Eating Plan Search Results

How To: Cook mutton curry with Okra

For many people, mutton is dish more closely associated with medieval knights than gourmet cooking. This video demonstrates the cooking of a recipe for a modern, Indian take on the old-fashioned staple. The mutton-eating trolls from the Hobbit certainly didn't eat eat it with okra! But you will, and it will be delicious.

How To: Prepare and eat an avocado

On the subject of avocados, do you know how to properly prepare and eat the fruit? Compare your techniques to those of Mike's in this video. Learn how to properly prepare an avocado for eating with a little guidance from this instructional.

How To: Take apart and eat a pomegranate

Pomegranate is one of the most intimidating and kind of expensive fruit from India. Watch this video to learn how to eat a pomegranate. 1. You need to cut it into halves. It should be crosswise cut To reveal the seeds on both halves. 2. You can start eating just the outside or with the seed in it. 3. After eating the seeds on the top of the halves, continue splitting the halves to reveal the seeds hidden deeper. 4. Now, enjoy eating up to the last drop of the seeds.

How To: Eat sushi at a restaurant

Sushi is one of the fastest-growing cuisines across the globe. To become a true citizen of the world, prepare yourself with this primer on sushi-eating rituals. Watch this how to video to learn how to properly eat sushi.

How To: Explain the food pyramid to your child

It can be quite difficult to get your child in the habit of eating healthy, especially if they are a picky eater. A good way to teach your child about eating right is with the food pyramid. Watch this how to video and learn how to teach your kids about eating right by using the Food Pyramid Guide for children.

How To: Stay fueled and eat right for mountain biking

Proper nutrition is an important part of every strenuous sport, and mountain biking is no exception. This video features a professional mountain bike racer walking you through her nutritional regimen. Topics covered include when to eat before a race, what to eat, and what beverages to use during the race to keep your energy up and improve your ride.

How To: Layout and plan your drywall

In this tutorial, we learn how to lay out and plan your drywall with Myron Ferguson. First, check the wall to make sure there is proper access inside to see what layout you're dealing with. Next, plan out what kind of materials you are going to have to deal with. Measure the ceiling and windows that are in the building and do the math to figure out how much drywall you need. Next, check for possible problems with the wall, so you can make sure your drywall will attach correctly and not pop ou...

How To: Eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs

With this video, we learn how to eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs. At the end of the day, calorie counting is a pain and not worth it. You can spend hours using charts trying to find the calories in each little thing that you buy. For a diet to lose fat, you need to eat whole foods. You will need nutrient dense food instead of foods that have sugar and fat instead of them. If you are eating whole foods, then you will not need to count the calories because you can't go wrong w...

How To: Draw up a VFR flight plan

When flying, having a well constructed flight plan is the key to flying safely and effectively. This video will teach you how to calculate the perfect flight plan, research flight paths, traffic, and calculating fuel flow and flight time. There's so much in this video it'll make your head spin!

How To: Develop action plans for your business goals

In this tutorial, we learn how to develop action plans for your business goals with Erica Olsen. First, you want to establish what your goal is and when you can achieve this by. After you do this, you need to develop an action plan for how you can make this happen. Think about all the steps you need to do, then plan out the steps in which you can and will do it. Also, make sure you assign these responsibilities to those who work for you, and give them a deadline so you can have a date you nee...

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Finish a basement layout and planning

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to finish a basement by laying out and planning. Planning the lay-out and design of the basement is an important part of finishing or remodeling a basement. Learn how to get new ideas as you design and lay-out your basement floor plan. Viewers will learn how to finish the basement space with expert tips and advice on home improvement. Make sure the basement is empty. Make measurements and mark them on the wall or floor. For a bathroom, there should be...

How To: Eat stinging nettles without stinging yourself

If you like to eat stinging nettles, there is actually a way to do it without stinging yourself, and this video will show you a very simple trick. Take the leaf between your thumb and forefinger and stroke it away from the stem of the plant a few times, then tear the leaf off. Roll it between your thumb and finger so it forms a cylindrical shape, pop it in your mouth and eat it. It tastes good and you don't get stung. If you've ever been curious about eating stinging nettles, this is the plac...

