Eating Plan Search Results

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...

How To: Roast a chicken or turkey

To roast a chicken or turkey from scratch is exactly the same the only difference would be the size. you want to give your chicken a good rinse off. Put the chicken in the pan and add a little of bit of water at the bottom of the pan so the chicken doesn't stick to the bottom. For seasonings you might want to sprinkle some powder garlic, a little bit of black pepper, and rosemary on top of. You pre-heat the oven to about 350 and put it in the oven for approximately four hours. Putting aluminu...

How To: Build a BBQ food smoker using parts from Ikea

The idea is to buy a few items from IKEA and use them to make a back garden BBQ smoker. The concept is also know as IKEA hacking and the principles are simple, re-engineer IKEA products to make a entirely different item. This video will take you step by step through the buying, preparing and constructing of your very own BBQ smoker. All plans for construction can be found on their Website and a big thanks to ford for lending garden fork a car for the summer.

How To: Prepare deep-fried french fries

In this video from Betty kitchen we learn how to prepare deep fried French fries. In a deep fryer there is hot peanut oil. She has 2 Russet potatoes cut as thick fries in a bowl. She washed and cleaned the potatoes before placing in the oil. Ease the potatoes into the oil with a spoon. This is not a recipe for someone that is inexperienced with deep frying because the oil is so hot. When they are golden brown remove from oil and place on a tray with paper towel to drain on. She seasons with s...

How To: Cook roasted acorn squash

To make roasted acorn squash first, cut the top and bottom off the squash. Then you will have to cut the squash into two pieces scooping out the seeds with a spoon. Next you want to cut each half so you would now have four pieces. If You want to give it a salty sweet flavor. So then you'll put salt and pepper on each piece seasoning it well. Then you'll chop up rosemary making sure that the rosemary isn't too small so it won't stick to your teeth. You then sprinkle the rosemary on each piece....

How To: Mix colors for oil & acrylic paints

This video was very informative and well planned. However, the video does become boring after the first two minutes. It will become easier for an individual to comprehend with this video if perhaps there are better examples that artists can relate too. Perhaps if the demonstrations would relate to more of a younger audience, more people will be able to be more interested to mix oil and acrylic paints. The video can also be much more interesting if there was also some quiet and peaceful backgr...

How To: Cook quinoa like rice

Carolyn Hemming, author of Quinoa 365 The Everyday Superfood, demonstrates how to cook quinoa like rice. Quinoa is highly nutritious with eight amino acids, protein, vitamins, minerals and is a complex carbohydrate. Quinoa is simple to cook and cooks similar to rice. Use two cups of water for every one cup of quinoa. The quinoa will triple in size. To cook the quinoa grains, first, wash the quinoa in a strainer to remove the remaining bitter flavor. You can cook and steam quinoa or use a cook...

How To: Cook a deer steak

Watch this video to learn how to cook deer steak. Take some flour and mix some Cajun spice, salt, and pepper together. Mix two eggs up and put them in a bowl. Crush half of a sleeve of Ritz crackers and put them into a plastic bowl. Mix some Cajun spice and pepper into the crushed Ritz crackers. Put some peanut oil in a pan and heat it up until it is hot. Take the meat and dip it in the flour mix, then into the egg mix, and finally into the crushed Ritz crackers. Start by putting the meat int...

How To: Cook a butternut squash

In this video, you will be taught how to cook a butternut squash. Before the demonstration, you will learn a bit about the nutrition of the squash itself. You will learn how to cut, clean and prepare the squash, which is actually a lot easier than it seems. Then, you will be guided through a demonstration of how to cook the squash. After it is cooked, you will see one way to prepare the squash for eating, in this case with butter and cinnamon. Tips and ideas are given on other ways you can pr...

How To: Prepare hush puppies

In this video Betty is showing how to make Hush Puppies to go with the Southern catfish dinner. First, combine an egg and add one small chopped onion together. Then add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3/4 cup skimmed milk, and 2 cups of cornmeal self-rising flour. If you do not get cornmeal self-rising flour, you can use cornmeal flour and add baking powder and salt. Mix all the ingredients well until you get a smooth mixture and set aside for a short while. After that, make small portions of the mixt...

