Dessert Pan Search Results

How To: The Trick to Making Roast Chicken Perfect Every Time

When roast chicken is concerned, perfection is hard to attain. The reason for this is surprisingly simple: the light meat and the dark meat should be cooked to different temperatures. Ideally, chicken legs should be cooked to at least 170°F, while breasts should be cooked to 150°F. Naturally, this poses a conundrum: how can you cook two parts of the chicken to two different temperatures, without taking the bird apart?

How To: Make Star Wars Death Star Popsicles

Hello, in this episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, we will continue with the Star Wars theme, last episode we made Star Wars Death Star Peanut Butter Cups, this episode we are making Star Wars Death Star Popsicles. So we are really getting great value out of our Death Star molds, because of the versatility they provide. These popsicles are super easy to make, if I can make them, you can make them! If you have any comments put them down below, and I will get back to you.

Forget Baking Soda: This Trick Is Way Better at Deodorizing Stinky Fridges

Smelly foods are what make my culinary world "go 'round," so to speak. I grew up with fish sauce, learned to cook with and love fermented beans and veggies, and am one of the biggest garlic advocates I know... other than my husband, who thankfully shares the same smelly food sensibilities. (Let's put it this way: anyone that can stomach stinky tofu can handle anything I could possibly cook up.)

How To: The Number One Way to Get Moist, Juicy Chicken Breasts Every Time

Chicken breasts have gotten a bad rap. Dry, flavorless, boring... poor white meat gets no love, and dark meat gets all of the credit for being sinfully flavorful and delicious. But the truth is, even though chicken breasts are lower in fat and calories, they can also be incredibly versatile and full of flavor... if they're prepared correctly. You're probably familiar with poaching, which is a technique that gently cooks more delicate meats such as chicken or fish fully submerged in a liquid b...

How To: Tell if Your Steak Is Done Without Using a Thermometer

In my opinion, there is nothing in the culinary world as satisfying as cutting into a steak, and seeing that you've cooked it to perfection. Even if you're one of those bizarre people that prefers their steak medium or well done (hey, no judgement... okay, fine, a little bit of judgement), it's culinary heaven when you realize that you achieved the perfect doneness on your steak.

How To: Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator

I grew up in a rural town, and that meant that we dehydrated a lot of food. Even with a hungry family of five, there was no way that we could eat all of the season's tomatoes before they molded, or all of the orchard's apples before they grew soft, or all of the wild mushrooms that we picked. And so our dehydrator was always getting a good workout.

How To: Thaw a Frozen Steak in Minutes

It's a basic law of cooking: whenever you're really craving something, you don't have it. All you want is a glass of wine? Chances are you finished the bottle while braising meat last night. Want nothing more than a sandwich right now? Yep, you finished the bread with breakfast. You'd kill for a steak? They're all in the freezer, and you don't want to wait while they thaw; you want your steak now.

News: Inspire Your Kids to Cook with a Safe Mini Knife Set

When you have a parent who cooks—and has you act as sous chef—the kitchen automatically becomes a less intimidating place. In other words, kids who know their way around the kitchen will most likely become adults who cook for themselves, which also means that they'll eat more unprocessed whole foods, save money, and maintain a healthy weight.

How To: Make 2-Ingredient Pancakes That Are High Protein, Low-Carb & Gluten-Free

You only need eggs and bananas to make these tasty pancakes that fit almost every hyphenated category: dairy-free, Paleo-friendly, grain-free, gluten-free, low-carb, and high-protein. It sounds too good be true, but these pancakes are easier to make than traditional pancakes and don't have any of that troublesome white flour. I've also included a three-ingredient recipe below for a slightly thicker pancake recipe.

How To: Clean Up Liquid Spills More Easily with Flour

Spills happen in the kitchen, and while every good cook knows to clean as you go, not every cook has an endless supply of cleaning materials. Besides, one spill can exhaust your entire stockpile of sponges, paper towels, and rags in a matter of minutes. Particularly egregious mishaps can make everything they touch feel sticky and gross.

How To: Fix the One Mistake Most People Make When Cooking with Garlic

Garlic isn't just a food, it's a legend. It's been found in the pyramids of Egypt and is referenced in the Bible. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, prescribed it regularly, and it was given to the first Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece to enhance performance (take that, Lance Armstrong). And, of course, it's famed for its ability to ward off evil, whether it's in the form of vampires, demons, or werewolves.

How To: Cook a Moist & Delicious Thanksgiving Turkey Without a Baster

A turkey baster is one of those single-use kitchen items that most people only need once or twice a year (although you can use it for a few other things). You never seem to miss having one until the holidays roll around when it's time to cook your Thanksgiving turkey. But do you really need a baster to end up with a moist, delicious bird? The short answer is no.

How To: Care for an Iguana Without a Cage

First of all, I would like you all to meet my good friend Iggy. There he is, in all his scaly reptilian glory. As you can see, he spends a lot more time on top of his cage than inside of it. You see, Iggy here doesn't deal well AT ALL with confinement. I don't know if it's possible for a lizard to be claustrophobic, but if it is possible, then Iggy definitely is. When his previous owner gave him to me, I tried to keep him in the cage, but I quickly realized that it was a bad idea. When confin...

How To: Make corn tortillas with a tortilla press

In this tutorial, we learn how to make tortillas with a tortilla press. First, you will need masa, which is corn flour with lime juice in it. Pour out some masa into a bowl, then add in warm water to the bowl to make a dough. After this, mix the masa and the water until you have a dough. It should feel like warm clay or play dough. Now, heat up a cast iron skillet and while that is heating up, grab your dough and place it into the tortilla press. Make your fresh tortilla, then place it into t...

How To: Make a sonora hotdogs

In this tutorial, we learn how to make sonora hot dogs. You will need: tomatillos, chicken broth, refried beans, queso, dried cilantro, hot dogs, lemon juice, bacon, tomato, garlic, jalapeno, mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise. First, place the cilantro and jalapeno and place into blender with lime juice. Next add in your chopped onion and chopped tomatillos and start to blend while adding in the garlic and chicken broth. Next heat up a large pan with lard, and once it has melted add the sauce ...

How To: Make coconut cream pie

Add a perfect theme dessert to your next Hawaiian luau with this decadent coconut cream pie. After a long week at work there’s nothing better than a little back yard barbecue fun with friends topped off with the perfect treat.

How To: Make banana pudding

Change things up and for your next dessert or for an after school snack, try serving banana pudding. Banana pudding is easy and combines the creamy fun of pudding with the fruity flavor of bananas. It’s a clever way to sneak in an extra serving of fruit.

How To: Change oil on a '07 Suzuki Boulevard S40 motorcycle

This video shows you how easy it is to change the oil on a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard S40. Remove the drain plug and drain the oil into a drain pan. Remove the engine side cover and pull the comb filter out. Make sure the the o ring is on inside the filter before installing the new filter. There is also an o ring that goes onto the cover before installing the cover. Bolt the cover back on. Install the drain plug. Put the funnel inside of the refill and add 2 liters of oil(refill is above the oil f...

How To: Make red velvet cake

Get tips from our expert, Jennifer Cail on mixing in each of the ingredients, baking red velvet cake, and making the frosting for this dessert. Finally, learn how to frost each layer of this red velvet cake with expert tips in this free video recipe.

How To: Bake a gingerbread house

In this video series, our expert will show you how to make and decorate a gingerbread house. This fun Christmas or winter time activity allows the whole family to get involved in making dessert. Learn each easy to follow step for rolling out the gingerbread dough, cutting the shapes for a gingerbread house and gingerbread trees, and baking the gingerbread.