Dog's Water Search Results

HowTo: The United Flags of Pizza

The world is beginning to treat pizza with the creativity and variety it deserves. Pizza cups. Pizza lollipops. The incredible recursive pizza. Below, Jen of Tiny Urban Kitchen presents a world travel inspired pizza project that draws from the same kind of expression as cake decorating.

News: Would You Live in a Walking Robot House?

If you fancy yourself a nomad, check out Walking House, a mobile and modular dwelling system that is pneumatically powered, all-terrain ready. The vehicle-home crawls along at a snail's pace of 60 meters per hour, which equates to less than 1/2 a mile per hour. Akin in concept to the rolling house-on-the-go (except in the way cooler insect-like robot form), Walking House also boasts some cool eco-friendly features:

News: Drop Through Floor

Subject enters a typical office where someone familiar is sitting behind a desk across from the door. Everything in the room is fixed to the floor or walls and the person behind the desk is secretly strapped into the desk chair. As the subject approaches the desk to sit down in a chair he will eventually come to the center of the room at this time the floor of the entire room will flap open (either 4 triangular flaps or one major flap) and subject will fall 20 feet onto a air bag below

News: Meet the World's Most Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Well suited for loft living, Studio Gorm's Flow Kitchen offers an extremely eco-friendly and efficient solution to all your daily actions in the kitchen. The Netherlands based design studio focuses on three major areas: Waste, Water and Energy. My favorite element? A cutting board that sits above a compost bin. Slide it forward, and sweep your scraps right into the (eco-friendly) trash.

News: "Living" Flower Dresses Change With the Seasons

While I don't find Mattijs van Bergen and Anouk Vogel's "Living" dresses aesthetically earth shattering, I'm wowed by the concept. The fashion designer and landscape architect created a collection of dresses made from recycled inner tubes and flowers for a late summer exhibition titled “Fashion & Architecture” at the Amsterdam Centre for Architecture.

News: My Epic Sh*t Slide Wake Up

The prank begins with a 21 CANNON Salute wake up call! As the victim jolts up in bed the bed will raise up and the victim will fall onto a water slide flowing with raw sewage. As the victim slides down the slide, bumps on the slide with knock him in the balls. We'll have fire hoses set up along the sides to spray more RAW SEWAGE on the victim while other people will shoot rotten eggs and milk at the victim. To add effect we'll have flame throwers shooting flames up in the air next to the slid...

News: Separation of Church & State

Who new the South Whidbey Assembly of God sponsored our annual 3rd of July fireworks in Freeland. And does anyone care? I just like fireworks and having the celebration on the 3rd suite me fine as I can't get enough fireworks. Alas this year we will miss for the 2nd year in a row (last year watched awesome show from the water in Poulsbo). We will be seeing what St. Simons GA has to offer. I think they are sponsored by the local synagogue (watch out for exploding matzo balls). At least being f...

News: Ogilvy & Mather's Mattel SCRABBLE Prints

Aside from the popular television commercials Ogilvy & Mather did for Mattel's Scrabble back in 2000 and 2001, they also have a large history in print with Mattel. From 1998 until the present, they've been designing graceful, risible and salacious Scrabble and Junior Scrabble adverts, winning prizes for advertising prints at the Cristal Awards, Golden Hammer, Loerie Awards, Cannes Lions, Epica Awards and FIAP. Without further ado…

News: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Chi gyo ichi nyo is a familiar expression in the dojo. The word chi means knowledge. Gyo means doing, or action. Ichi nyo means inseparable. Action and knowledge are one! Acting without adequate knowledge or understanding is a constant source of frustration and problems. In our lives we are often busy and active without really understanding the basis of our actions and their full impact. Some people practice karate without really knowing why they are training. In class they do the techniques ...

News: Scotty, owner of red frog bungalows

Scott Balogh is an amazing surfer and obsessed with showing you the best surf places...mostly cause he wants to get 6 good hours every day.  Red Frog is eco certified, which means it uses rain water, and the internet connection is spotty.  But this is a plus.  you feel like you are on a tropical island...and you are.  Only access by motor boat.   Scotty loves nothing better than to roast the obnoxious surfers by cutting a rooster tail 1 feet from their surf board.  "I roasted that brazilian j...