Dog Pros Search Results

How To: Photograph your dog or any other pet like a pro

Dogs and pets make beautiful portrait subjects, but they can be difficult to photograph. In this video, learn exactly how to set up your surroundings, lighting and camera to take your best animal picture. This tutorial will teach you a photography technique that you can use to photograph your pet in studio or at home using an inexpensive lighting setup. You can apply the same technique to shoot a cat, bunny, pig, pony, tiger.. anything!

How To: Feed your dog properly for a healthy lifestyle

In this tutorial, learn how to feed your dog properly with help from expert Marc Morrone. You want to make sure you are feeding your dog the right food at the right times of day so that they stay happy, healthy and energetic. Follow along and make sure you know what your puppy is eating.

How To: Pet a dog properly

When you meet a dog, the first thing you do is pet the head and the dog likes it, right? Wrong. Most dogs don't like being pet on the head, even if you think they do, and they're constantly sending signals that they don't want to get a head patting. Learn how to read a dog's body language to find out whether or not they want to be pet on the head by watching this instructional video.

How To: Clip a dog's nails properly

A lot of people are afraid to trim their dog's nails - fearful that they will cut them too short and they will bleed. This informative video will guide you through the process and help you become more confident when grooming your pet.

How To: Solve your dog's flea problems

Does your pet puppy have a problem with pests? Use these quick and easy grooming tips for a flea-free Fido! Your veterinarian might offer an expensive flea dip, but you can give your dog a bath and shampoo at home.

How To: Clean up dog accidents properly

This housekeeping how-to video offers five tips for cleaning up your dog's accidents. Follow along and clean up dog accidents properly with help from the Dog Channel's five tips. Learn to clean up urine or soil, keep your home smelling fresh and prevent future accidents.

How To: Train your dog to walk on a leash properly

When training your dog to walk properly on walks outside of the house it is very important that right before you leave to go outside you come down to their level and make it clear that you expect them to listen. This can be done by saying a few commands like sit stay etc. Once you proceed outside and you sense your dog about to jump, run, or move somewhere you don't want them to, create some sort of sound or word that tells your dog they are doing wrong or are disobeying. Proceed to make this...

How To: Build a robot dog prop with poster board

Bring a little bit of super technology into your indie film with a prop robot dog. This is not a real robot dog, but a fake robot dog made from foam core poster board and a few other household materials. Think Lost in Space and The Jetson, only the robot is a dog. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to build a robot dog prop with poster board.

How To: Get your home ready for a new dog

Pet-proofing your house won't just protect your possessions from becoming chew toys—it could save your dog's life. You will need a dog crate, a dog who's ready to move in, dog manuals, pet repellent, electrical cord covers, baby gates and a dog bed or towels for bedding. These are helpful tips for pet proofing your home for your new puppy or dog.

How To: Stop your dog's excessive barking

In this how-to video, you will learn how to stop your dog from barking excessively. Dog's bark naturally. It becomes a problem when your dog barks too much. First, determine the reason why your dog is barking in the first place. From this, you can determine the next step. If your dog looks like he or she is barking at nothing, the dog is definitely barking at something because of heightened sense of hearing and smell. You must communicate to your dog what is acceptable behavior. Never reward ...

How To: Make homemade natural dog food

If you're looking for some natural dog food recipes or homemade dog food, this recipe from the Natural Pet Food Cookbook is a great start. Chef Jason Hill of Chef Tips puts Bandit's Beef Stew to the test, and this dog food recipe was approved with enthusiasm by his family's Shih Tzu puppy, Sugar. This recipe can be prepared as an organic dog food with the right ingredients. Just choose canned organic vegetables when preparing this meal. It's also a human grade dog food, as Chef Jason Hill att...

How To: Teach your dog loose leash walking

In this two part video Tab and his German Shepherd "Solea", show exactly what you need to do to stop your dog from pulling on his lead. Eventually, your dog will be walking on a loose leash where they'll feel safe, satisfied, and help keep your dog healthy. While there are many dogs that pull on walks, any dog can learn to walk calmly on a loose leash if we create a positive learning environment and teach them in the way that their minds understand. Find out how using positive reinforcement y...

How To: Communicate with your dog

Check out this lesson on how to understand your dog and train her to listen. This video will show you how to use a clicker to communicate with your dog. It will also show you how to teach your dog the "Leave It" command. This is a helpful video for training puppies and older dogs.

How To: Train a dog to "stay"

Arguably, "Stay" is the most important command you can teach your dog. When you train your dog to stay, be low to the ground and eye-to-eye level with them. Zak George show how to use a clicker and food treats to demonstrate how to teach a dog to stay. Also learn how to correct your dog when it breaks the stay command.

