Drive Outcomes Search Results

News: The "411" Film Production Bible Finally Hits Android Devices (For Free)

If you work in the film industry, are currently in film school, or have aspirations of being involved in the movie making process in some way, shape or form, you're probably very familiar with a certain set of books published by 411 Publishing that are commonly referred to as the "production bibles". If you live in the Los Angeles area, LA 411 is a valuable source of information when it comes to fulfilling your production needs. And if you're in New York, the NY 411 book is just as crucial fo...

News: Mapping Your Music Collection with Mufin Player for Android

These days, there seems to be an endless amount of music player apps accessible on the web, from Pandora to Cantio, and the amount available in the mobile market is constantly growing. If you have an Android device, you're probably well aware of Jukefox, which lets you listen to your music collection on the go and provides you with a new way to interact with your songs, with 2D and 3D mapping of your albums. But as good as Jukefox is, it has problems (mostly technical).

Step 1: The Hunt

Help Wanted. Now Hiring. Positions Available. These are among millions of the ways that the world around you says, "work here." Now, it may not be as easy as driving down main street, browsing for catchy billboards or flashy kiosks, calling up the mentioned number and simply getting hired. It takes work. The first step is perhaps one of the easiest: to think. Think about what your qualifications are, what you are good at, and what you wouldn't mind doing. The second step would be to formulate...

News: The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.

News: Amazing Solar-Powered Printer Uses Sunlight to Sculpt 3D Objects Out of Sand

No matter if you've used one or not, you've got to admit that 3D printers are pretty darn awesome, especially the self-replicating ones that extrude molten plastic and the shoebox-sized versions that use mesmerizing stereolithography to build tiny objects layer by layer. But what's even cooler? A solar-powered printer that uses the sun's energy to melt sand and make 3D objects out of glass.

How To: Teaching Nerds How NOT to Love with Silver Dollar Games

I am the sort of man whom game companies fall all over themselves to seduce. I'm sweaty, pale, awkward, and spend too much money on video games. There are many of us, especially among XBox 360 owners. We are the most stereotypically "gamer" group of console owners. The XBox 360 doesn't have motion control like the Wii or a blu-ray player like the Playstation 3. It just plays games really well. That's why hardcore gamers like me prefer it amongst all the consoles, and probably why Silver Dolla...

News: MyndPlay Gives Mindf*** Movies a New Meaning

Were you horrified when Gwyneth Paltrow's head ended up in a box in Se7en? Do you share Harrison Ford's opinion that Han Solo should have died in Return of the Jedi? Think Kurt Russell could have handled aliens better in The Thing? Well, sorry—you're out of luck. There's nothing you can do to prevent William Wallace's beheading or Carrie's mayhem. But thanks to MyndPlay, controlling the plot to future films is totally possible.

News: Google Bets $20K You Can't Hack Chrome

Since its inception in 2007, the Pwn2Own computer hacking contest has been challenging the vulnerability of mobile phones and web-related software. In 2010, the fruit of two full days of hacking came down to the exploitation of the following web browsers: Safari 4 on Mac OS X, Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7. The winners walked away with the successfully hacked computer, plus a cash prize, but they left one Godly browser intact: Google Chrome. Even the savviest ...

News: Old man Balls Drive By

So for this skit you have some dressed as the old person with only short shorts on so people they think that there pranking everyone around, they can be changing a tire on the side of the road with there balls hanging out, then as hes doing that you have a car do a drive by with super soakers filled with pee and possibly barf, and someone jumps out and pies them in the face wth a cow pie, kick him in the nuts, then jack his car leaving him in the middle of no where dressed as an old man cover...

News: Alan Wake Episode 3 Gameplay & Musings

There are no spoilers in this writing, read without worry. Finished Episode 3 of Alan Wake yesterday, impressed by different reasons. I originally bought the game for the possibility of great story, dialogue, and voice acting. That part of the game has been disappointing. What has stood out from playing episodes 1 to 3  is the level design and game play.

