Dogs Chew Search Results

News: Blind Photographer "Sees" With Sound

A couple weeks ago, I attended Photo LA with my mother, a photographer. On our way out, we came across a blind man with a seeing eye dog. It begged the obvious question-- "blind photographer" is about as oxymoronic as it gets-- but, then coincidentally, this morning I came across a video of the same man. Pete Eckert is indeed a blind visual artist, a sculptor and industrial designer in his former life, before being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition that results in p...

“Wow, You Look Great!”: Giving Compliments Without Being a Jerk

As someone who’s entering a time of life that involves weddings, reunions, and generally running into people I haven’t seen in awhile, I find myself being shocked by how much people have changed over the years. A lot of times, people will have dropped a bunch of weight, or have turned into a kind and articulate human being, or have obviously stopped doing so many drugs. It’s important, when complimenting people on positive life changes, to let them know how well you think they’re doing withou...

News: the trip course

however this is a race the loser has to kiss everyones bare ass and the winners get nothing. every time one of them swears or fall over they all get an electric shock off the dog collor so they will all be yelling at each other and swearing and so stands at, johnny bam steveo preston and dave, while chris ryan wee man and danger get to press the botton every time someone falls or swears. i have loads of random ideas . . .

News: 10 Peculiar Game Rules for Competitive Scrabble Tournaments

The 2011 Toronto International Scrabble Open (TOSI) took place last weekend, with former World Champion Adam Logan beating out all of the human competition for the $3,000 grand prize. But when it came time to take on the Quackle program in the Human vs. Computer Showdown, he lost his first two games and won the last two, ultimately losing with a measly 28-point differential of the combined total scores. But he still came out three grand happier.

News: The Workings of The Tongue

I have looked into this several times because I find it interesting to think about how the tongue works when making a recipe. I say "looked into" it because I wouldn't really describe it as research. How the flavors are going to be perceived can affect how you might want to layer the flavors in your dish. This information mostly comes from an artical in How Stuff Works website. There are several parts of the tongue that you need tobe familiar with when you study it.

News: The Shock Maze

Make a maze out of invisible dog fence. Have a bunch of people wear many collars on their bodies and tell them they need to navigate their way to the end of the maze. They can see the end of the maze, but if they take the wrong path, they will get shocked. Also either have them wear the barking dog shock collars so that if they leave the boundary they will scream and keep getting shocked until they return to the maze path, or have another method to get them to return inside the boundaries. Bu...

How To: Increase the Number of Push Ups You Can Do

Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.

News: The Mein Teil March

Have the members of Jackass hooked up to dog leashes wearing ball gags. Have the members of Rammstein holding the leashes and walking the Jackass guys down the street. While walking have mein teil playing over speakers as Till sings and the other members using their flamethrower masks.

News: Book Review - The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One is one of those books that I really should have read years ago. I’ve certainly meant to read it for a long time so this was a satisfying title to cross off my list. It’s stunning that this was Bryce Courtenay’s first novel. I look forward to reading his others because if this is where he started, he’s a talented writer.

How To: Make a Thanksgiving Turducken

Ah, turducken. The fondest of all portmanteau words and the tastiest of all Thanksgiving day meals. Turducken is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken—three glorious poultry meats molded into one marvelous, boneless hunk of flesh that any sane carnivore wouldn't dare resist. It's slapped together with pork sausage stuffing, sometimes even three different kinds, and caked with Cajun seasonings.

Minecraft: My Uncle, the Serial Killer

Do you ever really know someone? I mean really really? Super really? Sometimes we can talk and be with people normally for years and then bam: five people dead, house on fire, dog missing. All the while people shake their heads and regret that if they had just put the little clues together all of this could have been averted.

News: So, Now What?

Fads, Fiascos and Good Stuff in FrontierVille This WeekThis is the first of what should, with luck, be a series of weekly columns.Fads firstIt’s St. Patrick’s Day in FrontierVille and it looks like staying that way for the foreseeable future, which will probably be about ten days. If you’ve ever lived in England you know about jackdaws, but I’ll explain for the rest of you. They’re small black birds who are notoriously fascinated by shiny things, and they love to peck the foil caps off milk b...

