Dog's Water Search Results


A montage of "Back to the Future" themed pranks: fill a convertible up with manure with the "Jackass" guys inside, infiltrate a high school dance as a fake band and play crappy music with sucky musicians, dancers, "Party Boy", try to hover craft over a pool of water, Peeping Tom gets hit by a car as innocents look on, paintball gun western duel, drink some "Wake Up" juice, etc. So many possibilities. Tell PJ Knox County says "Whatup?" :-)

News: Bridge Jump

Jump to a bridge, but the body must be flat(straight) when it drop in the water. exactly the same in the picture,just like all the way when it drop.For sure that will hurt...wahaha...

News: Pitfall foot race!!!

We dig pitfalls in the ground of a large field and then cover them. We blindfold the the cast and have them race across the field. Whoever is able to get to the end without falling in a hole wins. The holes are filled with different things. One is filled with sewage, another with fake snakes, one is filled with water balloons filled with rotten milk and etc. The winner of course receives a kick to the balls.

News: Pickup Truck Baths in the Ritz

Use any kind of pickup truck and fill the truck bed with soapy water. I will be the driver and will pull up to a parking space on a visible spot of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills near the shopping district. I will be offering $2 baths to the homeless in the back of the truck.Ryan Dunn, Dave, and Ehren will be dressed as bearded homeless guys and walk up to me wanting a bath. They will briefly argue about having to pay because they're homeless but will eventually pay the two bucks, undress down ...

News: zipper crapper

since zipper rides have wide seats either connect two porta johns or find a "doublewide" 2 seater crapper. if you can get away with using just one crapper, cool. mount all safety harnesses and mount the the crapper in the ride mounts. have the guys fill the crapper/s up and have someone take the ride if you dont fill them with crap at least use the blue water or chocolate pudding

News: The Shi**er

Have the toilet rigged up so when you push the handle a bucket of shit in the ceiling dumps on them, or have the toilet bowl hooked up to an air compress, so when it is flushed, it blows the shitty water rigt back at them

News: tread mill and uncrew bolts

try to run as fast as you can with out stoping and see who will last the longest. another one will be running on the tread mill and getting hit by object like water ballons or ping ball gun and see who will make it.unscrew the bolts of some ones car,bike,motocycle like the tires or something that will stop it from moving when they start to move.

News: pepperballmaina

ok so my idea is you guys dress up like cowboys and indins and spreed out threw an arena during a wwe event and have pepperball guns and just start shooting eatchother but you dont do taht untell i blow th wisel and then thats when you start Warnings

News: ice cold suprise

take a firework pt it in his hand take ice water poorit all over the jackass member after the firework goes off and the watter is thrown on him throw mouse traps on him please ive been a fan for over 7 years this is my chance to meet my idols

News: yellow.....lemonade??

the idea is that you make lemonade and put them in water bottles for the guys and make some of the bottles have piss in them on the bottom of the bottle put a mark so you can tell who is drinking the piss lemonade. and have a party of some sort. and set up a cooler full of good lemonade next to the bottles of pissed lemonade.

News: Never Drinking Again, Worst Hangover Wakeup

If you've gotten drunk and had a hangover, you know how bad it can be in the morning. The slightest thing is like tortue. This will make someone never wanna drink again. It gets pretty good, so you gotta read it all. Ok, get someone to drink very heavy that doesnt drink that often. We can do this the night you fly us out to L.A.. Say its to celebrate us winning.Set up a bunch of alarm clocks in their room(loud noises suck)Aim a bright light right in their eyes and when they wake up turn it on...

News: Portapotty Blowout

First you rig up a portapotty or a regular toilet so when someone sits on it to take a dump, water shoots up at high speeds. If you do it in a toilet, they'll get more wet and it would be easier to get away with. But if you do it with a portapotty, you'll have all the pee and poop go up and get all over the victim. I'm not sure what would you use to shoot up all the "liquid" so ask a scientist or something on that one. Have a pressure sensor or heat sensor on the toilet. And to make sure some...

News: port-a-john

So I had a couple ideas. 1. Take a port-a-potty and when somebody goes in lock them in, then roll it around a lil bit let them get nice and dirty, then put it on a truck, drive them to a mall put the port-a-potty in the middle of a crowd and unlock it.

News: The sperm balloon fight!

Ok.... the guys all get together to surprise BAM with a waterballoon fight only there isnt just water in these balloons lol.....One special color balloon will have the contents of a hillbilly cocktail! Gather the sperm of a few farm animals and you will have a nice hillbilly cocktail! Now the best part in my opinion is that BAM is convinced that its water and wont mind a shot to the face lol.....With carefull planning this could be some funny material.

