Director William Search Results

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

Hammock - Breathturn (DP: Larkin Seiple)

I hesitate to even post screengrabs from this piece.  The storytelling by this creative team (dir. David Altobelli & DP Larkin Seiple) is so perfect that taking stills out of context doesn't do it justice.  At first, I was disappointed that the automatic thumbnail Vimeo chose was so nondescript but ultimately it's for the best.  Here's just a tease:

The Anachronist: A Crowd-Funded Steampunk Film About Time Travel

I guess it's steampunk film night, because there's another film out there in the works, though this one is trying to raise money via Kickstarter. The promotional animation that they have up on their kickstarter page is pretty awesome, and from what the director had to say, it sounds like it would be a really cool film. Go over there and check it out, and if you like to contribute to the indie scene, give them some money!

News: Redneck Restaurant "Beverly Hillbillies"

The whole crew goes to a fancy Beverly Hills Restaurant dressed as a group of "Beverly Hillbillies" and cause a scene in front of all the customers. They should put the reservation under Hill Williams aka "Hill Billies". they need to be extremely loud and obnoxious and ask to order ridiculous redneck foods like squirel on a stick or roadkill special. Someone should bring a chicken with them and tell the waiter to tell the chef to kill and cook this one.

How To: Color grade with Magic Bullet Looks in Final Cut Pro

In this clip, award-winning director Philip Bloom walks you through the process of color grading his film "Return to Dungeness" in Final Cut Pro using Magic Bullet Looks. Whether you're new to Apple's Final Cut Pro non-linear video editor, new to Magic Bullet Looks or just want to better acquaint yourself with either program, you're sure to benefit from this video tutorial. For more information, watch this FCP lesson. Color grade with Magic Bullet Looks in Final Cut Pro.

How To: Share Your Laptop's Wireless Internet with Ethernet Devices

Sharing a laptop's wireless Internet connection with other computers connected to its Ethernet port is a great skill to know. It can be good for a number of reasons; Your computer may not have proper hardware to have a standard setup, or you may have an awkward network topology where sharing your wireless Internet via Ethernet would just be a better option.