Drink Drinking Search Results

How To: Set SMART Goals In 10 Ways

10 Ways to Make Your Goals Easier to Achieve Do you have goals in your life? Most people do. You may want to lose weight, advance your career, or make your relationship better. You think about where you want to be and then find a way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

How To: Get Fit And Cut Fast

This won't be a fancy video or have crazy photos of before and after. I'm not insanely buff nor do I use supplements/drugs to stay fit. Just have a look at my photo and decide if that's how you want to look. As the title suggests, you don't need to use a gym, you don't need a new diet or any kind of supplements (although a sensible intake of food is really good for you anyway).

News: One on Three

Fill three glasses with coke, water, beer or stuff like that. All the members of the cast have to spit into two of those glasses and (who wants to) sneeze in them two... to make it really disgusting! Then, one blindfolded member of the cast has the three glasses in front of him, if he will be lucky he will drink the normal glass with the normal fluid in it, if he's out of luck he will drink one of the shitty glasses with all that poo in it... The guy must drink it all until the glass is empty...

News: Jackass 3d Contest

The Rum Punch.You sit there with a glass of Rum, drink it, then have one of your buddy's punch you hard in the face. Also funnier to do when you are drunk.Extreme Pub crawl.Go from one bar to the next, whilst wearing roller skates, the more drunk you get and the more uphill climbs you need to do to get to the next bar, could be very funny.More to come....Ross ThompsonP.s check out my own little jackass episode i made, called kettering dumbass. its on youtube

News: sake challenge and makeover

get 10 glasses of sake get a box of makeup go to town ok the jackass guys has to get 10 glasses of sake and drink it within 5 minuted on the clock then they have to get a box of makeup and make themselfs look like girls and then go to town and walk around the nieborhood and see how long it takes for them to throw up

News: Worst Day Ever

First thing you do is slip some sleeping pills in this guys drink. Then tie him to a big piece of wood, get a tattoo saying im a jackass on his forehead, and put a shock collar on his neck. When ready shock him till he wakes up,dip him in the pool a few times,shoot him with paintballs, and then hit him with the puke balloons.

News: The Taste Testers

The Jack ass Crew has to drink different kinds of liquids blindfolded and they have to guess what it is by the taste. If They Get it right then they get it right but if they don't they have to drink all of that liquid. The liquids have to be different for each person and they could be anything that isnt posoinous or deadly.

News: clear eyes or clear stomach

I know some people have seen or have heard about a few drops of visine in drinks can make anyone puke and the Jackass crew is always looking towards that epic vomit moment especially for the camera man. So i think having a couple of rounds of drinks and a good meal and some drops of visine on that one lucky Jackass memeber would be killer!

Force Lightning: How to Make a Shocking Cookie Jar Any Sith Lord Would Be Proud Of

There is nothing more annoying than a greedy roommate. It's absolutely infuriating to wake up and find the cookies your mother just made for you gone without a trace. Your favorite drink is empty and the homemade meal you worked so hard on the night before is nowhere to be found. This irked me so much that I made this shocking cookie jar. When a cookie burglar touches the side and the lid of the jar simultaneously, a small electric shock stops them in their tracks.

News: Need Of Detoxification

Taking good care of our colon should be one of our capital concerns. Do you know that like the air we breathe, the colon additionally becomes polluted with toxins? Toxin accretion will appear for as continued as you continuously eat. These toxins become the account of a abatement in activity and added problems like constipation, gas, bloating, etc. So now, imagine how acceptable activity could be after these toxins!

News: Richard Stallman's Rider

Best quotes: "A supply of tea with milk and sugar would be nice. If it is tea I really like, I like it without milk and sugar. With milk and sugar, any kind of tea is fine. I always bring tea bags with me, so if we use my tea bags, I will certainly like that tea without milk or sugar.

