District Attorney's Search Results

How To: Fold and fly a tumblewing walkalong glider

The science-fiction author, Arthur C. Clarke, once said, "That any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Who would have thought that we could create a wave of air with a piece of cardboard, and fly a folded sheet of telephone book paper on the wave of air? With this three-part video tutorial, you can find out how you can fly a piece of paper, making it surf on a wave of air. See how to make an origami tumblewing glider.

How To: Discuss constitutional rights as a Boy Scout

As a Boy Scout, when the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, set up a camp site, plan and properly prepare meals, and provide first aid for most situations he may encounter. A First Class scout is prepared.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 2, M4: Jailbreak

This is a great playthrough of The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. In the fourth mission in Act 2: Jailbreak, you will need to do the obvious… jailbreak. Once you acquire the papers to enter Area 2, you'll be able to start this mission by visiting the resistance in the Western District. They will charge you with freeing a man named Bryman from a Nazi prison. Grab a car and follow the GPS to the destination. Here you'll find a heavily occupied Nazi area. Bryman's cell is within the courtyard surrou...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Tomb 5

San Marco's Secret: Tomb 5 is not easy, so be careful. Getting into the Basilica without the use of Leonardo's flying machine is tricky. However, chances are that you've already penetrated the massive building's defenses in the mission If at First You Don't Succeed.... But if you haven't yet completed that mission, here's how to get to the tomb's entrance.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 53

Damsels in Distress: Everybody likes rescuing a helpless woman, or multiple helpless women. You'll find Antonio and company in the Dorsoduro district to the south. Talk to him and your conversation is interrupted by a murder—that's right, murder! After the cut scene, you need to kill the murderer, who's marked on your map and doesn't move. Make your way toward the murderer and you'll be stopped as he threatens to kill another courtesan. Lock onto him and equip your pistol. Charge the shot ful...

How To: Lift and repot a black pine bonsai

Charles M., an attorney and bonsai cultivator, demonstrates how to transfer a field grown Japanese Black Pine that is ready for training. A 5-gallong nursery specimen was purchased and planted in the ground with a bonsai compound soil to keep its roots close and compact during trunk thickening. The tree was allowed to grow for three years, with the main foliage under four feet, but with two “sacrifice” branches allowed to shoot out without trimming. One sacrifice branch at the top of the tree...

How To: Buy vegetables at the grocery store

Vegetables are the foundation of a healthy, balanced diet, many experts recommending 3-5 servings a day. When choosing your vegetables, it's always best to choose fresh; although, frozen and canned still have nutritional value and benefits as well. Also, look for vegetables that are bright in color like this red pepper, also carrots that are brightly orange and brightly-colored green broccoli. The brighter the color, the more nutrients that are in it. Try these tips for buying vegetables in t...

Market Reality: Snap Inches Toward Smartglasses with Spectacles 3, Meta Patent Suit Ends, YouTube Launches AR Makeup

This week, Snapchat parent Snap came closer to fulfilling its smartglasses destiny by adding new 3D content capabilities to its third-generation Spectacles. At the same time, the now defunct Meta Company continued its fall from grace, as a judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the patent infringement case against the Meta 1 and Meta 2 headsets.

How To: Bypass School Internet Filters to Unblock Websites

School internet filters serve a valid purpose—they keep students from wandering off into the deep corners of the web while still allowing at least some internet access. But a lot of these restrictions are completely ridiculous, to the point where some school districts block access to the educational material in National Geographic or forbid searching terms like "China," "Iran," or "Russia"—because, you know, breasts and commies.