How To: Stop overspending with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to stop overspending with feng shui at home. Feng shui is a great way to stop overspending and start saving. First, find your focus room by looking at your energy map. Lay your energy map over your home floor plan. The wealth area is in the far left hand corner of your home from the front door facing in. If your bathroom is in your wealth area, stop draining energy. Keep the toilet seat down. Plug any tubs or showers. Also, immediately re...

How To: Strengthen your career path with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to strengthen your career path with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The career area is in the front center section of your home, along the line of your front door. In feng shui, all the energy enters through your front door. Encourage the energy up to your front door with your front yard. Feng shui means "wind water" which is the best way that ene...

How To: Practice scales on your guitar

This video starts with a little guitar riff and goes on to show you how to practice scales. Scales are key to learning your fretboard and making it easy to sight read. As a preface the presenter talks about cage chord theory and which scales go with it. The second question is about moveable scales and how to make the best use of scales to improvise. First, make a five day scale practice plan. Then memorize the scale shape. After that, use a metronome to practice with. Then move between the sc...

How To: Begin a raw food diet

Yuri Elkaim, author of "Eating for Energy", explains how to begin a raw food diet. First, understand what you want. If you want to lose weight, be healthy or have more energy, the raw food diet will be great for you. If you take a simple approach to incorporating more fresh foods into your diet, it will be easier to manage and more sustainable. Keep it simple and fresh. Don't focus on recipes that require complicated preparation. To transition from a cooked food diet, just add in one more fru...

How To: Make room for love with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain, with Space Lift, demonstrates how to make room for love with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your floor plan. The love area is the far right corner from the front door, facing in. If the love area turns to be an outside area like a patio, clean it up. Remove the cacti and pointy plants to reduce arguments in the relationship. Clear out any unfinished materials and projects. Next, complete the area by...

How To: Prepare pan-fried steak nuggets

For this you use tenderized steak. She thaws out 2 pounds worth of round steak and she cuts them up into nuggets. She seasons this with meat tenderizer. She adds 1/4 cup peanut oil to a skillet. Into a plastic bag she put 1 cup of flour. She adds the nuggets to the plastic bag with the flour and shakes the plastic bag. Now you can drop the nuggets into the oil and let them sizzle. Cook until the bottom is brown and flip. Also add some ground black pepper while cooking. When cooked, place on a...

How To: Make bread crumbs

In this video you will learn how to make bread crumbs. Host Kemp Minifie shows you her secret to making bread crumbs ready to eat in about 32 minutes. What she does is take her bread and throw it in the blender, then you put the blended bread in the oven for about 30 minutes. Then she takes the pan out of the oven and puts the crumbs into a bowl. Add the olive oil in and stir it with the crumbs, then you now have made your own delicious batch of bread crumbs.

How To: Organize your garage

This video demonstrates the process for organizing your garage. The video interviews an employee from The Container Store which offers organizational products for every room in the house. They stress that organizing a garage is not a one day project. The Container Store recommends taking three full weekends to organize a garage, start out by focusing on one wall at a time. Labeling is a big part of The Container Store's organizational plan, everything has its own place with a label. The label...

How To: Throw an enjoyable cocktail party

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to throw a cocktail party. This video provides many tips on how to prepare for a cocktail party. To have a cocktail party, you should have enough seats for at least 20% of the guests. Arrange your furniture into a U-shape to allow people to move in and out easily. Set out a variety of food and snacks. You may choose to have candles. Create a music playlist that will lasts the entire party and that everyone will enjoy. Set up trays around the room for ...

How To: Use a tile file to shape a tile

This how-to video explains how to use a tile file to remove a sharp edge from a piece of tile. To being you just need to buy a tile file (or a couple if you plan to use it a lot). A tile file would be used if a piece of tile has a sharp edge that you cannot hide in a corner or cover with another piece. To use the tile file simple rub the tile file against the tile like you would a piece of sandpaper on wood. Rub the tile file back and forth until the sharp edge has been smoothed out and then ...

