Digital Rules Search Results

News: Magic Leap CEO's Tweetstorm Tries to Reframe Reactions to Latest Demo After Signs of Disappointment

Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz doesn't engage in tweetstorms often, but when he does, those tweets are bold, exceedingly confident, and there's usually a strong takeaway regarding what the company is or isn't doing. But on Thursday, Abovitz's latest tweetstorm sent an unusually flustered message: We promise, the magic we're telling you about it better than anything you've seen on video.

Dev Report: Some Light Shed on Magic Leap's Persistent Object Locations Solution but Many Mysteries Remain

With the reveal of Magic Leap's developer documentation last week, many questions have been answered—and several new ones have been raised as well. But since the Magic Leap One (ML1) isn't simply called the "Leap One," these are questions that the company probably has no interest (at least for now) in answering. Understandably, Magic Leap wants to keep some of the "magic" under wraps.

News: Mastercard, Qualcomm-Powered ODG Smartglasses Use Iris Authentication for AR Shopping

As the level of data being generated grows exponentially, past the Information Age and into the coming Hyper-Information Age of immersive computing — as resistant as many of us are to the idea — personal data security is becoming a necessary consideration in our everyday lives. Recognizing this, Mastercard, Qualcomm, and Osterhout Design Group have teamed up to show what secure shopping could look like in the very near future with iris authentication.

Cyberwar: Hacker vs. Hacker

From time immemorial, human beings seem to be at odds with one another. When these differences become so heated and unresolvable, it eventually erodes into physical violence. This violence has manifested into some of the most horrific exercises in human history, things which every school child is aware of and none of which we have to recount here. Although humans have been cruel and violent for a very long time, the 20th century may have epitomized that behavior. With two World Wars and many,...

How To: Connect Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to Your TV for the Ultimate Viewing Experience

As we all use our smartphones for more and more things, we constantly want to share and view those items on a larger screen, especially when it comes to media. While phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and tablets like the iPad do make watching Netflix on a portable device pretty legit, bigger is always better. Newer iPhones may have Retina displays, but watching Avatar on your phone is like being forced to drink a delicious mango tango smoothie with a coffee straw. Plus, if you want to sho...

How To: Break the ice at a party with game

In this video series you will learn several game ideas that don't involve a board, dice or cards and can be played by any group virtually anywhere. They can give you and your group or party hours of entertainment and possibly help you design your own game to play in the future. There are no rules to what you can come up with. Each video walks you step by step through the rules and details of each game designed by our professional party planner, Brenda Borg.

How To: Play games at a baby shower

In this video series you will learn several game ideas that don't involve a board, dice or cards and can be played by any group virtually anywhere. They can give you and your group or party hours of entertainment and possibly help you design your own game to play in the future. There are no rules to what you can come up with. Each video walks you step by step through the rules and details of each game designed by our professional party planner, Brenda Borg.

How To: Format a memory card using a card reader and a Windows PC

Sometimes it's necessary to format your memory card in your mobile phone or digital camera, just like you need to format a hard drive, because of virus problems or slower speeds. This video will show you the steps to formatting (or reformatting) the SD memory card for a cell phone, using a memory card reader. You'll also get details about a write protect error that could happen.

How To: Become a paranormal investigator

Do you love a good mystery? Were you a huge fan of "The X Files" or any other freaky movie or TV show? If you are daring and not afraid of the unexplained, Paranormal Investigator may be the job for you. Check out this video to see if you qualify and exactly how you can get into this spooky field.

How To: Create an artist portfolio

Presentation matters. Make sure you have the best shot of getting your artwork out there by putting together a pleasing and professional artist portfolio. Include your best work and make everything look finished and neat.

How To: Make hard cider from apples

This daring docu-drama explores the esoteric underground of hard-cider brewing. This fast paced thriller is sure to captivate the mind, and leave you on the edge of your seat. OK, it's just a video shot with a 3mp Cannon digital camera on video mode and edited with some lousy free software. There are two different methods used to make this hard cider. 5 gallons of fresh cider with a starting specific gravity of 12 were pitched with White Labs liquid English Cider Yeast. This should yield arou...

How To: Make your WD Passport work with any USB DVD Player

When I first bought my Western Digital Passport drive I had all intentions of putting hundreds of movies on it and plugging it into my USB enabled DVD player that's hooked up to my TV. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The drive draws power through the USB cable, and the LG DVD player I have doesn't supply enough. I thought that if I bought an external case with it's own power adapter, took the drive out of the Passport and put it in there, it might work. Nope. Didn't work either, it was still d...

How To: Learn to Draw Like a Pro for Under $40

Creativity is one of our most unique features. We can dream up gods and demons and give them form through drawing. We can even take a two-dimensional surface and bring our ideas to life in three dimensions. It only takes a little training for our giant imaginations to blossom on the page.

How To: Use Apple & Google's COVID-19 Screeners on Your Phone to See if You Might Have Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a frenzy for news and information that is nearly unprecedented in the smartphone era, with a major side effect of misinformation. Now, major tech companies are making it easier to ask for advice about novel coronavirus from their respective digital assistants. Results may vary, but Apple and Google are the most useful at the moment.