Passing By: House Café on Beverly

House Café offers traditional American food with a heavy Mexican influence. The restaurant is located near Crescent Heights and Beverly Blvd, sandwiched between The Grove and The Beverly Hills Mall. We’ve (wife and I) visited this restaurant several times, here are our impressions of our most recent visit.

News: Sing Along to Your Favorite Songs with the musiXmatch Mobile Lyrics App

You may not do it in public, and you might not admit to it among your friends, but you do it. We all do it... sing. We sing when we're alone in our cars, at home when no one's listening, and when we've had a little too much to drink and don't care anymore, all inhibitions aside. We love to croon and belt out lyrics to our favorite songs because it makes us feel good, no matter how good or how awful we are, or how well we know the words. Well... now you can at least be proud of one of those th...

Jonathan's Starbucks Card: A Social Experiment in Sharing Ends

Last month, mobile application consultant Jonathan Stark unleashed his Starbucks Card to the public as an "experiment in social sharing of physical goods using digital currency on mobile phones." Basically, he purchased a Starbucks Card and registered it via the Starbucks Mobile App for iPhone (there's an Android one, too) which allows caffeine addicts to pay for coffee and baked goods with their mobile device. He then took a screenshot of the barcode and let anyone on the web download it for...

News: Alfred Knows Where You Want to Eat (iPhone App for Instant Restaurant Recommendations)

Exploring a new city is tough if you're all by your lonesome. But if you have your iPhone on you, you're not alone at all... there's tons of great apps available for discovering the city around you. We've previously featured an app that helps you decide on what bar or club to attend, as well as one that shows you the hidden world unbeknown to most tourists (sometimes even the local population). When it comes to dining out, Yelp helps considerably, but it doesn't provide you with personalized ...

News: Video Games Deemed Art AND Protected Free Speech!

It's been a great year for video games, kind of. Sure, the AAA release lineup has been a trainwreck and hacking has been a bigger problem than ever. But two things have happened involving the federal government that have made video games more legitimate in the United States than ever before. The Supreme Court ruling establishing that video games were the equivalent of movies and books, not porn, was the more significant decision. But in May, the National Endowment for the Arts made another si...

News: The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.

News: A History of Print Ads from Wild Turkey Bourbon

There's no doubt about it, we all owe a great debt to one Reverend Elijah Craig and his invention of one of the most delicious and intoxicating (no pun intended) drinks known to man—bourbon whiskey, a sweet mix of corn, rye and barley malt. But we also owe respect to T'sai Lun and Johannes Gutenberg, because without them there would be no means to print the signature Wild Turkey Bourbon ads seen below.

An App for Stalkers: "Creepy" Geo-Locates Based on Social Networking Activity

With the globally rampant use of such social networking platforms as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, the issue of privacy has become a prevalent concern for many. And for good reason—there's the violation of Facebook employing user names in ads, the Etsy slip-up, and of course, the everyman act of recklessly sharing too much information via common social media outlets: a night of drinking results in morning after embarrassment, or worst case scenario, sloppy Facebook posts and tweets resul...

News: Designated Decoy

This will be a prank on cops. You've heard of a designated driver, right? Well this is the designated decoy.Have. a bunch of guys at a bar or club, somewhere that has cops outside looking for drunks. Have a group of people walk out of the bar and have one of the guys look completely drunk, stumbling and slurring. Make sure the cops see him walk up to his car. He'll be trying over and over trying to put his keys in the car to unlock it. He'll drop them, scratch his car and shit. He'll finally ...

News: The BEER Trick


News: Refreshing Sh**

Get a can or bottle of the victims favorite soda. Make sure the bottle isn't clear and cannot be seen through. Pour in a mix of shit, garbage, and anything other disgusting thing you can find. Pour it in the bottle/ can. Make sure you put something in it to cover up the smell. Do an activity that gets the victim very thirsty. Pretend to take a drink and right before you give it to the victim to take a drink, super glue the rim. Once the victim takes a drink of it, they will try to pull the bo...