Dumbbells Search Results

How To: Do a Bulgarian or single leg squat

Michelle Berger explains how to do a Bulgarian or single leg squat. Have a bench behind you and step forward 2-3 ft. A good way to start is to have something to hold onto in the beginning. Simply place your leg behind you on the bench, lower yourself down, lower down perpendicular of the floor, make sure your knee does not go over your foot. You then push up through your heel, you should hold on as your doing this if you need to. There are many variations for this exercise where you can bring...

How To: Do a killer upper chest workout

First of all you have to understand that this exercise is very versatile and you can actually target different areas of your chest just by twisting your wrists. First of all lie down on the bench and hold the dumbbells in your hands. You can do this upper chest exercise to build your upper chest muscles using dumbbells. Now bring your dumbbells down and then again take them up. While bringing your dumbbells you have to twist your wrists towards inside such that your palms are facing away from...

How To: Widen your shoulders & upper back with exercises

In this video from fatlosslifestyle we learn how to widen your shoulders and upper back with a few exercises. This is a workout you do twice a week. First is a dumbbell overhead press. Bring dumbbells up to starting position, turn palms in to face a bit. Keep dumbbells above shoulder lift up. Don't let the dumbbells touch though when you bring them above your head. Repeat this action. Find a weight where the last 3 are difficult in the 12-14 range. The next exercise you need a flat bench. Thi...

How To: Do a push up with medicine balls to build your chest

This video demonstrates how to use a few very simple tools to do a few variations on your push-ups, including how to do a medicine ball push-up. These exercises are great for stimulating muscle growth in the chest area. Before getting to the medicine ball push-up, we're shown some ways to more safely and effectively perform push-ups. One issue with the push-up is that when you put your hands on the floor your wrists are in a vulnerable position. When you can straighten out your wrist, it's sa...

How To: Make a fast and easy tennis ball trebuchet

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a fast and easy tennis ball trebuchet. This tool will throw tennis balls easily so you can hit them without having a partner around. This only needs a few pieces of wood and 2x4's along with dumbbells. There isn't a whole lot to this, it's very simple to build. Use two 10 lb dumbbells clamped with a hose clamp onto the top of a 2x4. Use a dowel to go through this, so it will help it rotate. Down at the bottom is the release mechanism and on the sides wil...

How To: Lose love handles with a 3 minute work out

Trainer Josh helps out by explaining a 3-minute blast to get rid of love handles. First, he explains side-ups. Side-ups are when the body is aligned with the ground on your hips. Then you push upward, and this can also be attempted, while your knees are bended. The next movement involves a dumbbell. This is called a Russian Twist, and you bring the dumbbell from side to side, while sitting on the ground. Next, a side crunch is attempted, while lifting the leg at the same time. Next, he does a...

How To: Get bigger biceps by lifting weights

How do you get bigger biceps, the age-old quest for bigger guns. Well, first things first, more is not better. Hefting around 50-pound dumbbells as opposed to 20-pound dumbbells is not necessarily going to build you bigger biceps because what's probably happening, you're probably not using full range of motion, you're jerking a lot, you're not focusing on that muscle alone. Practice lifting weights to get bigger biceps. Learn how to increase arm strength and size in the biceps with weightlift...

How To: Do a workout for teens

In this video, we learn how to do a teen workout for ages 10-17. The first exercise you can do to warm up is lift a barbell on both arms while leaning down. Then, do sets of twenty push-ups and go back to dumbbell arm raises. After this, use push-up stands to do more push-ups, going slowly and keeping the body stiff. Next, lay down flat on the ground and raise up two dumbbells with each hand above you, going slowly and keeping arms straight. Next, using a wide grip, do pull ups on a bar for a...

How To: Get ripped and toned feminine arms

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get ripped and tone feminine arms. This video provides 4 exercises to do. The exercises in this video are: triangle push-up, shoulder press, pike push-up and triceps extension. For the triangle, form the hands together into a triangle and push, keeping the elbows close to the body. For the shoulder press, lift a pair of dumbbells with the arms parallel to the ground, then push them up over the head. For the pike push-up, go into a downward dog posi...

How To: Do weighted diagonal lunges

Gain muscle strength and flexibility with diagonal lunges. Learn about dumbbell exercises to promote fitness in this weightlifting video. Take action: maintain balance, keep back leg straight, and increase difficulty by adding dumbbells. Michelle, the instructor in this how-to video, is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys ...

How To: Do shoulder isolation exercises

Isolate shoulder muscles with specific weightlifting exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video. Take action: targeting anterior & lateral deltoids, bring dumbbells to side with feet shoulder-width apart. Lance is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He specializes in weight training, circuit training, endu...

How To: Perform renegade rows and duck walks

Combination exercises allow the body to mix endurance training with strength training. Learn how to perform renegade rows and duck walk combos properly from a professional trainer in this workout tutorial. Begin in plank position, perform rows with dumbbells, mix in duck walks and stay low. With this how to video you can renegade rows and duck walks into your workout.

How To: Do a dead lift and back extension

By combining dead lift with back extensions, the result is a thorough workout of the lower body, back, and glutes. Learn how to perform dead lift with back extensions properly from a professional trainer in this workout tutorial. When doing dead lifts and back extensions you should dead lift with dumbbells, mix with back extensions, perform back extensions on machine. With this how to video you can incorporate dead lifts and back extensions into your workout.

How To: Strength train with rear deltoid raises and weights

Rear deltoid raises are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do rear deltoid raises with dumbbells. Begin in a seated position, place feet together, lean forward and raise the weights up to shoulder height. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing read deltoid raises.

How To: Do a bodybuilding 45 minute back workout

Here is a killer 45 minute back workout that you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells and a pullup bar. This is a back (lats,latissimus dorsi)workout for the advanced bodybuilder. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured.

How To: Do an arm-toning routine for women

In this video from modernmom we learn how to do an arm toning routine for women. It's a short exercise routine that you can do every other day. You'll need 5-8 lb dumbbells. You'll work biceps, triceps, chest, back of arms and shoulders. Do each exercise 10-12 reps. Do at least 3 times a week. First is front raise lifting up weights in front of your thighs bringing them to shoulder level. Exhale out as you lift. Bicep curl works the front of the arm. It gives shape and definition to that part...

How To: Train legs to failure using "post-exhaust training"

In this video, we learn how to train legs to avoid failure using post exhaust training. First you will do a hack squat, which is where you will hold dumbbells and place your heels on a step, then squat down through the heels. Keep your chest up while doing this and you will work your butt, hamstrings and lower back. The next exercise you can do is a front lunge, which includes you lunging to make a 90 degree angle alternating between legs. The last exercise you can do is to hold a bar and squ...

How To: Build strong abs with stomach exercises

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform the dumbbell punch pull core exercise. Viewers will need to use a tight dumbbell to lift and a pair of heavy dumbbells to support the feet. Start by lying down on the floor with the left hand up and right hand holding the dumbbell. Now slowly raise up the right arm and lower the left. This should be done at a strong and steady pace. Alternate and switch to equalize both sides. This video will benefit those viewers who are want to strengthen...

How To: Build massive chest muscles with the dumbell press

If you're tired of getting sand kicked in your face at the beach because of your tiny chest muscles then the dumbell press exercise is for you. This professional tutorial demonstrates the simple workout that can build up your pectoral muscles in a healthy manner. The dumbell bench press is an awesome functional, athletic movement for you athletes. You will work the target muscle better by visualizing the target muscle. Go slow (a 3-1-3 tempo), and visualize that you are squeezing water out of...