Djoes Hosting Search Results

News: What Are Superbugs? Everything You Need to Know About Antibiotic Resistance

Joe McKenna died when he was 30 years old. A young married man with his future ahead of him, he was cleaning up the station where he worked as a fireman. Struck by a piece of equipment fallen from a shelf, Joe complained of a sore shoulder. Over the next week, Joe worsened and ended up in the hospital. Chilled, feverish, and delirious, his organs shut down from an infection we'd now call septic shock.

How To: Slip a Backdoor into PHP Websites with Weevely

Backdoors are convenient to leave behind once you've already found a way into a server, and they can come in handy for a variety of reasons. They're good for developers who want a quick way into machines they're working on, or for systems administrators who want similar access. Of course, backdoors are also a hacker's best friend, and can be added in a variety of ways. One good tool for doing this is Weevely, which uses a snippet of PHP code.

How To: OSX VM Image Install Guide

I was on our new #nullbyte IRC channel when someone told me how tedious it is to install an OSX Virtual Machine on Virtual Box (I think it was wawa). We all know Linux rocks (gets acknowledgement from the crowd), but there are morons out there, multiplying at a never before seen rate, who use OSX. We at nullbyte should be prepared for anything and everything. So, in this guide I take you step by step to creating your OSX Yogemite VM.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Scan for Vulnerabilities with Nessus

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! Generally, you will want to perform a vulnerability scan before doing a penetration test. Vulnerability scanners contain a database of all known vulnerabilities and will scan your machine or network to see whether those vulnerabilities appear to exist. If they do, it is your job to test whether they are real and can be exploited.

How To: Build a Directory Brute Forcing Tool in Python

While attempting to hack a web app, there may come a point where the attacker may have to escape the default directory in order to access unauthorized files. This is known as a directory traversal attack. Much as the name implies, this attack involved traversing the servers directories. But in order to move to an unauthorized directory, we need to know where those directories are. Today we'll be building a tool to brute force these directory locations based on HTTP response codes. Before we g...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Evade AV Software with Shellter

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! One key area on the minds of all hackers is how to evade security devices such as an intrusion detection system (IDS) or antivirus (AV) software. This is not an issue if you create your own zero-day exploit, or capture someone else's zero-day. However, if you are using someone else's exploit or payload, such as one from Metasploit or Exploit-DB, the security devices are likely to detect it and spoil all your fun.

How To: Web Development for Hackers 1.1: HTML,CSS,JS

hello hackers,newbies and followers of this great community, after some research here in our community, I noticed that there is not even one tutorial that teach Web Development. We have a lot of tutorials on how to hack web site but many do not know exactly how a web site is composed, then I decided, meeting the community's needs, begin to teach people how to develop web sites.

How To: No-Stress Thanksgiving Desserts That Don't Require an Oven

Oven space is scarce on that fated fourth Thursday of November. Even if you can find a spare space for pumpkin pie on the bottom shelf, you risk turkey drippings overflowing from above and ruining your beautiful dessert — not to mention a burnt crust from different temperature requirements. The bottom line is: oven real estate is valuable, and it's tough to multitask cooking for Thanksgiving when every dish requires baking or roasting.

How To: Take Pictures Through a Victim's Webcam with BeEF

Recently, I've been experimenting with BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework), and to say the least, I'm hooked. When using BeEF, you must "hook" the victims browser. This means that you must run the script provided by BeEF, which is titled "hook.js", in the victims browser. Once you've done that, you can run commands against the victims browser and cause all kinds of mayhem. Among these commands, there is an option to use the victims webcam. This is what we'll be doing here today, so, let's g...

How To: Use Meterpeter on OS X

Hello all, this is my first submission to null byte! I noticed something a little strange, particularly that whenever Meterpreter is discussed, it is virtually always in the context of Windows. Granted, the Windows Meterpreter is more powerful than the version that can run on OS X (it has several more commands/options), but I think it is still worth noting how to do it. I've even seen some people mistakenly say that Meterpreter can only be run on Windows, which is not true. Meterpreter can ea...

Where Do I Start: Learn the Fundamentals

I am very new to Null Byte but I find much of its content and community incredibly interesting. I spent quite a bit of time just chronologically going through the posts and I noticed a common theme in many of the beginner posts. Many people seem to want to know the 'secret' or a paragraph on "How to Hack" and become a hacker in a few minutes. I started off this post as a reply to a question from a beginner but thought it might be beneficial to have for those stumbling across this site.

How To: Linux Basics Tips

Hi nullbytes! I've been recently reading the whole Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker series and felt like it was missing some stuff I know, so I felt like sharing it with anyone who might find it useful too.

How To: Get Spotify Premium Features on Android Without Paying a Dime

When you think of an online music service nowadays, Spotify is probably near the first that come to mind, and for good reason. Being able to create, share, and take all of your playlists anywhere, across all of your devices, is something that I couldn't live without. Unfortunately, nothing this good is free, and with Spotify Premium, users of their free service are left with very limited features when streaming on their mobile devices.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Facebook (Same-Origin Policy)

Welcome back, my budding hackers! This is the initial post of a new series on how to hack Facebook. It's important to note here that each hack I'll be covering is very specific. I have said it before, but I feel I need to repeat it again: there is NO SILVER BULLET that works under all circumstances. Obviously, the good folks at Facebook have taken precautions to make certain that their app is not hacked, but if we are creative, persistent, and ingenious, we can still get in.

ElementalX: The Only Custom Kernel You Need on Your Nexus 5

Straight out of the box, the Nexus 5 is an awesome device, but even it can be faster with better battery life. Luckily, one of the things that makes it so awesome is that there are tons of developers creating mods for it, since it runs stock Android by default. When it comes to gaining speed and better battery life, flashing a custom kernel is the way to go.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Create a Nearly Undetectable Covert Channel with Tunnelshell

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! Most often, the professional hacker is seeking protected information from the target system or network. This might be credit card numbers, personally identifiable information, or intellectual property (formulas, plans, blueprints, designs, etc.). Most of my Null Byte guides have been focused on getting into the system, but this only begs the question—"what do I do when I get there?"

How To: Break Your Bad Habits Without Getting All Stressed Out

Old habits die hard. It may be a cliché, but it's undeniably true, especially when it comes to the bad ones. Nail-biting, fidgeting, and overspending can label you as someone who is obsessive-compulsive, overly nervous, and routinely stressed out, but you can make the break less painful with a few simple tweaks to your routine and by understanding how your habits work.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hijack Software Updates to Install a Rootkit for Backdoor Access

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! There are innumerable ways to hack a system. We must not overlook any of the possibilities if we want to "own" the system. As systems become more and more secure, we need to be vigilant in our search for weaknesses. In this hack, we'll look at abusing the trust that a user innately has for software updates to install our own listener/rootkit on their system.