Double Check Search Results

How To: Knit double motifs

In this video, we learn how to knit double motifs. First, make a grid so that you have an even number of stitches all the way around your motif. After this, cast two colors onto the needle, making sure they stay in order. Cast on a total of twenty stitches, which will be just one side of the square for your motif. After this, start to stitch the rows until you reach the middle where your shape will be. Exchange the colors so the pattern in the middle looks how you want it to. After this, bind...

How To: Create a paper pop-up card

Check out this video tutorial on how to create a paper pop-up card. You'll be happy you learned this one... it's easy to make, there's a nice result, and you're children will love it! You only need thirteen pieces of colored paper, a marker, glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

How To: Jacmel crochet a granny square left-handed

In this tutorial, we learn how to jacmel crochet a granny square left-handed. In round 1, you will chain 1, then work 3 double crochets. Then, chain one four times from the original stitch and end with a single crochet. For round 2, you will chain 1 and work 2 double crochets in the same space. Next, work a double crochet in the next stitch and work over the next stitch. Work in 2 double crochets in the next chain 2 space, then chain 1 and chain 4 times ending with a single crochet. For the n...

How To: Perform an outside single leg to double (knee tap) in wrestling

If you're interested in taking up wrestling, and need to learn some great moves, this next tutorial may have something new for you. In this video, you'll be finding out how to perform an outside single leg to double or knee tap in wrestling. It's a move that is very effective and can take down your opponent in a matter of seconds, if done correctly. And in order to do it correctly, check out the video above, practice and good luck!

How To: Enable the Hidden "Double Tap to Wake" Feature on Your Nexus 6

During initial reviews of the Nexus 6, the "double tap to wake" feature was something originally slated to be present on the device, since Motorola built it and it's been a key feature of the Moto X. However, the feature was scrapped for Ambient Display, which wakes up the screen when the device is picked up or a notification arrives. So while having both could be seen as overkill, it doesn't mean we shouldn't have the option.

How To: Play drums using the push pull technique

This how to video will teach you how to perform the push pull technique on drums. If you want to throw a double, you can start with a single and get an accent on the double for an inverted double. Just push and grab really quick. For a double, use a controlled rebound. For the inverted double, start with a single and dig out the second stroke of the double. A french grip is useful for performing this technique. This is good for ghostings and shuffles. For shuffles, you can use a controlled re...

How To: Tie double fishing line

Attention fishing junkies! In this video learn how to tie a double fishing line with help from charter fishing expert Mark the Shark. Tie a double fishing line by making 30 turns with the line before tying the line off. Learn with this video demonstration the importance of a double fishing line, as well as the importance of keeping the fishing line taut.

How To: Use front- and back-post double crochet stiches

The person in the video demonstrates how to do a front post and a back post double crochet. First she shows you what a post is. The body of the previous row of double crochet is the post. To do a front post double crochet, you should loop the thread over the hook and put the hook under the post through the hole before it and bring it out from the hole on the other side of the post. Then you can loop the thread over the hook again and pull the hook out through the same way it went in. Then you...

How To: Make a double crochet stich

Brianna with The Crochet Side demonstrates how to make a double crochet stitch. Making a double crotchet stitch is an easy to learn technique. To make a double crotchet stitch, take your crochet project and yarn over and stick the needle under the top two loops. Then, yarn over and pull through two again. Repeat the technique by pulling the yarn through the top two loops to effectively utilize the technique. At the end of the row, complete the last stitch, chain two and turn the project to be...

How To: DJ the mirrored double click flare combo scratch

He starts off performing the task that he then describes. It's one technique that is called a mirrored double click flare. This is done by moving the record forward a double click and then back a double click then forward a single click. The whole process is then done in reverse, starting with moving the record back a double click. On his DJ table he moves a cross fader to mirror his movement of the record. First start the technique slow without a beat to get the movement memorizes. Add a bea...

How To: Crochet a left handed sun beam granny square

make a left handed sun beam granny square crochet in minutes! 1. Prepare the materials, two different yarn colors are needed. 2. Start off with a chain 1 stitch. 3. Make a half double crochet through a chain 4 stitch (12x)4. Work another chain 1 stitch5. Make 2 half double crochets to join the chain 1 stitch (24x)6. Cut the yarn and change the color. 7. Work 2 half double crochets on the new color and join together with the chain 1 stitch. 8. Change yarn color again. Insert the hook from the ...

How To: Knit the double moss stitch

The double moss stitch or double seed stitch, as demonstrated in this how-to video, is just a knitting pattern alternating between two knit and two purl stitches. It's very easy to do, but comes in two varieties, American, with the right hand, and English, with the left hand. Watch this video knitting tutorial and learn how to do the double moss stitch.

How To: Discontinue an IV line in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then a very common procedure in nursing involves removing a saline lock or an IV line. This procedure is also called DC IV, or discontinue an IV. Follow along in this nursing how-to video to learn the proper protocol for discontinuing an IV line. Before DCing the IV always double check the doctor's orders and have your materials handy.

How To: Double knit

Double-knitting may sound like twice the work, but it's a technique of knitting with two lengths of yarn to create a piece that's double-sided. This is great for crafting-projects that require extra warmth, and because the two sides are actually attached, there will be no middle pocket. Follow along with these video knitting lessons and learn how to double knit.

How To: Arrange a TexasHojo lashing

Check out this instructional lashing video that demonstrates another method of lashing a couple of poles together combining the Hojo jutsu version of the Texas handcuff, known as the Texas Hojo. You'll notice that you have double the strength of your lashing. Learn how to arrange a TexasHojo lashing with this lashing tutorial video.

How To: Pick handcuffs

Check out this conning instructional video that demonstrates how to pick handcuffs. These are standard issue, double locking, stainless steal Bower handcuffs used by many small police departments. All you need is a bended bobby pin and a pair of hand cuffs. Observe the tutorial's easy to follow instructions and you can start picking handcuffs like a pro.

How To: Double crochet left handed

This instructional crocheting video demonstrates how to do a front post double crochet stitch and a back post double crochet stitch with your left hand. The double crochet stitch creates thick and tightly woven stitch that is good for blankets, sweaters, and other warm winter garments.

How To: Sear chicken thighs with the BBQ Pit Boys

Looking for a special meal from the barbecue grill to serve up at your next tailgating or backyard party, or for your family picnic? If you love bar-b-q chicken then you have to check out these easy to grill, moist and tender, seared chicken thighs. With a little rub, sauce, a few simple grilling tricks and about an hour of your time, you'll be eatin' mighty fine, and wishin' you had made a double batch of chicken.

How To: Play double bass drum fills

You can use your double bass drum pedals for more than just unique drum beats. This free video lesson covers five simple double bass drum fills that incorporate the hands and the feet. They build upon what you've learned in the double bass drum warm-ups section. Watch the lesson for demonstrations of all five patterns.