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How To: "Should I Remove It?" Helps You Rid Your Windows PC of Bloatware and Unwanted Programs

A lot of computers come with a ton of pre-installed software from the manufacturer, some of which you need and some of which you could most certainly live without. And over time, you may have downloaded and installed a bunch of programs and apps that you probably can't even remember. Now, you could go ahead and uninstall everything that you don't think you need, but then you run the risk of removing something that could really mess up the system. When I open up my Programs folder, I feel like...

How To: 8 Tricks for Fixing Your iPhone's Broken Home Button

When a phone has only one main button, it can be pretty frustrating when that one button doesn't really work anymore. If you have an iPhone 4 or 4S, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Yep, the Home button, which is prone to unresponsiveness and lag. Most users blame the Home button issues on either dirt, moisture, or misalignment. No matter what the reason, having a busted Home button sucks, especially for those of you no longer under warranty. But that's okay, because there are a few t...

How To: Make a Super Secret Batman-Style Bust Switch for Your Batcave (Or Just Your Lights)

Remember the 1960's American television series Batman, with Adam West as Bruce Wayne? It was waaaaay before my time. The caped crusader that I'm more familiar with is actually this one... When I first heard of Adam West, it was him doing the Batusi on The Simpsons. I had no idea what was going on, so I looked up Adam West and his sensual dance and found myself face to face with the 1960's Batman.

How To: If You Use Password Hints in Windows 7 or 8, This Hack Could Easily Exploit Them

Earlier this week, Spiderlabs' vulnerability researcher Jonathan Claudius discovered a key in Windows 7 and 8 registries that makes it easy for anyone with physical or remote access to a computer get a hold of the user's password hints. When the "UserPasswordHint" key is read, the hints are displayed as a code that looks encrypted, but Claudius noticed a pattern of zeroes that could be easily translated back to plain text with a decoder he made in Ruby. He added this functionality to the Meta...

News: Hackers Can Remotely Set HP Printers on Fire: Is Yours Vulnerable?

Do you own an HP printer? If so, it may be vulnerable to malware attacks. Researchers at Columbia University discovered that 25% of Hewlett-Packard printers have significant vulnerabilities that put your printer in danger from hackers—even your home. With a budget of just $2,000, researchers Salvatore Stolfo and Ang Cui were able to hack into the printers using remote firmware to install malware, and in some cases even cause the printer to catch on fire. The main issue is with the printer's c...

How To: Make a Dutch Baby pancake

Discover yet another of the delicious use for that cast-iron skillet you bought in this video from Jenny Jones, who teaches you how to make a Dutch Baby. No, you don't have to go to the Red Light District. Heck, you don't even have to leave your kitchen! A Dutch Baby in this case is a Dutch-style pancake covered with bananas and strawberries. In an Amsterdam pancake shop the fruit would be cooked into the pancake itself instead of spread over the top, but either way this recipe is tasty!

How To: Do the "Push Break" swing dance move

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Find Vulnerable Webcams Across the Globe Using Shodan

Search engines index websites on the web so you can find them more efficiently, and the same is true for internet-connected devices. Shodan indexes devices like webcams, printers, and even industrial controls into one easy-to-search database, giving hackers access to vulnerable devices online across the globe. And you can search its database via its website or command-line library.

How To: Spy on Network Relationships with Airgraph-Ng

What if you could easily visualize which access point every Wi-Fi device nearby is connected to in a matter of seconds? While programs like Airodump-ng can intercept this wireless information, making it easy for hackers to use and understand is another challenge. Fortunately, a tool called Airgraph-ng can visualize the relationships between Wi-Fi devices from only a few seconds of wireless observation.

How To: Beginner's Guide to OWASP Juice Shop, Your Practice Hacking Grounds for the 10 Most Common Web App Vulnerabilities

Web application vulnerabilities are one of the most crucial points of consideration in any penetration test or security evaluation. While some security areas require a home network or computer for testing, creating a test website to learn web app security requires a slightly different approach. For a safe environment to learn about web app hacking, the OWASP Juice Shop can help.

