Developing Cancer Search Results

Green Tea: It Cleans More Than Just Your Body

About ten years ago, Western research figured out that green tea was a nutritional powerhouse. After all, in Asian countries where green tea is consumed throughout the day, cancer rates tend to be much lower, although there are probably other factors contributing to that fact, like less processed food and red meat in the standard Asian diet.

How To: Propagate plants

Plants propagate themselves through the structures we know as flowers. At the base of the flower, one finds developing seed. The plant will eventually shed flowers and the seed with be propagated on its own. Or we can harvest the seed, dry them down, and germinate them. For more information on the propagation process, watch this green video tutorial.

How To: Create a beep application in REALbasic

This REALbasic tutorial teaches you how to create a minimal application with REALbasic that is much simpler than Xcode and will allow your app to be cross-platform too. REAL basic is derived from the BASIC programming language so it's really easy to develop applications in as this tutorial will demonstrate.

How To: Create a drought resistant garden

If the thought of drought resistant plants makes you picture only cactus and succulents, think again. There are many other beautiful plants that can help you conserve water. This gardening tutorial teaches you how to create a xeriscape or drought resistant landscape. These plants do need to be watered regularly at first but once they have developed their root system you can pretty much leave them to fend for themselves.

How To: Mend a rag rug with a strip of cloth

Though rag rugs are durable and are known to last decades, sometimes due to a weak fabric, a thin strip, loose stitching, or canine chewing, holes and weak spots develop. Fortunately, these holes are easy to fix. All you need is a strip of fabric in a similar color. Watch this video weaving tutorial and learn how to mend a rag rug with a strip of cloth.

How To: Comfort a baby

Babies have no way of communication other than crying. = Touch is one of a baby's most highly developed senses at birth. Holding, caressing and cuddling your infant is crucial to helping her feel safe and secure. There are a number of tips demonstrated in this instructional video to help calm a crying baby. Watch this video child care tutorial and learn how to comfort a baby.

How To: Direct a cartoon

Walter Lantz describes how to direct a cartoon like Woody Woodpecker. To start with, the director must help develop the story idea. Also, he makes a guide for the animators to follow when a new character is created.

How To: Make a Tic-Tac-Toe game

For preschoolers a way to make and play a creative game called TIC-TAC-TOE. When playing many skills are used and developed like spatial reasoning, logic, turn taking, directionality, and perspective taking. TIC-TAC-TOE is not a simple game, research shows that children up to age nine still find it challenging.

How To: All the Sites You Can Check for Coronavirus Testing Locations

One of the scariest things about the COVID-19 virus is that you can show no symptoms but still be infected (and contagious). Naturally, we all want to know whether we're carrying the new coronavirus, but if you're showing signs of COVID-19, how can you be tested to know for sure? Websites are popping up to help with that, screening for symptoms, and directing you to a testing site if needed.

News: Why Facebook Co-Founder's Call for a Breakup Is Focused on the Wrong Target — AR Is Zuckerberg's Next Big Data Bonanza

Next to Apple, Snap is currently one of the most important companies on the planet in terms of delivering products that are moving augmented reality into the mainstream. That's why it's no surprise that Facebook, which is also focused on AR and tried to acquire the company for $3 billion several years ago, duplicates many of the smaller company's features.