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).

News: Australian Government Finally Comes Around on Video Games—Well, at Least a Little

The Australian government has a dysfunctional history with video games. Any regular Yahtzee Croshaw follower can attest to that. The Parliament has established a series of unfortuante regulations that make games both highly taxed and overregulated in price. Bringing any goods all the way to an island in the bottom of the world is expensive to begin with, and new games in Australia can tip the scales at $80 or more.

News: Iconic Indie Game Publisher Interplay Struggles to Make a Comeback

For more than a decade, Interplay was arguably the best video game publisher in America. Their list of games is a who's-who of the most creative and forward thinking games of the '90s, including everything fromOut of This World to Alone in the Dark to Earthworm Jim to Descent. They've been around since 1983, but have fallen on hard times since 1997, when they became a public company. They were acquired by a French publisher who then went bankrupt. They were forced to close their internal deve...

News: Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life.

News: The Amendments

How many of you know all the amendments of the Constitution? Do you even know how many there are?? Well, many of the people I speak to don't. And let me tell you, that's a bad thing. Knowing even the basics of the Amendments can have a profound effect in your lives. Ever got pulled over by a cop? Did you know you can deny his request to search your car (unless he sees something 'suspicious')? If you own a gun, you sure know about the Second Amendment. Here's a neat one: a public phone booth i...

How To: Make Crop Circles or Are Aliens Among Us?

Does this video prove that otherworldly intelligent life has visited Earth? No. It does not prove anything other than there are designs ‘etched’ onto the surface of a field. Does the video immediately above prove that otherworldly intelligent life hasn’t visited Earth? Yeah, you saw it coming; no, it proves nothing more than humans are able to ‘etch’ designs in a field of grain.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Arcade Games Are Dead

If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, then video arcades probably hold a special place in your heart. Whether you all but lived in one (me), wished you could, or detested those with a liking for them, there's no denying that arcades were a ubiquitous part of American culture. They were everywhere, from big chains to little mom-and-pops, housing better systems than gamers had at home and with all the best games and newest titles.

Project Cafe: The Specs Behind Nintendo's Newly Rumored Console

In the past 25 years, there have been five generations of home video games systems. Since Nintendo changed the world by releasing the NES in 1987, there has always been at least two consoles competing for dominance in the wild west of the games industry. This competition— coupled with rapid advancements in technology—has led to a new generation of battling systems coming out every five years, like clockwork.

GENRE JAM: West Side Story (1961)

There's gonna be a rumble.... For this week's GJ article, I thought I would jump right into talking about a mortal-lock favourite of mine: West Side Story. If you haven't seen it (and a lot of folks havent - dudes especially) and you want a lesson in filmmaking craft from a bonafide master then you kind of owe it to yourself to rent this undisputed gem.

News: Seido and The Shadow

Not long ago in Rome during a Master’s Tennis Tournament something remarkable happened. In a tightly contested game, American Andy Roddick challenged a linesman’s call on a ball hit by his opponent. The remarkable thing about this incident was that Roddick argued against his own interest. He insisted that the opponent’s ball had landed inside the line and that he, Roddick, should NOT be awarded the point. Spectators applauded as if they’d witnessed a miracle. Imagine! Sportsmanship in a profe...

News: Analysis of the England vs. USA match

Posted with permission via Ok, so my prediction of a 3-1 USA victory didn't come true. But I can honestly say that I am extremely happy with a 1-1 draw!! There were times where we looked shaky (first 15 minutes). But there were also times when we were taking it to them (Jozy's great run down the flank only to be denied by the woodwork).

News: "The Intervention"

This is a great trick to play on your least-bad-ass pal. Pick a friend who doesn’t smoke, and barely drinks (spends Fridays at home watching Lifetime) and take them out for a beer. A couple days later, take them out for another beer. A couple days after that, do it again, only this time, after they order a beer, order yourself a Coke or a glass of water. Say something in passing, like “You totally love beer, huh?” or “I’m just not feeling it today.” Make sure it’s something that makes them fe...

How To: Detect Facebook Spam

Spam is everywhere and Facebook is no exception. In fact, spammers are constantly stepping up their game by tricking unsuspecting Facebook users to participate in quizzes, games, apps, or "new features" that are actually dangerous computer viruses, spyware, or other trojan horses in disguise. Their attempts even trick people into unknowingly becoming spammers themselves.

News: Jackass 3D Prank Contest Winner Prank

Pick a winner from the mass amounts of contestants. When their flight gets there, have a limo (a real shitty one) pick them up to charter them to a desired location. On the way the Limo driver gets pulled over (fake cop of course) and the Limo driver goes to jail for warrants. The contestant will be left alone until the wrecker service comes to tow the Limo. The wrecker driver then offers the contestant a ride to the destination but he has to make a quick stop first. The wrecker driver asks t...

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