Director William Search Results

Jan Kounen: Undisputed Master of Psycho Stop Motion Animation

As inspiration for the Levitation Challenge, a demonstration of pure stop motion genius: Jan Kounen's Gisele Kerozene, the tale of four extremely odd witches "flying" on motorized brooms. If Tokyo's Levitating Girl has to jump 200 times to get the perfect shot, imagine how many times these four guys had to jump to get a full 4 minutes and 30 seconds of stop motion magic.

News: MyndPlay Gives Mindf*** Movies a New Meaning

Were you horrified when Gwyneth Paltrow's head ended up in a box in Se7en? Do you share Harrison Ford's opinion that Han Solo should have died in Return of the Jedi? Think Kurt Russell could have handled aliens better in The Thing? Well, sorry—you're out of luck. There's nothing you can do to prevent William Wallace's beheading or Carrie's mayhem. But thanks to MyndPlay, controlling the plot to future films is totally possible.

News: Facebook Photo Album Hacked (You Can Do It, Too)

When the much buzzed Facebook profile page redesign was released back in December, French artist and co-director of ad agency La Bande Originale Alexandre Oudin came up with an innovative way to maximize the visual possibilities of the page. His clever "hack" created a ripple effect of copycats across the web.

News: Secure your Wizard Booty!

Hello readers again! Sorry about the long wait (scary computer problems). Today I am going to talk to you about security problems on Wizard101. I have recently encountered many security flaws on Wizard101, including hacking, frauding and other crazy things. Wizard101 is the target for many online predators, many of who are fully-grown adults aged 60 or 70. Here is the link to an article I found about it: Wizard101 Internet Predators

How To: Use the Test Realm

Hey wizards! As you have read in the gardening article I put up a few days ago, it requires the Test Realm! It's pretty easy to use the Test Realm, but there are a few very important limitations you have to pay attention to before using it. Many of you reading this may be pretty agravated. Here's how KingsIsle puts it:This Test Realm is available to Subscribers.

News: The Hideous "Buy" Button

Buy, buy, buy. Buy this, buy that. Many wizards are buying crowns and earning or buying gold points to buy an in-game item. I, myself am saving up for the Great Fortress, a giant 50,000 coin Dragonsyre house. But right now, I still have to face the hideous greyed-out Buy button:

News: Welcome to The Wizard's Spiral!

Hello wizards! Welcome to The Wizard's Spiral! This new blog is about Wizard101. Feel free to post about anything in the Forums, ranging from equipment to Helephants, from castles to Mooshu. If you have any questions or technical problems, go to the forums and open a new thread. Me or any other wizard will be there right away to help you. For those of you who are wondering what Wizard101 is, you have come to the right place. Wizard101 is an MMORPG game that is all about wizards and magic. Whe...

How To: Watch Comey Testify Live on Your Smartphone

In light of his recent controversial firing, Former FBI Director James Comey will testify to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a highly anticipated open session today at 10 AM EST / 7 AM PST. The testimony will be in regards to alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. It will be the first time the former FBI director will speak in public since the firing. So, you do NOT want to miss it.

How To: Be creative in Adobe After Effects with Steve Holmes

Steve Holmes is the creative director of the award-winning motion graphics studio Energi Design. Check out this video to learn his latest tips-and-tricks in creating motion graphic design and Flash-based web projects. You'll see how Hi-Def cameras will make your designed project shine and much, much more. You'll also work with After Effects and Photoshop in this tutorial. Be creative in Adobe After Effects with Steve Holmes.

News: Richie Hayward Benefit in San Jose, August 13, 2010

DRUM! Magazine — the leading magazine for drummers and percussionists worldwide — has announced the biggest drumming event ever to take place in Northern California. On Friday, August 13, drummers will descend on the San Jose Repertory Theatre in the heart of Silicon Valley to witness three of the world’s most exciting drummers — extreme drumming sensation Marco Minnemann, Tower Of Power funk master David Garibaldi, and former Mars Volta wunderkind Thomas Pridgen — for an evening of mind-blow...

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

News: Origami Sierpinski Tetrahedron Constructed with 250+ Modules

I've already posted a brief roundup of interesting models folded by Michal Kosmulski, expert orgami-ist and IT director at NetSprint. However, I didn't include my favorite model, because I felt it deserved its own post. Kosmulski folded an elaborate and large Sierpinski tetrahedron, which he deems "level 3" in difficulty. (Translation: hard). It is constructed with 128 modules and 126 links, based on Nick Robinson's trimodule.

How To: Make a Website Out of Chocolate

Sorry guys, despite the headline, this one isn't an actual How To. But the process behind the creation of Portuguese brewer Sagres' chocolate crafted website is fascinating, and we would gladly welcome any lengthy step-by-step tutorial. Created in promotion of the brewery's new chocolate flavored stout, the company's ad agency—Grand Union Portugal—gave Victor Nunes, world famous chocolatier and artistic director of Óbidos International Chocolate Festival, the task of creating a site completel...

News: Battle of the Shaky Cam

Responding to the inexplicably rampant use of faux-documentary techniques in "Battle: Los Angeles", Matt Zoller Seitz of Salon eloquently and hilariously lambastes the "played-out" fad of the shaky cam. Here are just a few nuggets:

News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists

Scientists have good and bad news for hard-driving people who boast they need only six hours of sleep a night. The good news is a few may be right: Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco have identified a family with a genetic mutation that causes members to require only six hours sleep a night. The bad news? The gene is vanishingly rare in humans, found in less than 3% of people.

HowTo: DIY Home Photo Booth

We love the photo booth. Inevitably the best pictures from any wedding come from, not the professional photographer, but the photo booth stationed in the far corner where tipsy guests act very very silly. Brett Ratner, director of Rush Hour and X-men, has a photo booth installed in his house. After several years of parties...he decided to publish a book of all the candids. Jay-Z, Paris Hilton, Justin Timberlake and many others mug for the camera without the aid of fancy lighting or make up ar...

Cyrus: The Puffy Chair meets Money and Famous People

Cyrus comes out tomorrow, having wowed people at Sundance and at SXSW where the directors, the Duplass brothers, had earlier success with their mumblecore feature The Puffy Chair. It's very funny, and very well made and it should be of particular interest to lo/no-budg filmmaking dudes and dudettes because it is literally the model of what can be done with talent and hard work.

News: Eeek!! FREAKS!

Via Motionographer: "Ben West wrote, directed and did the animation for this warming mockumentary promoting the 2008 Australian Directors Guild Conference. Ben’s witty script, combined with a bit of Christopher Guest meets Chris Cunningham is a refreshing change of pace from the über epic conference promos of late.

News: Alice in Wonderland Synopsis

From Walt Disney Pictures and visionary director Tim Burton comes an epic 3D fantasy adventure ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a magical and imaginative twist on some of the most beloved stories of all time. JOHNNY DEPP stars as the Mad Hatter and MIA WASIKOWSKA as 19—year—old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, th...

How To: Prepare for an earthquake

Mark Benthien (Director of Communication, Education, and Outreach, Southern California Earthquake Center ) gives expert video advice on: What are the key considerations when preparing for an earthquake? | What are the essential elements of an earthquake disaster plan? | What types of food and water should I have? | What earthquake supplies should I keep near my bed? and more... Prepare for an earthquake.