Distance Movers Search Results

How To: Do straight leg bridge on a swiss ball

The Swiss ball brings an element of instability to basic exercises like the straight leg bridge. This stimulates and conditions your deep core muscles improving spinalstability. In addition to these small but important joint stabilizer muscles the Straight Leg Bridge also targets larger prime movers in your back, glutes and hamstrings.

How To: Make a gift card holder with Stampin' Up!

This video shows the method to make a gift card holder with "Stampin' Up." First, we use the Movers and Shapers to cut a heart shape on a paper. We use the add-ons cut by the Movers and Shapers to punch windows. Next, we use the Big Shot machine. Next, put a piece of Whisper White in the machine and cut at four and a quarter to eleven inches. Fold it into half and cut an inch and a half off the front top. Score the back panel at one and quarter inch. Take bags measuring 3 5/8 inch to 6 5/8 in...

How To: Do a beginner coin trick

Start off with a coin in one hand palm up, then you will rotate your hand palm down. Once you do this you will throw the coin from one hand to the next, causing the coin to "magically" switch hands. mover your fingers tightly together with the hand that first had the coin to try and play off that you are transferring the coin from the starting hand to the opposite.

How To: Use the distance formula for two points

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the distance formula for two points. The distance formula is D= the square root of (X2-X1) squared, plus (Y2 minus Y1) squared. It may look confusing, but it's just a derivation of a theorem. First, find the two points that you have and graph them. If you want to know the distance between them, you cannot just count squares if it's a diagonal line. If you remember geometry, you can draw a right triangle over the line to figure out the distance. After this...

How To: Become a full time potter with Simon Leach

According to a recent survey, many of us work to live rather than live to work. That may explain the lack of satisfaction that most workers report at their jobs. While little job satisfaction can be attributed to a number of causes (horrible boss, bad pay, bad hours, etc.), there is first and foremost the prime mover. Many people are stuck at a job they don't want, sadly.

How To: Move a piano in one minute

This video demonstrates how to move a piano in one minute. First, cover the top of the piano with tarp. Then wrap cellophane tape around the top, cover and all. Remove the foot pedal. Set aside. Then, remove the first leg of the piano. Rest the corner of the piano body carefully on the floor. Continue to remove the piano legs one at a time. Lifting the piano carefully, wrap 2 straps around the broad top of the piano and lock the straps tight. Draw another strap through the other two straps to...

How To: Find velocity, acceleration, & distance by graphing

See how to calculate velocity from a distance time graph, how to calculate acceleration from a velocity time graph and how to calculate distance covered from a velocity time graph! From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Use the distance formula

YAYMATH. This video is a demonstration of usage of the distance formula to find the distance between two given (x,y) points. In this video, the tutor guy who is teaching the distance formula to his students takes an example of two (x,y) points such as (5,-1) and (11,7). He then writes the distance formula on the board. The formula goes like this, the distance between two points, denoted by 'd' is equal to the square root of the sum of the square of (x2-x1) and the square of (y2-y1) where (5,-...

How To: Have a long distance relationship

Professional Matchmaker, Samantha Daniels gives advice about how to date someone long distance. Long distance relationships are the most difficult relationships to have because you don’t have the easy and spontaneity of a regular relationship. However, if the person is worth it, you can make a long distance relationship work. Watch and let Samantha give you some simple tips for navigating and succeeding in your long distance relationship!

How To: Find the distance between two points

The user tries to explain to us how to find the distance between two points. It should be noted that we are not talking about using a ruler to measure the distance between two points. The video creator is talking about the math problem that involves finding distance between two points. He uses an electronic white board to explain to us how this is done. He goes step by step and uses a basic equation to help the viewer understand these concepts.

How To: Find points on y-axis a certain distance from a point

This is video on mathematics. It specifically deals with geometry. The video describes how to determine where the y-intersects are when a point and distance to the y-intersect are given. The author starts out by giving an example ordered pair. The speaker next shows an example of how to solve such a problem. The speaker uses the distance formula along with the given distance and x-coordinate in order to solve for the y-intersect values in question. Most of the video entails solving this example.

How To: Break-up with your long distance boyfriend nicely

To break up with your long-distance boyfriend and still be on good terms with the guy is hard, but you need to be honest tell him exactly how you're feeling. Say what you have to quickly, and tell him it's not working out how you want it too. Tell him it's not satisfying you, and that it is not the type of relationship that you wanted or would be capable of continuing. Let him know that having a piece of him from a long distance is not cutting it and you just can't do it anymore. Don't lead h...

