Easy Reach Search Results

How To: Make a paper football for 1 dollar

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a paper football for 1 dollar. First, grab your paper and fold it in half length wise. Next, make sure the crease is nice and clean, then fold it length wise once more. Now, fold one of the corners up into a triangle shape, marking the crease exact. Fold this up again and keep doing this until you get to the end. Once you reach the end, fold the other end in twice into the pocket you see. Crease this, then stand it upright and flick it with your other fi...

How To: Craft a snake out of pipe cleaner

In this tutorial, we learn how to craft a snake out of a pipe cleaner. First, you will take three pipe cleaners and twist their ends together, then stick a large pom pom in between the pipe cleaners. Then do a braid with the pipe cleaners until you reach the end, and then twist the end together. Then, take some googly eyes and glue them onto the pom pom. You can now twist the snake to make it look like a rattle snake and add a piece of red felt to make the tongue. This is a fast and easy proj...

How To: Choose a good curling iron and flat iron

In this video, we learn how to choose the right curling iron and flat iron. Ceramic flat irons leave a great shine to the hair, and you can even use them to curl hair. The ceramic also come in a lot of different sizes, which help with people who have short, medium, and long hair. Another great thing about flat irons is that you have temperature irons, which reach all the way to 450 degrees and they are easy to use. Curling irons that come in ceramic are great, since they come in a wide variet...

How To: Do the splits using the yoga Monkey pose

Splits are easy when you're a little kid and flexibility is your friend. But joints and muscles naturally stiffen as you get older, making extreme stretching - including splits - increasingly difficult. You also get jipped of that wonderful hyperactive playtime called recess, when such physical tricks usually take place.

How To: Censor your eyes using FunBooth online software

In this how-to video, you will learn how to censor your eyes using the software Fun Booth. First, click the left arrow on the program until you reach the section My Props. Click the plus sign and upload a black image. Place and reshape the image so that it fits your eyes. Now, click save prop. As you move your head, the black image will follow your eyes. Click file and press record if you want to make a movie using the censor bar. Viewing this video will teach you an easy way to make a censor...

How To: Lay tile in the bathroom

This video is from DannyLipford and covers the proper technique to lay tile in the bathroom. The first step is to lay some chalk lines to find the exact center spot of the room. The first tile will be put down diagonally so that the corners sit on the four chalk lines. Next the mastic is put down on the floor for the first tile and the tile is set into place. The process repeats itself until the tiles reach the toilet where some cuts are required. The presenter is using a portable wet saw tha...

How To: Get the task manager in Windows Vista

Vista Tips teaches the viewer how to easily get the task manager in Windows Vista. Vista Tips warns that the simple way to get task manager used to be to simply hold the keys Ctrl, Alt, Del down simultaneously. Now, these keys yield a menu. The way to get task manager on Windows Vista has now been changed to Ctrl, Shift and Esc. Simply hold down Ctrl, Shift and escape simultaneously to directly yield the task manager. Another way to do this is to use the start bar to get the task manager. Sim...

How To: Make an easy paper flower

In this video you learn how to make paper flowers with paper, craft glue, crayons, and scissors. First you cut paper into strips and then fold them in half long ways before cutting them into petal shapes. You then color the tips of the petals with the crayons. Next you fold the petals in half again and cut small lines along the unfolded side to make the appearance of more natural petals. Then you layer the petals together with craft glue in a flower shape. When desired shape is reached you th...

How To: Get a firm butt just using a pillow

The man describes how to get a nice round sexy looking butt. He says to use a bed, but if you don't have a bed, a long table that will support you will do fine. He shows his technique on a table. Next he lays on the table, reaching up and out he grabs the sides of the table. Rest your head on the pillow for support. With the legs hanging off the back of the table raise them up as high as you can squeezing your butt and then lower back to the ground. Once you got the technique down, raise your...

How To: Do alternate heel touches to lose love handles

This video demonstrates an easy exercise, that anyone can do at home to get rid of love handles and improve overall physique. Lying down on the floor, you must bend your knees and keep your feet 18 to 24 inches apart. With your arms straight down on the side of your body, crunch forward and to the side a few inches, reaching for your left heel with your left hand. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the other side. This is one repetition. This video is a good visual dem...

