Dog's Water Search Results

How To: Stop your dog from barking in the crate

Training your dog takes a lot of patience. It also requires you to put up with a whole lot of unwanted barking. Unless you're deaf or plan to be some time soon, training your dog to stop barking in the crate will make life a lot easier on you. This tutorial video will show you how to stop a dog from barking in the crate.

How To: Stop your dog from jumping

A jumping dog can mean a happy dog, but it can also make things difficult for you and anyone else your dog meets. If your puppy gets over excited when they meet new people, check out this video from the BBC. The BBC will give you expert tips on how to stop the jumping and no longer worry about hurting or annoying others. Teach your puppy to be happy without jumping and make the relationship better for everyone.

How To: Clip your chihuahua's nails

This video shows how to clip your Chihuahua’s nails. Since the dog doesn’t weigh that much you may need to clip the nails more often then a heavier dog. If you can hear the dog’s nails clicking on the floor, then it is time for a clipping. Use cat nail clippers because they are smaller. If your dog has white nails, then just clip of the edge that is clear. If you look farther into the nail you will see there is a pink part. The pink part is a nerve. If the dog has black nails then just be car...

How To: Prepare a dog for a new pet

Is your old pet suffering from new pet envy? A new pet can make your best friend pretty doggone upset, but there are ways to help them get over their jealousy. In this tutorial learn how to prepare a dog for sharing his home with a new pet.

How To: Teach your dog to heel

Teaching your dog to heel will make walks more fun and relaxing for both of you. Watch this video to learn how to train your dog. You will need treats, a leash, a collar and patience! Tips: for training, choose soft, small treats that you don't give your dog normally.

How To: Express a disabled dog's bladder

This is an example on how to express the disabled dog's bladder. Prop the dog in a standing position with their feet flat on the ground. Either place the dog facing you or facing away from you. In this video, you will see the dog face the woman, as it works best for expressing her dog in that direction. Males should be faced away from you, as you do not want to have him urinate on you. Place both of your hands on the sides of the bladder. Keep in mid the bladder is known to move. The bladder ...

How To: Skate with a dog

This is a short tutorial on safety on how to start skating hybrid with your dog. Heelys are great because they let you keep control of your dog. You can brake and handle your dog much better than on other skates. Find a smooth, clean street or parking lot, and make sure your dog is just as protected as you are. Learn how to pull a dog on skates by watching this video pet trick tutorial.

How To: Bathe a dog

Dogs need occasional bathing to clean off excess dirt, and even to inspect general health. This how-to video demonstrates the simple steps to safely washing a dog. Learn how to bathe a dog by watching this video pet and animal care tutorial.

How To: Clip a dog's nails properly

A lot of people are afraid to trim their dog's nails - fearful that they will cut them too short and they will bleed. This informative video will guide you through the process and help you become more confident when grooming your pet.

How To: Detect cruciate ligament rupture in a pet dog

A veterinarian explains everything you need to know about rupture of cruciate ligament in dogs. Find out what dogs get it, what it is and how to recognize symptoms of cruciate ligament rupture. Watch this video veterinary tutorial and learn how to detect canine cruciate ligament rupture in a pet dog.

How To: Detect glaucoma in a dog or cat eye

A veterinarian explains everything there is to know about Glaucoma in dogs and cats. Find out what dogs and cats get it, what it is and how to recognize symptoms of hip glaucoma. Watch this video veterinary tutorial and learn how to detect glaucoma in a pet dog or cat.

How To: Feed your dog properly for a healthy lifestyle

In this tutorial, learn how to feed your dog properly with help from expert Marc Morrone. You want to make sure you are feeding your dog the right food at the right times of day so that they stay happy, healthy and energetic. Follow along and make sure you know what your puppy is eating.

How To: Keep your dogs off the furniture

What makes a comfy seat for a human or a dog is very different. In this video, learn how to teach your furry best friend where he is meant to sit. Keep your dog from destroying your nice furniture with these tips from Marc Morrone.

How To: Cut your dog's toenails

In this clip, Dr. Lauren gives you a step by step on how to give your dog a much needed pedicure. Caring for your pooch's paws is important and not only keeps them cleaner, but makes it much easier for them to walk around. Don't be afraid to take the clippers to your puppy, check out this video and learn exactly how to do it - the painless and easy way.

How To: Take care of your dog's teeth

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to take care of your dog's teeth. In this video tutorial, they explain the importance of properly caring for your dog's teeth. See what you can do to prevent canine dental disease and how to maintain your dog's teeth through good dental hygiene.

How To: Groom, style, and trim a long-haired dog

Long-haired dogs require extra attention when grooming. Thick fur can become matted, which not only looks messy, but can actually be painful and even unhealthy for the dog. Watch this video pet grooming tutorial and learn how to style and trim a long-haired dog's coat.

How To: Agility train a dog

Dog agility training is a great way to get both pet and owner in shape. Learn about the benefits of dog agility training with tips from a professional dog trainer in this free pet care video series.

How To: Train a guide dog

Guide dogs are trained to help the visually impaired or people who are completely blind. Learn how guide dogs are trained from a training expert in this free educational video series.

How To: Leash train a dog

Dog leash training is an important part of any dog obedience training. Learn how to teach your dog to walk on a leash with tips from a dog trainer in this free dog care video series.

How To: Groom a poodle dog

Dog grooming your poodle may seem like a difficult task but with the right tools and information it can be easy! Learn how to groom a poodle with tips from a dog groomer in this free pet care video series.

How To: Perform passive range of motion (PROM) exercises on your dog's hind legs

Stretching isn't just good for humans, it's a great way to keep animals loose and healthy, especially dogs who have suffered bone deformities, muscle aches or arthritis. This video will show you how to give your dog passive range of motion (PROM) exercises on its hind legs. Perform these exercises daily if your dog has recently had orthopedic surgery or suffers from arthritis. Doing so helps maintain flexibility, reduce stiffness and increase blood flow to painful joints. For more information...

How To: Give your dog permission to "go sniff" on a walk

In this tutorial, we learn to give your dog permission to go sniff around while on a walk. When you are walking on your dog, let them go out and sniff things, so that they can explore the area that you are around. Make sure you are following close behind and still have them attached loosely to a leash. When you are ready to leave the area, say "lets go", and move on with your walk with the dog. Practice this several times with your dog, and eventually they will start to know the length of tim...

How To: Make peanut butter cookies for dogs

Buying dog treats can be somewhat fun for you and, of course your dog. But the bad thing about it is that treats nowadays can be a little bit pricey. And if you opt for the treats that are less expensive, chances are they are worse for your dog and can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. So what do you do next? Make your own dog treats of course! In this tutorial, you'll find out how to make peanut butter cookies for man's best friends from scratch. It's simple to do and will make them happy. Enjoy!

How To: Teach your dog to balance and sit pretty

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to sit pretty and balance with Adam G. Katz. To do this, teach the dog to stay sitting back and balance instead of standing up by giving him treats in mid-air. This will help larger dogs learn their sense of balance by repeating this over and over with treats so they understand the idea of what they are doing. They will also get used to distributing their weight a different way than just standing fully up. Their sense of balance will improve ov...

How To: Desensitize your dog to a muzzle

Dee from Applause Your Paws Dog Training demonstrates how to desensitize your dog to a muzzle by using a hand-feeding ritual with your dog on a daily basis for a week. The objective is to have your dog work for its food instead of feeding him from a bowl. In other words, you will reward him his daily food if he does what he's told. First, fill the bowl with however much you feed the dog in one day. The first 3 days will be used to get the dog accustomed to eating the food from your hand. If h...