How To: Peel, seed, and eat a pomegranate

Girl With No Name presents a video on how to easily peel, seed, and eat a pomegranate. Pomegranates are a very tasty and healthy fruit, full of beneficial antioxidants. However, peeling them can be a very difficult task, and can turn many people off to eating the fruit itself. This video explains the secret to peeling a pomegranate without staining your clothes or getting the juice everywhere. By following the video's instructions, you'll be able to eat a pomegranate without worrying about wh...

How To: Eat a pomegranate the "right & proper way"

Pomegranates are very delicious fruits. They are very nutritious, too. This instructional video teaches you how to eat a pomegranate in the right and proper way. It teaches you how to eat pomegranate with using a juicer, glass or knife. First you should start crushing the fruit from the middle top of it. You have to go on crushing it slowly and gradually with out applying too much pressure on the fruit. at one stage you will get a small hole on the surface and you can start drinking the juice...

How To: Stop binge eating & get healthy

In this video, we learn how to stop binge eating & get healthy. Food often acts like a buffer that helps people overcome their emotions. If you are not eating enough during the day, you will be more likely to binge eat at night when your body is most craving nutrients. Late night and dinner time is when the cravings and the binge patterns most occur. When you eat more during the day you will not want to binge at night because your body doesn't crave anything. Don't skip breakfast and eat a go...

How To: Conduct strategic planning retreats

In this video, we learn how to conduct strategic planning retreats. When planning these, you need to make sure you have your priorities planned for the next year. Make sure you choose the right time to go and there are no big changes happening during that time. Pick who is going to go by taking a survey around the company. After you get this figured out, you will need to figure out your agenda. Ask yourself to find out how you are going to get goals accomplished and where you want the company...

How To: Eat crab

Prepare your eating area if you're eating crab at home. Lay newspaper or butcher paper on the table to collect juices. Decide if you're going to eat the crab as you crack it or collect all of the meat on a plate before you eat it.

How To: Use compound tenses with "haber" & "estar" in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use compound tenses with "haber" and "estar" in Spanish. "I am speaking" would translate into "You estoy hablando". If you are talking about a girl eating, you would say "Ella esta comiendo". To say "they were writing letters", you would say "Ellos estaban escribiendo cartas". You will see the form of the verb changing in each of the sentences. You will also see the gender of the verb changing in each of the sentences, depending on who is being talked about. The...

How To: Make healthy and filling school lunches

School lunches are either super oily and disgusting (pizzas with a thick layer of oil on top or double cheeseburgers) or far too healthy for any kid to want to eat (lackluster salads with iceburg lettuce, tomatoes, and ranch). This causes a dilemma for kids who want to eat healthy without sacrificing taste.

How To: Use chickens to control garden pests in orgainic farms

Curtis Smith provides information on how to use chickens to control garden pests. Using chickens keeps the use of pesticides to a minimum and keeps plants healthier. In the organic garden, chickens are used because they'll eat any insect as well. The process is known as Integrated Pest Management, Curtis explains that its basically knowing your pest. It also reduces the amount of feed that has to be purchased for the chickens because they're eating the insects in the garden. It also controls ...

How To: Make noodles with mushrooms on a budget

This video teaches you a wonderful alternative to eating ramen noodles, or eating on a budget. This creative easy to make dish is great for a college student, or anybody unfamiliar of the kitchen. Sick of those simple flavored ramen noodles? Well this tutorial shows you how to spruce up this dish in no time for yourself or your guest.

How To: Plan to travel around the world

Sow your wild oats! In this video, Jody Fath shares the expertise she gleaned from her eleven months backpacking around the world. In this video, you'll learn to plan for a long-term trip abroad. Learn how to determine what type of traveller you are, how to budget for your trip using online cost-of-living estimation and even how to pack in this great tutorial.