Dog Training Search Results

How To: Teach a dog to walk on their hind legs

This video dog training tutorial is lesson on teaching your dog to walk on their hind legs. To train a dog to walk on their legs using this method, the dog will need to be clicker trained and will also need to be able to able to beg. Watch this instructional video and learn how to teach a dog to walk on their hind legs.

How To: Teach your dog crazy tricks

Dogs are smart. We don't need to punish them every time they don't do a trick. Through positive reinforcement training, dogs can learn almost anything. From Dogmantics, dog trainer Emily Larlham shows a few tricks she taught her dog!

How To: Teach your dog the rebound trick

This is a basic trick for little dogs like this Miniature Pincher, Daisy. The dog jumps off a human's leg and does a half turn (180). LIke any dog training be patient, go over each step multiple times in order to help the dog learn. The treats should be broken up so you don't spoil the dog or make him stuffed with sweets.

How To: Stop your dog from barking in the crate

Training your dog takes a lot of patience. It also requires you to put up with a whole lot of unwanted barking. Unless you're deaf or plan to be some time soon, training your dog to stop barking in the crate will make life a lot easier on you. This tutorial video will show you how to stop a dog from barking in the crate.

How To: Teach your dog to heel

Teaching your dog to heel will make walks more fun and relaxing for both of you. Watch this video to learn how to train your dog. You will need treats, a leash, a collar and patience! Tips: for training, choose soft, small treats that you don't give your dog normally.

How To: Train a labrador puppy in two days

In this video, we learn how to train a Labrador puppy in just two days with Adam Katz. First, the "no bark" technique is taught. You will need to first teach your dog hot to sit properly by giving it treats whenever it listens to you properly. After this, you will teach your dog how to walk properly on a leash and not pull away from you. Next, you will teach your dog how to lay down by pulling the leash down with your dog and giving it a treat every time it listens. Housebreaking your dog wil...

How To: Teach a dog to target an object with its front paws

In this how-to video, you will teach your dog how to target objects with its front paws. You will need a clicker, treats, and a target such as a yogurt lid or ball on a stick. Take a treat and hide it under the object. Click when the dog does any paw movements towards the object. After ten successful tries, pretend to put a treat. Once the dog paws the object, show that there is no treat but still give the dog a treat. Once this is done, wait until the dog paws the object, and give a treat. I...

How To: Teach your dog to do the Bo Obama fist bump

In honor of the Obamas' new furry friend and as a remembrance of the fist bump heard 'round the world, a dog behaviorist shows you how to train your dog to do the fist bump. This is a perfect pet trick for any dog, Portuguese Water Dog or otherwise. Bo Obama is the most acrobatic of all First Dog histories.

How To: Solve dog counter surfing with a clicker

It's a timeless doggie no-no, and one that has been paradied in numerous dog scenes in movies: A plate of delicious fried, steaming food is left by the owner on the table. The owner then leaves for a brief moment. His dog, smelling the delicious goodness, seizes the moment and quickly jumps up, snatches a piece of chicken, and devours it under the table.

How To: Deal with excessive dog barking

This video segment of Dog Knows shows how to deal with excessive dog barking. Hitting and yelling is not a constructive way to handle a dog. Ignoring and redirecting are much more effective techniques. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to deal with problem dog barking.

How To: Stop your dog's excessive barking

In this how-to video, you will learn how to stop your dog from barking excessively. Dog's bark naturally. It becomes a problem when your dog barks too much. First, determine the reason why your dog is barking in the first place. From this, you can determine the next step. If your dog looks like he or she is barking at nothing, the dog is definitely barking at something because of heightened sense of hearing and smell. You must communicate to your dog what is acceptable behavior. Never reward ...

How To: Teach your dog to walk next to you on a loose leash

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to walk next to you on a loose leash. If you train you dog to back up while on the leash, he will avoid touching the end of the leash after this. First, take a treat and put it under your dogs chin, then push them backwards. Use a wall to practice this at first. You can also practice with the dog in front of you. Do this over and over until the dog understands, then try it without a treat. Next, try doing this while standing next to the dog. No...

How To: Teach your dog to swim without stress

If you've got a new pup, or just a stubborn dog who hates water and doesn't feel like swimming, there is a way to get them to be more friendly with water. But it takes patience, as anything with dog training. In this video you will learn some simple tips for easing your dog into the water.

How To: Teach a dog to rollover

Dog tricks are a great way to improve the bond between the owner and the pet. The rollover is a simple trick to train a dog to do with just a little bit of positioning. Learn how to teach a dog to rollover by watching this video pet training tutorial.

How To: Teach a small dog to jump up on command

Teach your dog to leap into your arms with this free dog training lesson. This trick is particularly well suited for canines who are reluctant to approach upon being called. The training process is simple. So simple, in fact, that a complete overview can be presented in just over four minutes' time. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to train your own puppy, watch this helpful video guide.

How To: Get your dog interested in frisbee

Dog trainer Zak George shows how to train your dog to chase your Frisbee. Start by tying your dog to a very long leash. This way, you will be able to control her, and you want to be able to bring her back. By being low on the ground, get your dog interested by showing her the Frisbee. Roll the Frisbee away from you, and let her take off to fetch it. Using low throws, hover the Frisbee low enough, and let your dog jump and grab it. Throw your Frisbee higher and higher each time. Keep doing thi...

How To: Desensitize your dog to a muzzle

Dee from Applause Your Paws Dog Training demonstrates how to desensitize your dog to a muzzle by using a hand-feeding ritual with your dog on a daily basis for a week. The objective is to have your dog work for its food instead of feeding him from a bowl. In other words, you will reward him his daily food if he does what he's told. First, fill the bowl with however much you feed the dog in one day. The first 3 days will be used to get the dog accustomed to eating the food from your hand. If h...

How To: Deal with an aggressive dog

Worried your canine might bite somebody? Afraid to take them on walks anymore because of what could happen if a child walks past you? Afraid of a lawsuit? These are the worries associated with overly aggressive dogs. But with proper training, an aggressive dog can be transformed into a well-behaved companion you'll love having at your side.