News: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

a dude with a man thong and cat whiskers and a painted on cat nose and cat ears will stand on a marked space with big rubber bands stretched all around and all over his body like hes standin in a circle.the rubber bands will be stretched all over him and then they will be let go and snapped onto him and it will hurt like shit and it will leave red tiger stripe lines all over him and then right after hes like AHH FUCKKK!!! a big like fake dragon head will pop up and spit boiling hot water all ...

News: Irving goes fishing and drowns to death.

The idea is to find a popular fishing spot like a pier or riverbank or low bridge and have zisman bring his pole. After a minute conversation with a local talkin bout how people don't fish like they used to hell back in my day we caught em with our bare hands you youngters are a bunch a damn pussies and more comical improv leave that part to knox then fake a heart attack and fall in the water floating face up or down which ever way the old coot lands prolly up cuz we don't want the old fucker...

News: fake bed prank!!

fake bed prank .the fake bed prank is prety much a funny idea of a box filled with pie or puddingng maybe even poop if you desire.and covered with a cmferter or any bed covering and pillows possableythe prank is having a sucker jump or lie down on the bed look-a-like and sloosh into the joke for big dreamers.!!mike d.make a bed frame sized box with out the topmake the bed frame wood or cardboard budget impliedfill fill the box,jello pudding whipped cream babby oil if water proofed box/ cover ...

News: The Trap Door

This is the prank i want to send you guys! ok its going to be called the trap door and what you do is you have to cut out part of a floor and have to flap doors that will go down and underneath it should be like a big pool filled with a bunch of nasty things like cow poop, horse poop, mud, dead bugs, really rotten garbage, vinegar, a bunch of mulch and really bad sewage water! well guys i hope you like it and enjoy it! ive been watching you guys ever since you came out and i hope you like it ...

News: Stormin the Beach

The Jackass cast are dressed in Revolutionary War outfits and are riding and paddling a large canoe towards a beach.All around the beach is the enemy waiting for them. When Johnny and the boys are near the shore; the enemy opens fire, with bottle rockets, roman candles, fire hoses and paintball guns. The Jackass guys are armed with BB guns.If the jackass boys are knocked over into the water, they have to buy the 'enemy' a big nice dinner. If the jackass boys reach and land on the beach, the e...

News: Biggest Waterballon

Fill up a balloon or some similar material with water. This should be no ordinary balloon but the biggest one, one could possibly make. Launch it down from a building or some huge height in the air on one of the jackass star's car when he is parking. Bam's would probably be the funniest. This is short and sweet, but would be very funny. The size of this should be very extreme.

News: Super Shot

This idea I have is called the Super Shot. First, you can either do this in a bar type setting, or just build a makeshift bar of your own, whichever suits your needs, cause either shall work.

News: Ball-Bike Slam!

Hardcore duct tape and exercise ball to the front of a motorcycle or bike. Set a person up on top of a huge cliff over water or on top of a gnarly hill. Tape some more exercise balls to the person on the cliff, forming a sort of ball suit around him. then have the motorcycle or bike hit him at high speed, launching the ball suit guy and probably sending the bike driver over the cliff too.

News: The Shitty massage

A massage worker calls a jackass memeber and says you just won a free 2 hour massage and we would like you to come [this day] and he will be there he will lay down on his tummy with nose plugs and the massager would open a little can with shit in it and say this is a cream that make's your back feeling good all day and then their wll be piss in a bottle and say its a water that makes you back have no wrinkels and then the massager will take off the nose plugs and then you will push the jackas...

News: mannequin dool & Shot contest

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare sudenly washed by water hose that will operate by someone from behind!! it will bbbee soo two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throwing people.

News: ideas for prank

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare we suddenly be washed right into the window by water hose that will operated by saomone behind!!it will be soooo fffuuunnnyy2place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throw people. pleeeaaasss you have to choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News: Dirty Diaper Double Cross

For this prank you need one of those creepy realistic trainer babies, an mp3 player or phone that can play a baby crying on loop, a crowd (like at a park, mall, or bus stop), a diaper and a few snacks. You have one of the guys approach the crowded area looking disheveled and acting like an ass or a drunk. After he's in place you have a woman come in with the realistic baby, the baby crying noise playing on loop, and a diaper full of chocolate pudding cups, candy corn, peanuts (whatever looks ...

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: exploding portapotty's

the scenario.. an outdoors event. in which the food has been laced with a super strong laxative the more the better. eventually everyone will need to crap bad. the portapotty's are retrofitted with massive pumps inside the blue water filled with the most ungodly poop one can find. the massive pumps shoot all that rancid goodness through any and all holes in the portapotty. only to be rigged hidden cameras to watch the madness. afterwards there would be a quick release for the walls of the por...

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