Eating Plan Search Results

How To: Drink Less Wine Without Even Trying

An open bottle of wine can be dangerous. You intend to enjoy—nay, savor—a single glass, but then two episodes of Top Chef later, that sucker is empty. Now you have to go to work the next day with a wine hangover. What happened? Turns out there are some unconscious reasons you might be chugging more wine than you wanted. Never fear. Along with clenching your fists to make better food choices, there are some tricks you can use to moderate your wine intake. Researchers at Cornell University disc...

How To: Prank Your Bad Mouth Friends with Teeth-Whitening Oreo Cookies

Ah, the art of the April Fool's prank. If you're a dedicated prankster, you probably already know who you're going to get on the big day. But if you're still searching for a prank to pull, never fear—we've got one that's pretty easy to execute and is guaranteed to get reactions. Those Oreo cookies look irresistible, right? Unless you're on a strict no-chocolate diet, you wouldn't be able to help yourself from shoving those in your mouth—and that's where the fun comes in.

How To: Kill or Keep Away Flies & Other Small Pests with Homemade Sticky Flypaper

Despite being disgusting, houseflies are actually beneficial to humans in a few ways. As scavengers, they help the environment by eating rotting organic matter, and make great food for pet tarantulas. Regardless of the advantages to their existence, having them in your home can be infuriating. There are countless sprays, traps and devices made to kill or deter the little pests, one of the most common being flypaper that hangs from the ceiling. These sticky strips are incredibly easy to make a...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Cover Your Tracks So You Aren't Detected

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Congratulations on your successful hack that saved the world from nuclear annihilation from our little, bellicose, Twinkie-eating dictator. The rest of world may not know what you did, but I do. Good job! Now that we hacked into the malevolent dictator's computer and temporarily disabled his nuclear launch capability, we have to think about covering our tracks so that he and his minions can't track our good works back to us.

How To: How a Breakfast Badass Makes Eggs: Scrambled AND Hard-Boiled (Without Cracking the Shell)

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods imaginable. They can be cooked in tons of different ways, eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and go with just about anything. Most of us have hard-boiled and scrambled eggs before, but have you ever thought about combining the two? That looks pretty good, doesn't it? But it's not exactly the kind of scrambled and hard-boiled eggs combo I'm referring to. And thankfully, this isn't what I'm talking about either... No, even though balut may look like ...

How To: Chat with NASA Astronauts Live from the International Space Station on February 22nd

Inhabiting the microgravity environment on the cusp of the world's atmosphere has to be filled with some of the most unique experiences in the world. Astronauts eat, sleep, and work just as we do, except that their lives are filled with the added dangers of extreme temperatures and possible life-threatening malfunctions, all while being 240 miles up in the sky. Well, now's your chance to ask a handful of astronauts anything you ever wanted to know about life on the International Space Station.

How To: Take Your Phone Pranks to the Next Level with the Prankowl Caller ID Spoofing Dialer

In college, I enjoyed eating, sleeping and making my roommate's life a living hell. My most satisfying prank involved 500 red cups stapled together, filled with water, and strewn across his bedroom floor. He was not happy. To clean up, he had to unstaple each cup, carry it to the bathroom, and dump the water. He was furious, but I was okay with sacrificing our friendship in exchange for a fantastic story that I'll probably tell my grandkids one day. If you're not as cruel as me, there are oth...

How To: Mod a Pill Organizer into a Camping-Size Spice Shaker

Camping is wonderful isn't it? You get to go out into the wild, build a fire, pitch a tent, and tell ghost stories. My favorite part about camping isn't any of those things, though. No, the best part about camping in my opinion is the food. Whether it be planking freshly caught fish, roasting hot dogs, melting s'mores, or cooking hobo dinners, the food is always the most memorable part of camping to me because you get to eat stuff outside of the norm.

How To: Make Glowing Green Candy

If there ever was a day to eat green candy, St. Patrick's Day would be it. But is there something better than the banality of green candy swarming the streets on St. Patty's Day? Yes—glowing green candy, and Instructables user BrittLiv wants us to show you how it's done.

How To: Build a building in Google SketchUp

This video series takes you through every step of building a building in SketchUp and is taken from chapter 4 of "Google SketchUp for Dummies" in case you want to follow along. PART 1 explains how to switch to a 2D view to get you ready to build the floor plan. It's a good idea to have accurate measurements of everything you want to build before starting this project. PART 2 familiarizes you with the tools available in SketchUp to help you create your floorplan. PART 3 shows you how to draw t...

News: Why Help?

When stories are told about people in need, the ones with happy endings include the details of someone that produced an action that caused the people in need to be better off than before. Do we have to wait for the identification of a need? Could we on purpose just plan to present products and services that cause our customers and client to see an improvement in their circumstances just because of the business interchange with an owner manager of purpose? The fair exchange of products or serv...

How To: Ask a guy out

It's a notoriously preconceived notion that a man has to ask the woman out. But why can it not work both ways? It does, and it's the best way to bag the man of your dreams, especially if he's the shy type. If you're tired of waiting for your prince to appear with a Manolo Blahnik in your size, then stop waiting, and start taking control.

How To: Stage a water balloon fight

One sure fire way to add excitement to a summer day when you think it's just too scorching to go outside is by having a water balloon fight. This is a great way to stave off boredom and you'll be sure to feel like a kid again while getting some fun exercise.

News: 4 Touched-by-the-Lord Potato Gun Video Tutorials

All of these four videos are excellent. You will notice that while all the videos and articles have slightly different design dimensions, they are fundamentally very similar. I urge you to view and read everything I am serving up. Then, my final words of advice are simply....choose between a barbeque switch and a taser gun. (Hint: there is a right choice, and there is a wrong choice.)

How To: Follow chopstick etiquette

Try using proper chopstick etiquette next time you are in a situation in which chopsticks are involved. If chopsticks are not a utensil you are used to using you may not realize that you are being rude or using them incorrectly.

How To: Cut down a tree

In this how-to video clip instructional series, our expert demonstrates how to fell a tree using either a chainsaw or a rope or both. He informs us about the correct tools to use to cut down a tree and about the safety equipment one needs to fell trees. He also explains the process of cutting down a tree, including planning the felling, planning escape routes, wedging, cutting notches in the tree trunk, using a felling wedge, felling a tree with a rope and a truck cutting down a tree with a c...

How To: Conduct a garage sale

Watch as garage sale aficionado Ron Hubble teaches how to plan and have a multi-family garage sale. Learn where to advertise for garage sales, how to word advertisement, where to post garage sale signs, the benefit of baked goods, how to price items, how to find items, how to display items, how to organize money between families, how to negotiate prices, how to clean up, and how to prepare throughout the year for a garage sale. There is no reason why your useless junk can't become somebody el...

How To: Install a shower head

In this series of home improvement videos, expert engineer and licensed home inspector George A. Finn III guides you through the entire process of installing a new hand-held shower head. He shows you what tools you’ll need to get started and offers tips on planning the installation process. He demonstrates how to remove the old shower head, tape the pipe for proper threading, and then shows you the correct procedure for installing the hand-held showerhead, connecting the hose, and how to test...