How To: Get over the cold naturally by eating the right foods

This how to video shows how to fight a cold naturally or how to get over an infection. When you get a cold, there is an imbalance with your blood PH or an outside invader such as a virus. Some tips to get yourself feeling better are to boost your immune system with herbal supplements and getting a good source of protein. Protein helps to form antibodies, and without a good source of protein your body loses that source of protection. This video shows that the best source of protein is meat and...

How To: Cook quinoa for breakfast

Makoto Trotter, naturopathic doctor, explains how to cook quinoa and buckwheat for breakfast. Brown rice takes 45 minutes to boil, so if you want a faster-cooking whole grain, try quinoa and buckwheat. Quinoa comes in black and red varieties. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to cook, as does buckwheat. To prepare quinoa, be sure to wash it carefully to avoid a bitter taste. Use 1 cup of quinoa to every 1 1/2 cups of water. Once it boils, turn it down to simmer for 15 minutes. You can eat quinoa as a...

How To: Improve your memory as you age

This video by Good Housekeeping shows you how to improve your memory as you age. Follow these steps to improve your memory: Practice by paying attention. For example whether your husband was wearing a tie this morning, or what your friend ate for lunch. Organize information into smaller groups. Create a to-do list. Repeat the name of the person you just met. Play word recall quizzes, which can be found at Good Housekeeping.

How To: Make easy baked artichokes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Open tomatoes and drain liquid. Pour tomatoes into a mixing bowl. Add parmesan cheese and mix well. Crack two eggs into the bowl and incorporate into the tomato/cheese mixture. Add onion dip and garlic. Open can of artichokes and drain. Slice artichokes and mix into the bowl. Spray baking dish with cooking spray such as Pam or Mazola. Pour into the baking dish and bake for 30 minutes. Remove baking dish and add croutons to the top. Put back into oven and bake for ...

How To: Increase male fertility

Daddy Clay and Daddy Brad discuss how to increase male fertility. The best way to increase your fertility is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly and stay hydrated. Eat food high in antioxidants and take a multi vitamin. Refrain from heavy use of alcohol, marijuana and tobacco, which will reduce your sperm count. It is recommended that you have on ejaculation every 24-48 hours. Try to limit your time in the hot tub, sauna, steam bath, or hot bath, because it decreases your sper...

How To: Practice saying the "t" sound in the middle of words

In words like bottle and mitten, the "t" really isn't a "t" sound; it is more of a "d" sound or a very fast "t" sound. Practice the "t" sound with the words button, carton, brighten, tighten, fatten, eaten, rotten, matter, butter, flutter, water, bottle, settle, and metal. In American English, the "t" sound is very difficult to hear in some words. An example of this is the word butter, where the "t" sounds more like a "d." Remember, the way people speak English in the United States is differe...

How To: Walk in high heels with some tips

Fashion Demonstrator offers a short tutorial on how to prepare your self for a night out in high heels. First you start by wearing a pair of heels all day around the house, higher then ones you intend to wear later. This is to get your feet used to the feel and your self used to the balance. Then when you are ready, you switch to the pair of heels, with a still high but slightly lower heel then before, that you intent to wear out. The idea is that since you have spent the day in very high and...

How To: Make fruit salad w/ strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette

Sonya MacDaniel demonstrates how to make a fruit salad with strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette dressing. The salad has less than ten ingredients and is very easy to make. Also, the salad is much healthier than the one made using a pre-made dressing as you can control the amount of fat added. This salad is not just festive and pretty, but also helps you get your recommended amount of fruits and vegetables for the day! The fruit is layered on top of the spinach and then topped with the vinaigret...

How To: Microwave an artichoke

Ocean Mist Farms shows you how to quickly cook fresh artichokes in a microwave. You'll learn a few simple tips and techniques to properly cook an artichoke using ingredients such as lemon, water, salt, and olive oil. After following the preparation tips, microwaving the artichoke will take approximately 18 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the artichoke and the power of the microwave. You'll be shown what to look for to know when the artichoke is ready to eat, and saving the leftovers i...