How To: Measure objects and distances within Blender

This clip offers a look at how to measure objects and distances in Blender. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial from the folks at CG Cookie. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look!

How To: Calculate the age of the universe w/ Hubble's constant

This is a great instructional video on how to calculate the age of Universe from Hubble's constant. The speed the galaxy moves away from us is directly proportional to the distance from us. Now think of big bang theory. Hubble's constant is equal to velocity over distance. 1 over Hubble's constant is equal to distance over velocity that is equal to time. Time equals to 1over 71. If you change it into all the same units words it is one over 71000 or 3.09x 10 to the power of 22. It is 3.09x10 t...

How To: Hit a golf ball straight and far off the tee

In this how-to video, you will learn how to hit a golf ball straight and far off the tee. Hitting too quick and hard will give you a crooked hit with less distance. Make sure your arms and hands feel light. Be relaxed and make sure your transition is not too quick. Make a nice turn and make sure you are setup behind the ball. This will give you extra distance and a straighter hit. By watching this video, you will be able to easily get extra distance and a straighter hit when teeing off in gol...

How To: Improve driving distance in golf

Once you start playing golf and have mastered the basics, you will need to improve your driving distance. Driving a golf ball for distance means having sound fundamentals, good swing mechanics and a great deal of personal core strength. Find out how to turn the shoulders 90 or more degrees to hit a long shot in golf in this helpful clip. As your game keeps improving with practice, you will be finding the hard shots easier and easier.

How To: Use the Android App My Tracks to time yourself and save your running route

This video represent a bit of a digression for the Google Webmaster series of videos, spotlighting a cool Google-designed Android app and how to use it. The app in question is My Tracks, a free app that allows runner, bikers, and other distance exercisers to keep track of their distance, pace, splits, elevation, and all sorts of other information automatically with their phone. It will even create and save a map of your course, which you can then share online.

How To: Install and use Skype as a free Internet phone

Looking to start using Skype? With Skype, you can call regular phones from your very own computer without the hassle of long distance charges. Thanks to Be Your Own It, learn how to install Skype and get free Internet phone calls. Get rid of those long distance charges by using Skype today!

How To: Make a long distance relationship work for both of you

In this video from Dan and Jennifer they answer a question about how to make a long distance relationship for the both of you. This couple comes from someone who has been apart from his significant other for about 3 months and she does not believe that long distance relationships can work. Dan and Jennifer tell us that long distance relationships can work but both parties have to be in it to make it work. A key thing is that people do need human contact. They tell him that he chose the job th...

How To: Fit a backpack for long distance hiking

In this tutorial, we learn how to fit a backpack for long distance hiking. For scouts, look for a backpack with an adjustable torso so the pack can grow with you. After this, have the sales staff help you adjust your pack correctly, and measure how long the pack is on your back. You want the pack to fit you perfectly so you don't have back problems later. Try the pack on both on the hip section and shoulder to see how it feels on you. Tighten any adjustments to make it more secure, then you w...

How To: Apply cologne properly

In order to apply cologne properly, you will need to choose the best cologne for you in advance. The cologne will need to mix well with your own natural scent. It is important to avoid overuse. Stick to a three (3) spray rule: never exceed 3 sprays. The distance from the body is important. Therefore, you should spray a distance from your body.

How To: Explode soda bottles with dry ice & make a spring

In this video Dave Spencer shows you how to make soda bottles explode using dry ice. You will need dry ice pellets plastic soda pop bottles , and gloves (dry ice can be held in your hands but should be kept moving and not held up too long as it can cause severe frost bite). The presenter asks you to note that this activity is illegal in the state of Utah. Crushed dry ice is inserted into the soda pop bottle. The soda pop bottle is then shaken up vigorously and placed into the ground. You shou...

How To: Draw Tigger from Winnie the Pooh

This video is describing the steps needed to draw Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. The first step is to draw an oval on your black paper. Draw diving lines, and make sure that one is a little bit below center. Next draw in his muzzle by lining up the top part of his muzzle with the bottom part of his eye. Next draw his chin. You can draw the bottom by taking the distance of the head and putting the same amount of distance between the head and the muzzle that there is between the muzzle and the ch...

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