Eating Plenty Search Results

How To: Eat Green Mangoes in the Vietnamese Tradition

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly eat green mangoes the Vietnamese way. The ingredients you need are: washed cold green mangoes, a peeler, a plate, sugar, a spoon, a bowl, and fish sauce. First, peel your mango until it's all the way free of the skin and cut the mango into slices. Now, in your small bowl you will pour in fish sauce and add in sugar, then mix together. Now, you can dip your mangoes into the sauce and eat as much as you like! This is a delicacy in Vietnam and how they ...

Triathlon food: What to eat

Serious triathlon training involves energy expenditures upwards of 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day. Maintaining the level of food consumption for this kind of output means that triathletes in training are basically eating lots, and eating often. Renowned celebrity chef and Ironman triathlete Rocco DiSpirito recommends eating lots of bananas, peanut butter & jelly, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and organic chicken stock to get the food intake levels up to that point.

How To: Do color correction in Final Cut Pro

There will be plenty of times that your movie footage, or video clips or images will need color adjustments. Watch and learn how to do color correction (especially for balancing white) using Final Cut Pro. Learn about indoor vs outdoor color temperatures. Do color correction in Final Cut Pro.

How To: Make and eat polenta, the traditional way

In order to make and eat Polenta the traditional way, you will need the following: 600 grams polenta flour, 1.5 liters of warm water, 2 liters of boiling vegetable or meat stock, salt, and a tomato meat sauce. Slowly add the polenta to the water. Add it a little at a time, stirring it constantly. A wire whisk may help you to avoid lumps. Bring to a boil. Add the stock one ladle at a time. Stir it as you add the stock. Allow it to cook for 30 minutes.

News: Great Discussion on Finishing PVC

This forum has a discussion about painting PVC that has some opinions from very accomplished people, including Volpin Props. They go over primers, adhesion promoters, sanding and more, and if you see these people's work, they are the go-to guys for informed ideas on this subject.

How To: Mix a Don Draper

NYC graphic designer Ho-Mui Wong created this homage to Mad Men’s Don Draper for the FADER. To embody the legend, you will need: icy cold stares, ineffective fathering skills, an appetite for unsavory women, cold emotional stoniness, plenty of shameful secrets, advertising genius, and of course—whiskey neat on ice.

Meat, Manners, and Mayhem: Vegetarian-Carnivore Communication

If you’ve watched The June the Homemaker Show, you’ve heard me mention once or twice that I’m a vegetarian. Over the course of my restricted diet eating, I’ve noticed that vegetarianism is a touchy subject among vegetarians and carnivores alike, particularly in meal-type situations. Here are some things for omnivores and, uh, not-omnivores to keep in mind when talking to each other about food preferences.

News: New Hair Bet

You buy some booze and invite your "friends" to come have a drink with you and when they show up you start drinking and propose a bet say I bought the alcohol and invited you assholes so the first person to pass out tonight has to have a eating contest with who ever I say the next day... and they should most likely all agree because it seems so harmless....

How To: Dance the six major steps of Beyoncé's Single Ladies

Dance instructor Michelle Hillier of fit2dance breaks down six dance moves that can be found in Beyoncé's popular hit "Single Ladies". She breaks down six steps of this craze. This is from Beyonce's I am Sasha Fierce video. The six moves are the following: the spank, the pump walk, hip shake, wind down, pussy cat crouch, & put a ring on it. These are rad and new dance moves. Remember the sassy attitude and plenty of booty shakes! Dance the six major steps of Beyoncé's Single Ladies.

News: Where do you like to eat?

This is like a survey to determine the restaurant which people dine in and if they are knowledgeable of restaurants that sell authentic food. Can you help me out by listing the restaurants that you prefer to eat. I would also like if you explain why you like it.

News: Weston Price Foundation

The Weston Price Foundation is the gold standard for truly good nutrition. Weston Price was a dentist practicing in the 1930s who over the course of many summers visited fourteen different native groups and correlated the health of their teeth to what they were eating. He consistently found that as long as the people ate their traditional whole foods diet, their teeth (and the rest of their bodies) were healthy. When they started eating Westernized foods their dental and overall health deteri...

News: a shi**y banana

shit in an empty banana peel then super glue it shut, set up a banana eating contest where you have to be blindfolded and finish the bananas as fast as you can. then place the shitty banana in the bunch that you have to eat

News: Would You Eat This? Red Velvet Fried Chicken I have decided to start a new tag called "would you eat this". Seriously, would you? I love me a good red velvet cake and my husband can tell you how much I love fried chicken, but would you bring these two great flavors together? The chicken is fried in a red velvet batter, AND it's served with cream-cheesed infused mashed potatoes.

How To: Make In-N-Out Burgers at Home

Here at WonderHowTo, we're fascinated with the art of fast food replication: McDonald's, White Castle, KFC, Taco Bell, and now Serious Eats brings us another American classic—the fabled In-N-Out burger. Those of us on the western side of the country are all too familiar with In-N-Out. Delicious fries. Fresh ingredients. The legendary secret menu.