How To: Teach your dog how to sit on your command

A dog who constantly follows you around the house wagging his tail is a dog who really likes you (or is hungry), but sometimes you're tired and just want your dog to sit and be still for once. Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic obedience training tricks out there, and one of the most important (especially in cases of your dog bounding onto friends who enter the house).

How To: Teach your dog the perfect "STAY"

This is the most important thing that a dog should know. In this video will learn the fundamentals of how to begin to teach this. It is by no means entirely conclusive to the training that is involved in teaching stay. Tab with his German Shepherd "Solea" demonstrate the do's and don't when training your dog to "stay". You'll also learn the importance of this command for the dogs safety.

How To: Train your dog to leash walk

From Dogmantics, dog trainer Emily Larlham shows how to train your dog to walk calmly on a leash. "I would advise against using any forms of positive punishment when teaching any behavior, but especially leash walking, as startling or hurting a dog actually increases their stress hormones in their body causing the dog to be more hyperactive and more likely to become aroused and reactive towards other dogs and people (whether they want to greet them or not)." (Dogmantics)

How To: Teach your dog the rebound trick

This is a basic trick for little dogs like this Miniature Pincher, Daisy. The dog jumps off a human's leg and does a half turn (180). LIke any dog training be patient, go over each step multiple times in order to help the dog learn. The treats should be broken up so you don't spoil the dog or make him stuffed with sweets.

How To: Wash your dog

Mike The How-to guy shows you how to wash your dog. This is not an easy thing to just jump in to. Get towels, dog shampoo and a low nozzle so you can spray the dog close to his fur. This can be enjoyable for a dog or really stressful. Make sure you have everything prepared before you bring the dog into the bathroom.

How To: Train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick

In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick. In this trick the dog learns to put its feet on your feet. Step 1 – teach the dog to target a book or a mat with their feet by offering them some treat. You can do this either by appreciating or clicking when both the feet touch the book. The next step is getting the dog to target the book with their feet while they are between your legs. You have to continually reinforce the dog to ma...

How To: Train your dog to be calm around new objects

This video explains how to keep a dog calm and to be less reactive to objects that it is not used to including baby strollers, hats, canes, and a few other items. Starting with a few tips on how to get a dog used to the item in question such as keeping a leash on the dog and far enough away from a person the dog trusts and loves so that the dog will associate the object with a person. There are many aspects when training a dog in this way and each method can be tried if one does not work. Aft...

How To: Groom a dog

Dog grooming is an important part of keeping your dog healthy and happy. Learn how to do basic dog grooming with tips from a professional dog groomer in this free pet care video series.

How To: Massage a dog

The therapeutic benefits of dog massage include helping with joints, muscles and internal organs and keeping your dog happy and calm. Learn more in this free pet care video guide.

How To: Trim your dog's nails without cutting

In this tutorial, we learn how to trim your dog's nails without cutting them. Before you begin, you will need a Dremel tool with a sandpaper drum attached. Now, have your dog sit down and place their paw up on your knee. Now. grab the tool and gently place it on the tip of the dog's nail. Do this on each of the nails, until you have trimmed all of the nails. Make sure you don't trim down too much or push too hard, this could cause a burn on the dog's nail or injure them severely. Keep treats ...

How To: Choose the right pet dog for your personality

In this tutorial, Zephyr Clarke-Dolberg gives us advice on choosing the right dog for you. For a lot of people, they don't think about what dogs they choose before they buy them. Make sure you choose a dog that is either high or low energy, depending on what type of energy level you have. You also need to think about how much the dog sheds, and if you have any allergies. Also, pay attention to the age of the dog and if you have the energy to walk the dog all the time. Next, you need to choose...

How To: Ride your bike with your dog

If you've ever wanted to ride your bike with your dog, this tutorial with Zephyr Clarke-Dolberg will teach you just how. One of the first things to think about is to put your bike into a very easy gear, so your dog won't get too tired from this walk. Make sure to pay attention to your dog, and see if their feet are getting tired, and pay attention to how hot it is outside. Make sure you teach your dog to walk next to you on the left, just as if you were walking him. When you want to turn, giv...

How To: Trim or cut your dog's nails safely

Dress and trim your dog to the nines by watching this video on how to trim or cut your dog's nails. Making sure their talons are nice and people-friendly is a necessary component of pet care and will also boost canine egos as they look at their sharp silhouette in the mirror.

How To: Teach your dog to retrieve

In this how to video, you will learn how to teach your dog to retrieve. First, you should teach your dog the a regular retrieve. You will toss the object so that the dog sees where it lands. Next, give it the command to retrieve. Next, attempt the semi blind retrieve. This involves tossing the object, allowing your dog to see where it has gone. Next, distract the dog for a bit before giving it the command to retrieve. The full blind retrieve should now be attempted. This is done by hiding the...

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