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How To: Market your merchandise on eBay

New to eBay? Don't worry, setting up an account and buying and selling doesn't take that much effort at all. Everyone who has an Internet connection has at one point come across eBay, to find the perfect gift for their loved ones, to find the cheapest deals on plasma televisions and computers, or to get rid of their dusty, old record album collection in their web store.

How To: Use imageSynth plugin for Photoshop

Developed in conjunction with the smart people at Allegorithmic, the imageSynth plug-in is a powerful ally to Adobe Photoshop for anyone wanting to create seamless tiling textures. The plug-in is simple to use and rewards experimentation. See how to get started using imageSynth for Photoshop in this two part tutorial. Use imageSynth plugin for Photoshop - Part 1 of 2.

How To: Privacy? What Privacy? Quora Now Publicly Shows the Posts You View: Here's How to Disable It

In an effort to help posters see the various ways that people discover their posts, Q&A site, Quora has decided to make who views each post, public, along with information on how each viewer came to see the question (ex: through an email, a followed tag, or other public stream). This would probably be an interesting, helpful, and universally liked feature, except for one thing...

How To: Prepare Your Child For School

Academically Preparing Your Child For School Many parents are anxious when their child begins school for the first time, especially when he/she is the first child to leave the nest. Is my little one ready for school? What should my child know/be able to do before starting? Unless you have teacher friends or have been given guidelines by the school it can be difficult to know how to get your child ready academically. Here are a few tips to help give your child a good start.

How To: Prune and trim trees

As a home owner, you should pay careful attention to the trees that surround your house. Dead limbs and some smaller "roughage" can pose a danger to you and your family, as well as your home, if your trees are not cared for properly. Essentially, proper pruning is essential for a healthy and aesthetically pleasing tree. Pruning is needed when first planting a tree to control its growth and to help develop its shape. Pruning can help spur growth in foliage, fruit and flowers as well as remove ...

How To: Encourage dramatic play and imagination

Do you remember playing “dress up” as a kid? or pretending you were “daddy home from work?” As fun as these activites are, they play a more important role than you may think. Dramatic play or “imaginative play” helps children bring the complicated grown-up world down to size and develop important skills for dealing with the outside world. Learn how to encourage these ideas in your child. Encourage dramatic play and imagination.

News: Time-Lapse Video of Sunday's Annular Solar Eclipse

The annular solar eclipse was amazing. It was so much fun watching the sun transform from a thin crescent to a ring and then to a thin crescent going the other direction. I'll be posting up the pictures used to make this video in various resolutions on my photography website over the next few days, all of the way up to the full 16 megapixel ultra-detailed images.

News: Why do teens do crazy things?

It is not that they do crazy things they do not know how to deal with stress. It is more likely for a teen to make a “bad” decision when they are under stress. Teens' brains are not yet developed; your brain is fully develop around the age of 25. That is why an adult will response better under stress than a teen.

Gambling with Secrets: Video Series

I recently found this video series that discusses (in a more round about way) the theories that make cryptography what it is today, which goes great with my most recent blog post. I haven't finished watching them all yet, but so far they have been fairly good and I would recommend watching one to see if you like it?!

News: Fallout Inspired underground bunker

As my in game name (TehGeekFather) would suggest I tend to like things on the Geekier side of things. Games being one of them. (duh I'm on a Forum dedicated to Minecraft) That being said I am a huge Fallout fan. (NO! not the band. <Sigh>) I'm referring to the post apocalyptic series first developed by Black Isle Studios, the roll playing game division of Interplay, back in 1997. Fallout 1 and 2 were pretty big back then open game play, being able to complete tasks in different ways depending ...

Holiday Challenge: The Swarovski Christmas Tree

Taken at the Toronto Eaton Centre using an iPhone and Hipstamatic 231 app, James M lens and Ina's 1969 film. The radial spin was created on camera by quickly turning the phone clockwise. I didn't think it was possible since I had no control whatsoever with shutter speed or aperture and what not. No post-processing done except resizing in Photoshop CS 5.

News: M.C. Escher Square Tessellation Ornaments

Imatfaal's awesome post on Escher's tessellations on Polyhedra reminded me of some ornaments I made this summer. I made some of Escher's square tessellations onto cubes and then reprojected them onto spheres. I actually used a 60 sided Deltoidal hexecontahedron since that net is fairly easy to fold and looks pretty round.

Mathematical Holiday Ornaments: Escher "Snow Flakes"

This week's post on creating 6-sided Kirigami Snowflakes got me interested in seeing whether I could use the process to create tessellation snowflakes using the method. I still haven't succeeded, but I did decide to make some ornaments based off a few of the tessellations by M.C. Escher that have a 6 sided symmetry.

News: Its time to steal your own fairy!!

While scrawling the world of minecraft I came across a interesting and well done texture pack that will totally be in my mind. right Hyrule castle time!!!!!For those of you who didnt have the pleasure of playing one of the greatest worlds of all time, it looked something like this.

Modular Origami: How to Make a Cube, Octahedron & Icosahedron from Sonobe Units

Modular origami is a technique that can be used to build some pretty interesting and impressive models of mathematical objects. In modular origami, you combine multiple units folded from single pieces of paper into more complicated forms. The Sonobe unit is a simple example unit from modular origami that is both easy to fold and compatible for constructing a large variety of models. Below are a few models that are easy to make using this unit.

News: Modular Origami

Cory has posted some great picture of Father Magnus' intersecting cubes (the great man is holding one in his right hand) - well the above is what happens when five tetrahedra intersect. It is modular origami and made from just ten sheets of origami paper. technically in a folding sense it is easy - but putting it together is mind-warping