How To: Strength train and tone your body with SELF Magazine

There is nothing better than topping off a cardio workout with a little strength training. In this fitness how-to video SELF Magazine shows you how to utilize weights and strength training to really tone body. Watch and learn how easy it is to do the following moves with a few light weights: high pull, figure eight, swing back, Turkish get up, skater's leap, push presses, teapot tip, high five squat, bent over row, starfish reach, side press and a Russian twist. You will love the results from...

How To: Make ricotta cheese at home from scratch

In this video Miss Betty Rocker shows you how to make ricotta cheese at home. You will need cheesecloth, ¬O gallon of 2% milk, 2 ¬O cups of buttermilk, and a pinch of sea salt. Start by getting a colander, preferable a metal one, and a large enough container for it to fit in. Cut and unfold several sheets of cheesecloth to drape over the colander. Pour the 2 ¬O cups of buttermilk and ¬O gallon of 2% milk into a large pot on the stove. Heat the mixture on medium high to bring it to a boil. You...

How To: Prevent road rage

The road can sometimes resemble a battle field. Tailgaters, horn-honkers, and jerks who cut you off are enough to drive any driver batty. Here's how to keep your cool behind the wheel and stay calm during moments in which you'd like to explode.

How To: Unlock a Pelican or a Phantom in Halo: Reach on New Alexandria

Every Halo has their one unachievable goal that they would like to do in Halo, and one of those for some is being able to fly a Pelican or one of the Covenant Dropships, a Phantom. Well, Bungie has answered your prayers with a secret unlockable Easter Egg in Halo: Reach. You can pull off the trick by going to New Alexandria. Jack and Kerry from Achievement Hunter will give you a full tutorial on how to switch up your ships in this video!

How To: Earn the "I Didn't Train To Be A Pilot" achievement in Halo Reach on Xbox 360

On Last One Out...Turn Out the Lights in Halo: Reach, you will be able to earn the I Didn't Train To Be A Pilot achievement which requires you to at least be on Normal difficulty and you have to destroy three of the anti-aircraft batteries. If you're hunting around for a straggler or have NO idea how to do this achievement, check out this video! You will get all the locations of the various anti-air batteries and be set for a cool 10Gs!

How To: Apply the Mad Hatter Johnny Depp costume makeup

In this video, we learn how to apply the Mad Hatter Johnny Depp costume makeup with Kandee. Start off by applying white makeup to the face so your skin color doesn't show through. Once this is covering your face completely, take a light blue pencil and apply it to the eyelids up until you reach the crease. After this, apply powder blue shadow over the top of it as well. Apply pink shadow underneath the eyes until you reach the top of the cheek. Brush a purple shadow in the lower lash line bru...

Tongs: Your Most Underrated Cooking Tool

Don't leave your tongs out by the grill, as they are one of the most useful and versatile cooking tools to have in your kitchen. In my house, they come in a very close second to chopsticks, which I cook with everyday. Like chopsticks, they make it easy to delicately flip and turn food with precision. But unlike chopsticks, there's no learning curve, so anyone can use tongs for easier, simpler cooking.

How To: Get the perfect shooting arc in basketball

In this video, we learn how to get the perfect shooting arc in basketball. When you are shooting, the arc is how you will get the ball into the hoop. You should first know the size of the basketball and basket in relation to how far away you are from the basket. Make sure the ball is going to reach the apex on its arc so it can reach the basket easiest. You will need to pay attention to the height of the basket so you know how angled your feet need to be when you are shooting. After you have ...

How To: Play "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John

In this video, we learn how to play "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John. Start out with A, E, C. Next, go to the G and then to the A. After this, go to B, A, A, sharp, and D. After this, you will have started to do the intro to the song. You will be playing with your right hand during this. Next, you will trip again and go to A, A sharp, B, A sharp, G, E, then finally to the G in the new measure. Continue to play until you reach the end of the song. You will go through all the different keys ...

How To: Make a flower hair accessory from shopping bag tissue

In this video, we learn how to make a flower hair accessory from shopping bag tissue. First, grab your tissue from any shopping bag and fold it down until you have a rectangle, then cut on the sides to make several different rectangle shapes. Next, start to accordion these together until you reach the end of the papers. After this, grab the middle of the tissue paper and tie a rubber band around it. Next, start to push up the tissue from both sides until you reach the bottom. After this, you ...

