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News: Being a YouTuber On-the-Go Just Got Easier

The beauty gurus, gamers, and daily vloggers of the world are getting a great gift from YouTube very soon. No, it's not exclusive swag or diamond awards. Instead, it's an update to the YouTube mobile app that will support all video formats and let you send in-app messages.

How To: 30+ Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Be Using on YouTube

If you don't like watching YouTube videos on your computer with your hand glued to your mouse, the next best thing is using keyboard shortcuts. They may not seem any easier than clicking, but once you get them down it's a whole other story. Plus, there are some features you might not otherwise use (I'm looking at you, speed control) unless the shortcuts existed.

How To: Play YouTube Videos Locally to Save Bandwidth, Skip Ads, & Always Watch in HD

Real suffering is sitting through a thirty-second ad to watch a fifteen-second video, or watching your favorite music video in three-second fragments. Real suffering is this: “An error occurred, please try again later.” If you’re a modern human and multitask with multiple tabs while you're on YouTube, you don’t have to sacrifice your bandwidth and sanity. There's a simple way to watch YouTube ad-free and lag-free.

How To: Play Your iPhone Music on Your PS3

While the PlayStation 3 is an awesome gaming console and the iPhone is an awesome smartphone, Apple and Sony have made two devices (that could be perfect for each other) nearly incompatible. Truth be told, this is more Apple's fault than Sony's, but we'll get into that later.

How To: Use Greasemonkey to hide YouTube comments by default

Disable YouTube comments & keep your head from exploding. This clip will show you how to use a Greasemonkey script to automatically hide YouTube comments. It's simple! So simple, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in just over a minute and a half. For more information, including complete, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Delete your YouTube account

In this tutorial, we learn how to delete your YouTube account. First, log into your account on YouTube, then delete all your videos. Next, click on "account" at the top of the screen. Next, click on "manage account", then find where it says "delete account" and click on that. After this, you must type a reason why you are deleting your account and click on "save". Now, you will be shown a message from YouTube on deleting your account and you will be set! This is the only way to delete you acc...

How To: Get YouTube videos on your iPod and iPhone with Tooble

In this video tutorial, you will see how to use Tooble, free from, to get videos from YouTube into iTunes, then onto your iPod, iTouch, or iPhone. Unfortunately, there's no Windows version for you, it's just for Mac. But don't let that discourage you, there developing one as we speak. So soon you too will be able to get YouTube movies on your iPod.

How To: Add the YouTube button to Toolbar

In this tutorial, we learn how to add the YouTube button to the toolbar. First, log onto your internet browser and then add the button that says YouTube on it, so there is an icon that shows up on your toolbar. After you do this, you will be able to search for things without being inside of the YouTube website. To test this out, simply type in something you want to see on YouTube in the left hand text box, then click on the YouTube icon. After you do this, the website will pop up showing the ...

How To: Search YouTube more efficiently with search operators

Searching YouTube is tough, because there's a plethora of content, so sometimes i's best to do an advanced search. This is not to be confused with the "search options" available during a YouTube search query, because those are limited to key features of YouTube, but not specific search terms. Much like Google, you can search YouTube via search operators. Many of the same search operators that work on Google work on YouTube also. Filter your results the way you want, not the way they want. You...

How To: Make your YouTube videos 3D

Have you caught the 3D bug? It seems ever since Avatar was released in theatres, everyone has gone YouTube crazy... Including YouTube! In this video presented by How to and More, learn how to make your YouTube videos in 3D!

How To: Rip audio & video from YouTube to an iPod or PC

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to rip audio and video from You Tube to an i-Pod or computer. Users will need to download the Free Studio program from located the video description. Once the file is saved, double-click the file and follow the instructions to install the program. Now find a video or audio from You Tube and copy the URL. Now open the program, paste in the URL and download the file. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy watching or listening to videos on You ...

How To: Set embedded YouTube clips to automatically play

YouTube videos can also be embedded in your own website. These YouTube videos by default do not play and one should explicitly click the play button for the videos to stream. However you can change the embedded video settings so that the video starts streaming once your web page loads. This can be very helpful as it starts streaming immediately with out wasting time for the user to click on the play button. Go to the YouTube video that you want to auto play on the YouTube website. Copy the em...

How To: Get your suspended YouTube account back

Falsely suspended on YouTube? Get you account back within a month. When your account is suspended on YouTube, all your videos will still be intact. Search "reopen account" without quotes in YouTube. Open the first video that is displayed. The video will show you link to contact YouTube. To get things straight, visit the link as stated in the video. You will get an email from YouTube explaining your penalties which are usually copyright claims. Click on each penalty and you'll be given a set o...

News: Downloads for Encrypted Messaging App Signal Have Almost Doubled Since Trump Took Office

Signal, the encrypted messaging app, has seen 1.4 million downloads in just the first quarter of 2017—roughly twice the downloads it received in the same period last year. Rani Molla at Recode attributes this to Donald Trump's inauguration, as the private messaging service saw a 40% increase in US downloads between Election Day and the end of the first quarter of 2017.