News: The Interrogation

How bout a day of boozin', per usual, when a prank involving a car goes terribly wrong? The person driving the car (the victim) will have been pretty intoxicated when someone pretends to be hit by the car and injured. This will take place in a field once thought to be for safe for shooting anything, but unbeknownst to the victim, still within the realm of drunk driving laws. After the police are called by some bystanders, serious questions are asked. The victim is put in a paddywagon (so they...

How To: Hack Your Nook Color into a Full (But Cheap) Android Tablet

Thanks to online music services like eMusic and iTunes, compact discs are becoming a far distant memory, turning local music shops around the country into desolate wastelands. The once mighty movie rental store Blockbuster is now bankrupt because of online streaming services like Hulu and Netflix. And Borders and Barnes & Noble are closing stores left and right thanks to eBooks available on eReaders, like the Amazon Kindle. Everything is moving to the digital world, and everything is finding ...

News: Wig head (couldn't spell manniquin)....jk

You need a car with a sun roof. You get the wig head and act like it's a real person standing up with their head out of the sun roof. All of a sudden, you slam on the brakes, and the head goes flying. Or, you drive past one of the Jackass gang and they hit the head with a baseball bat or golf club Like Tiger's ex-wife did. Again, the head goes flying, hopefully to scare the shit out of some unsuspecting bystander.

News: Parking lot beat down

Have the victim park their car in a normal parking spot. While they are in the place they parked at have another car (the prankster) drive up and swipe the back of the victim's car, leaving huge dents in both cars. Have the prankster wait, hidden, outside for the victim to come out leaving his car parked behind the victims. When the victim comes out he will see his car smashed and the pranksters car sitting behind also smashed up. The prankster will come running out of "the building" and star...

News: Bam's Lambo Switch

bam margera is my favorite jackass member and he does more pranks then he does stunts and never has pranks done to him so i think there shouold be a change. u get a replica of one of bams favorite cars and u put ryan dunn in drivers seat and johnny in passenger and make it look like dunn has his shitty driving again and crashes the car and it looks like the ar is totalled and the 2 r really hurt or worse but thecar will have to go into a place where bam can not reach them or try and help or t...

How To: Heel toe and double clutch with Gary Sheehan

In this video you will see how to heel toe shift and double clutch shift while auto racing with Gary Sheehan. Both methods are used in racing but can be applied to regular street driving as well. There is no verbal instruction, but you can get the idea just from watching Gary's feet. More experienced drivers will pick up how to heel toe and double clutch from this video better than beginners. Heel toe and double clutch with Gary Sheehan.

How To: String An Electric Guitar

A First Timer's Guide When some new guitarists break their first string they stash it in the closet and forget about it. Me, I put the sweaty axe back in its case and asked my parents to take me to the local music store. After a morning full of senseless racket emanating from my bedroom, my mom welcomed the drive.

News: Slept for Years

get someone you know that is a very heavy sleeper and have them sllep over. when he/she falls into a deep sleep, drive him/her to an older looking house and everything around it looks older. when he/she wakes up you all are in your old people looking costumes and tell him/her they were asleep for years.

News: new one

First take a picture of a friends car. Second upload the picture to either ebay or any other place like that. Third drive the car to some were he or she will not find it. Fourth make sure you show the picture to your friend with he or she realising you did it. Fifth as he or she is looking every were like websites and other places get one of your other friends to buy it.Sixth get your friend to drive it somewere were your other friend is so that he or she can see it. Seventh try to make sure ...

News: Expanding fun!!!

Pour expanding foam in the sun roof of Bam's Hummer and he will never drive it again or you could line the car with plastic so you could get it out. Keep in mind that even with the plastic it will break out all the windows and maybe the windshield. It's expands really fast so you have to be quick. Your best bet would be to mix four 5gal buckets at once. The faster you mix it and the hotter it is outside the faster it will expand. Also there is several types of this foam some of it is weak and...