How To: Make flower corsages

Margie McCoy teaches us how to make flower corsages in this tutorial. Start by using three of your favorite flowers and take a wire and place it on the top of the flower until it reaches half way through. Then, take your floral take and tire it as tight as possible around the top of the stem until you reach the bottom, stretching as you go. Next, combine all the flowers together, and tie them together until you have the type of arrangement you want for the corsage. Now, add this on a ribbon s...

How To: Tie single Genoese knot bars

This video describes the technique used to tie a single Genoese bar knot. The presenter shows what the completed knot looks like, and then shows the technique used to tie the knot. The process for tying this knot is similar to braiding as the ends of the string are looped around and through the previous section. Each segment must be pulled very tight or the knot will fail to reach the correct shape. The hitches continue until the desired length of the knot is reached at which point the excess...

How To: Operate cruise control in a 2010 Prius

Operating the Toyota Prius 2010 cruise control is very simple if you watch this video. The switches of the cruise control is located on the stock which is behind the right side of the steering wheel. The on/off button is at the end of the stock. Once you turn it on, accelerate to your desired speed and push the stock down to set it on the current speed. If desired to change speed, hold the stock up to increase the speed and release it when speed desired is reached, and to decrease the speed h...

How To: Use an extension ladder safely

This video shows you how to safely use an extension ladder. To put the ladder up put the bottom against the wall and walk it hand by hand until the top is against the ladder. Then grab the bottom and pull it out. To make sure the ladder is at the correct angle and stand with your toes against the base of the ladder and stretch your arms out straight. You should be able to grasp a rod. If you can't reach it you should readjust it. Avoid over reaching to the sides.

How To: Weed in hard-to-reach spots

One of the most challenging, arduous parts of gardening is weeding vegetables that are close to the ground. Cabbage, for instance, leafs out near the earth and can be fiendishly tricky to weed. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn about some of the tools that can help you weed those hard-to-reach spots without breaking your back in the process.

How To: Prevent a banana from ripening too quickly

This video gives tips on how to keep a banana from ripening too quickly. Bananas are popular because they're inexpensive, they're tasty and they are relatively easy to get locally. The banana in the demonstration has a few brown spots but is reasonably fresh. A fresh banana will still be sweet. If a banana ripens too quickly it gives a fermented taste. Then you have to throw it away, which is like throwing money away. How do you keep a banana from ripening too quickly? Put it in the fridge. D...

How To: Do an easy cheat on Dead Frontier: Outbreak (09/20/09)

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cheat on the flash game Dead Frontier Outbreak. Dead Frontier Outbreak is a new promotional game released on multiple game sites by AdminPwn. It is a text-based zombie adventure game, complete with voice acting. It was created mainly to promote Dead Frontier among gamers who may not have heard of it. To perform this cheat, users simply right-click and select "forward until it reaches the end of the game." Users only need to do this three times. Thi...

How To: Do basic folds to make a paper football

In this video we learn how to do basic folds to make a paper football. First, fold a piece of paper in half and then fold each half in towards the center crease. Next, choose one and turn it over to make a triangle. Then, flip this triangle up and make another triangle. Continue to fold new triangles until you reach the end of the strip. Once you reach the top, you will have excess paper left over. Fold this down and then tuck the flap into the triangle so you are left with a triangle. Flick ...

How To: Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

In this tutorial, we learn how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. The equation that you will use to figure out Celsius is: C= F-32 (5/2). Once you do this, you can start to fill in the equation with the correct numbers that go in the spots. Continue to do this until you have reached the end of the equation. When you reach the end, you will have converted Fahrenheit to Celsius. This is a great way to convert temperature if you are traveling or following directions and need to convert these quic...

How To: Make a simple origami paper football

In this tutorial we learn how to make a simple origami paper football. First, grab a strip of paper of your choice of size. Then, fold the bottom over into a triangle shape. Then, fold this up where the last fold ended. Continue to fold up until you reach the top of the strip of paper. When you reach the top, you will have extra paper at the very top. Fold this into the pocket that you created when you folded the triangle shapes up. Now you can hold this with one finger on a hand while you fl...