Dog Training Search Results

How To: Simplify Complex Fractions

The key to simplifying fractions is to convert the fraction from a hamburger to a hot dog. In other words you change it from a fraction to a division problem, and then use Keep,Change,Flip to simplify. The video explains all of this and helps make complex fractions,simple.

How To: Make hot dog flavored sausage rolls

David, the one pot chef, shows us how to make a hot dog flavored sausage rolls. Firstly, the sausages are browned up using a frying pan but not totally cooked though. They will be later cooked in the oven. To make things easy, puff pastry is taken and is made to defrost and is cut it into two even pieces. Then, the sausages are taken and are lined up on the pastry and can be chopped off if it goes over the edge. Then on the next line you add a little bit of tomato sauce along with the mustard...

How To: Do a line drawing of a Scotty dog

You don't have to be the greatest artist to draw a Scotty dog. As a matter of fact its very easy. You'll begin with the nose. Draw the nose in the shape of a pebble. Draw a line across and shade underneath. The eyes are exactly the same, but slightly turned up. The cheeks are down, slightly zigzagged and up. Next is the tongue. This is simply a u with a line drawn down the middle. The ears are also down, zigzagged and up, doing this for each ear. To draw the hair on top of the hair, again, yo...

How To: Raise your metablism with yoga power poses

In this video, we learn how to raise your metabolism with yoga power poses. The style and level that you do while doing yoga poses can help you burn a lot of calories and sweat. You will work the larger muscles of your body, which will speed up your metabolism and help you burn calories all day long. You can start off with a downward facing dog position, then raising your back foot into the air and bringing it into the chest, switching between each leg. Doing these different yoga exercises ca...

How To: Make Cream Cheese Brownies

On the Fourth of July, we like to celebrate by consuming lots of rich, savory (and unfortunately, belly engorging) food, including barbecued meats, hot dogs, and chips. So when it comes time for dessert, you're usually craving something less flavor-popping and spicy.

How To: Make Crispy Onion Rings with Instant Mashed Potatoes

Onion rings are one of our favorite types of vegetable, right after ketchup (#1) and french fries (#2). They make virtually any food taste good, delicious topping burgers, hot dogs, salads (so bad, but so good!). Which is why if you love onion rings as much as we do, then you'll have an orgasm in your mouth with this recipe.

How To: Make a Christmas card using Cricut Paper Pups

If you own the paper cutting craft device, the Cricut, you can make Happy Howlidays Christmas cards by using the Cricut Paper Pups cartridge. The Cricut machine is for crafters who want to cut out paper and graphics for scrapbooking and card making. The card shown will have a dog on the front and your choice of colors for paper. Red or green paper would work well since this is a Christmas card. You can also use the basic Christmas shapes with you Cricut machine and add those to the card as we...

How To: Crochet a fuzzy panda amigurumi

Tammy Snow will teach you how to brush your crochet to make your panda fuzzy. Take your finished crocheted head piece and fold it in half. Brush the head with a pull and lift action with your dog slicker brush. After brushing one way, turn the piece around and repeat brushing the opposite way. Repeat brushing and turning until the definition of your crochet stitches are almost invisible. The brushing could take up to an hour to get your desired appearance. Follow these simple instructions and...

How To: Reuse Old Coffee Grounds

Many people start their day with a fresh, hot cup of coffee. They purchase their coffee with care and enjoy it greatly. But what do you do with those grounds once you’ve drunk your coffee? Here are some uses for those used coffee grounds! Note: It's always easiest to handle coffee grounds when they're cool, so wait a couple of hours after you've switched off the coffee pot to try any of these!

How To: Hear various intervals in music and train your ear

Learning how to play guitar, keyboards, bass, even singing, you have to train your ear. Being an intelligent musician and being able to convey ideas is INCREDIBLY important in any professional situation. Learning how to hear various intervals from a root note will open up new avenues of understanding, playing by ear and more! In this video you will get a lesson on intervals as well as some home work to practice with!

How To: Select a solid tripod for photography

Forget dogs - tripods are a man's best friend (well, if he's a photographer). Eliminating many of the factors that create crappy photos, including the instability of holding the camera up by hand, photo blurs, and general strain of weilding those hulking digital SLRs, tripods are always there to lend a helping leg. Or three.