How To: Observe the Full Moons in 2011 (Lunar Calendar)

When's the next full moon? Every time I've looked at the moon, I've wondered if it was full. Sometimes it looked like it was, but it's really hard to tell for sure unless you know the exact date of the full moon. Seriously, there's at a couple days before and after the full moon that could easily pass as full. At least, to someone like me who isn't naturally in tune with the moon's cycle (and doesn't have perfect vision).

Surviving the Stress: 5 Tips for Avoiding the Morgue

So, at this time of the year, everyone seems to be going through a lot of stress - and by “everyone,” I mean, “anyone who has any contact with people who are in schools of any kind.” Still, stress can hit you at any time of the year, whether it’s right before Christmas, or when you’ve let all those little chores pile up, or when omigod all those bills are due tomorrow. When you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions, it’s easy to want to murder everyone or plan an elaborate esc...

News: on holiday

you go on holidayand your family stay at your house and everithing is god down the dog make everthinghe late the windows broking and the kitching every thing is go broking.and then your back from holiday and you say that he give a party an call the cops

How To: It's How You Play The Game

"Life is difficult." That's how Scott Peck's best-selling book, "The Road Less Travelled", begins. That life is difficult is not news. Over two-thousand years ago the Buddha said it too: Life is suffering. The sanskrit word the Buddha used for suffering is dukkha. Dukkha doesn't refer to physical pain, necessarily. It refers to something more akin to our English word 'dissatisfaction'. Adages abound in our language which attest to the universality of dissatisfaction in our daily lives. "The g...

News: Tattoo switch up

If you have to get the person a little drunk just to convince the person to get a tattoo. Before he/she gets it talked to the tattoo artist and give them the real tattoo to put on the victim. The tattoo has to be really funny. Let’s say the tattoo is going to be on Ehren. The tattoo would say “I am (Name)’s bitch!” and it would have a picture of that person holding Ehren’s leash and Ehren would be dressed up as a dog or something like that. (It doesn't have to be Ehren or Johnny it could be a...

How To: Things to Do on WonderHowTo (06/06 - 06/12)

WonderHowTo is a how-to website made up of niche communities called Worlds, with topics ranging from Minecraft to science experiments to Scrabble and everything in-between. Check in every Wednesday evening for a roundup of user-run activities and how-to projects from the most popular communities. Users can join and participate in any World they're interested in, as well as start their own community.

How To: Litter Box Train Your New Kitten

I love cats (dogs too - but that's a subject for a different article...;o)). There are few things more enjoyable than welcoming an adorable little kitten into one's house; watching them inspect their mysterious new surroundings - timidly at first - and then quickly make it their empire.

News: mace minicylce mayhem

X amounts of bear mace , 5 mini mini motorcyles , 1 bam , 1 danger , 1 knoxville , 1 ryan dunn , and the one and only steve-o ... now in an enclosed area or a busy Los Angles street (rodeo dr.) whatevers easier , each member must be sprayed with ther bear mace while trying to slalom through a verity of objects (i.e people , cars , traffic , wee man equipped with a can of mace in each hand , crocidiles etc.) for each time one of he player miss they must start again ... the winner chooses the 4...

News: "Don't Be A Quitter"

Take a pack of someone’s cigarettes, and carefully remove partial contents from a few of them. In one, pull out some of the tobacco with tweezers, insert a “Pop-It” (make sure it is closer to the end without the filter) and reinsert the tobacco with tweezers. I can’t guarantee this method won’t blow someone’s face off, so try it on a dummy first. In the second cigarette, grind up a little sun-dried dog turd, and sprinkle it in before replacing the tobacco. In a third, put in a little wad of a...

TSA: Useful or Useless?

Oh yeah, this is a big topic, at-least for me. All the frequent flyers will/should be interested in this topic. I'm sure all of you have heard at-least something about the TSA, and most of it should have been bad. Complaints, lawsuits and general disgust surround this organization. Is there a reason, or are the 'extremist liberals' at it again? Let's find out!