How To: Properly cut a cantaloupe

In this video from C4Bimbos we learn how to cut a cantaloupe. This also works for a watermelon, she says. Slightly cut off each side - top and bottom - so that you can stand it up. Now you want to shave each side down. Using a sharp knife is the best way to go! Get all of the green part off. Now, turn it over to get the rest of the outside off. Now, cut it right in half. With a large spoon, scoop out all of the seeds and put them in a bowl. Cut the cantaloupe in perfect slices and you are rea...

How To: Save money by refinancing your mortgage

Just because fixed rate mortgage rates have dropped to historic lows doesn't mean that you should automatically refinance. With the economic climate you might not be able to refinance because many banks have tightened the rules for refinancing. As for who is eligible, you will need a 700-720 on your credit score to get the best rates. To refinance at all you need at least a 600. Generally it is worthwhile to refinance if you can save at least a half point off of your current rate. But you do ...

How To: Prepare a quick & easy rice pudding for dessert

In this video the One Pot Chef shows us how to make a quick and easy rice pudding for dessert. This is a dessert that is a very inexpensive dish to make. This is also a great way to use your leftover rice. To make this dish he puts 3 cups of cooked rice in a pot, 1 cup of sultanas, 1/2 cup of sugar, vanilla essence, and enough milk to cover the rice. Then give this a quick stir. Then heat this on the stove for a few minutes and let the excess liquid absorb into the rice and sultanas. That's a...

How To: Make dumpling dim sum

This cooking demonstration shows you how to make dumpling dim sum. To prepare this dish you need ground pork, beef, chicken or mixed seafood, garlic salt, sesame oil, sugar, hoisin or oyster sauce, egg, black pepper and shredded vegetables. First put the ground pork into a ceramic bowl and add garlic salt, sugar, sesame oil, oyster sauce, the shredded vegetables, and an egg in the mentioned amounts and mix them together as shown in the video. Place in the fridge for an hour and then use the m...

How To: Gain weight like a sumo wrestler

Have you ever wondered how sumo wrestlers are able to obtain and maintain such massive figures? Joseph Stickland, an applied clinical nutritionist, will explain to you exactly how a sumo wrestler is able to do this. Joseph will also explain the health detriments and the dangers to this type of lifestyle. Joseph explains that sumo wrestlers will skip breakfast, exercise, eat massive amounts of calories, (10,000 calories at least) for lunch, take a nap, and then have another mega calorie meal f...

How To: Cut a pomegranate open

Ever wanted to enjoy the sweet taste of pomegranate but were confused about how to actually get to the fruit? Use this simple method to cut open your fruit. Take a small, sharp knife such as a paring knife or pocketknife. Slice a thin round off the top, stem end. This will leave several tops of fruit sections visible. Cut a small cone shape out of the center about 3/4 of an inch deep. Use the knife to slice from one end of the fruit to the other along the white pith dividing the segments of t...

How To: Install cabinet organizers for pots, pans & trash cans

This do-it-yourself video from Lowe's describes how to plan and install a pull-out wastebasket and a two-tier shelf. He explains how storage should work within the kitchen triangle. The pull-out wastebasket frame attaches easily with screws. He then adds a slide-out feature so that the door pulls the wastebasket out. The two-tier wire basket is used to hold pots and pans. Slides are attached to support brackets, the frame is set inside the cabinet and attached with screws. Cabinet organizers ...

How To: Pass any urine screening for THC

This video is a tutorial that gives very helpful tips to viewers on how to pass any urine screening THC test. Viewers will learn how to prepare for a THC test and how to successfully pass the test. This video is for those who are currently doing drugs. This video will benefit those who are doing drugs because it will allow users to avoid failing the test and any consequences for failing. Viewers learn helpful tips such as: do not eat before taking the test, drink water and exercise.

How To: Look taller by dressing better

This video gives you 6 surefire tips on how to look taller just by dressing better. 1. Change your diet. Eat better and healthier. 2. Change your hairstyle because certain hairstyles can make you look taller. 3. Wear long dresses and high heels. 4. Fix your posture. 5. Sleep. With adequate sleep you can grow taller.6. Exercise, you can increase your height in 2-3 weeks with exercise. Following these steps you can look taller in no time at all.