Hacking macOS: How to Steal Signal Conversations from a MacBook with a USB Rubber Ducky

Developed by Open Whisper Systems, Signal is a free, open-source encrypted communications app for both mobile and desktop devices that allows users to make voice calls, send instant messages, and even make video calls securely. However, a vulnerability was recently discovered for the desktop version that can be turned into a USB Rubber Ducky payload to steal signal messages with a single click.

SQL Injection 101: Advanced Techniques for Maximum Exploitation

For SQL injection, the next step after performing reconnaissance and gathering information about a database is launching an attack. But something seems off .. in the real world, it's usually not quite as simple as passing in a few fragments of SQL code to an input field and seeing all that glorious data displayed right in the browser. This is when more advanced techniques are needed.

How To: Use SSH Local Port Forwarding to Pivot into Restricted Networks

SSH is a powerful tool with more uses than simply logging into a server. This protocol, which stands for Secure Shell, provides X11 forwarding, port forwarding, secure file transfer, and more. Using SSH port forwarding on a compromised host with access to a restricted network can allow an attacker to access hosts within the restricted network or pivot into the network.

How To: Exploit DDE in Microsoft Office & Defend Against DDE-Based Attacks

In our previous article, we learned how to take advantage of a feature, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), to run malicious code when an MS Word document is opened. Because Microsoft built DDE into all of its Office products as a way to transfer data one time or continuously between applications, we can do the same thing in Excel to create a spreadsheet that runs malicious code when opened. The best part is, it will do so without requiring macros to be enabled.

How To: Hit a golf ball

From expert golf site, Golf Link, another free lesson for beginning golf players! In this video, learn how to hit a golf ball the proper way. The best ways to learn how to hit a golf ball are by taking lessons, making sure to achieve a good grip and making sure that the arms hang straight down. Discover why hitting a golf ball is harder than it looks in this video.

How To: Hold a belly putter in golf

When holding a belly putter in golf, a longer grip should be used than the type of grip used for a normal putter. In this tutorial, learn how to use that belly putter effectively and win every match. In this video, you will discover methods for keeping a belly putter centered. Staying centered is the key to excelling at this type of swing. So, if you are ready to master that putter.. follow along and you'll be ready to hit the course!

How To: Get rid of a perm

If a perm is too curly, get rid of the perm by shampooing the hair, applying a heavy conditioner and using a chemical straightener. Discover how hair salons can get rid of perms with this free video from an experienced hairdresser.

How To: Prevent hair loss with Rogaine

Rogaine is a popularly used produce for hair loss and regrowing hair. Rogaine is a topical form of minoxidil and its use on the scalp to help thicken the hair. Minoxidil was initially use for blood pressure medication and has discovered the patients that took minoxidil had hair growth on their bodies. Learn more about Rogaine and hair loss in this how-to video on beautification treatments.

How To: Do an outside turn with a spin break swing dance move

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do the "Tuck Turns" swing dance moves

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do the "Basket Whip with Push-Out" swing dance move

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do the "Basket Whip" swing dance move

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do a swingout from closed position in swing dance

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do the swing dance "Jig Kicks"

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do a "Swivel Break" swing dance move

Swing dancing dates back to the 1920's, where the African American community, discovered the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. The term "Swing dancing" is used to refer to one or all of the following swing era dances: Lindy Hop, Charleston, Shag, Balboa and Blues and extends to include West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Jive, Rock and Roll, Modern Jive, and other dances developing in the 1940s and later.

How To: Do tricks on a Razor scooter

Imagine Jack Black riding into town at the head of a gang of leather-jacketed rebels on his A4 razor with a wheelie bar and an extended deck. “What are you razoring against?” demands the town sheriff. “What have you got?” says Jack in the Brando role, turning his back to the law, peeling out and sending a dirt clod and a pebble at the sheriff's shoe in a gesture of fierce defiance.